18 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2018
    1. Stockton’s trial is meant to deliver examples of that sentiment, challenging the notion that people needing help have not tried hard enough.

      Does this mean that people will scoff at the results? That seems to be the risk.

    2. Milton Friedman, darling of laissez-faire economics, embraced the idea of negative income taxes t

      woah! Milton Friedman?

    3. This is consistent with the argument that inequality is politically destabilizing.

  2. May 2018
    1. Once crime and violence are under control, then public spaces become more inviting and public life returns.”

      This is why one of my student groups that was developing an economic development strategy for fresno proposed a crime reduction strategy...the basics have to be in place for a city to thrive.

    2. his is a place someone could come in with an idea and get something accomplished,

      I've heard people say that about Portland as well...that leadership is accessible, people share, less insular, etc.

  3. Apr 2018
    1. hampered by its relative lack of ethnic and racial diversity


    2. Other companies followed

      path dependence: one investment led to others

    3. region’s workforce, but the collapse of steel set off a similar cataclysm in other industrial and mining businesses all over the region—which had a vicious knock-on effect, wiping out thousands of small local businesses, ravaging the local tax base and humbling the city’s once-thriving industrial finance sector, anchored by the Mellon family, which had made Pittsburgh a national banking powerhouse third only to New York and Chicago.

      Backward linkages which in this case was part of negative lock in!

    4. pushing for guaranteed-wage pacts that would buy them a few more years of solvency instead of girding for the industry’s eventual decline by focusing on new technologies and retraining their workers.

      This lack of acceptance of new ideas....was cited as problem. Being open to new ideas is key to adaptability!

    1. There may be a strategic shift in resources under way — one that forecasts a further diversification of industry leaders and their suppliers, creating efficiencies, strengthening supply chains, maximizing resources, and enhancing productivity for all participants in the coming years.

      which "stage" among the three stages of location decisons will be affected?

    2. HMMM. which of the three stages would they consider safety in?

  4. Dec 2017
    1. I can only imagine how it has reopened the wounds of the women who came forward with their stories about him, and did not receive enough attention. This country is currently trying to reconcile itself to years of power abuse and sexual misconduct. Its leader is wantonly poking the bear.

      Poking the bear?

  5. Nov 2017
    1. If, as municipalities are often required to assert when they adopt TIF, all of the increment is attributable to the activities of the TIF development authority, then TIF is fair, in that the school district is not giving up any would-be revenues

      However, how will they pay for the new students that enter the schools?

    2. To understand the economics and politics of TIF, it is crucial to note that while the municipality makes the TIF adoption decision, the TIF area value is part of the tax base of the school district and other local governments as well.

      This is indeed a huge obstacle to getting a TIF district passed. The overlapping districts will oppose the TIF district if they will incur costs (eg new students in a school district) without receiving the revenue to deal with those expenditures

    3. To understand the economics and politics of TIF, it is crucial to note that while the municipality makes the TIF adoption decision, the TIF area value is part of the tax base of the school district and other local governments as well.

      This is a crucial part of the politics.

    4. Moreover, the TIF district gets revenues from the increment times the combined tax rate for all local governments together.

      This depends on the specfiics of the enabling legislation

    1. unnecessary learning obstacles.

      But isn't part of learning figuring out how to overcome obstacles? I have examples of students who have faced obstacles in group work, and working through these is part of the learning process

    2. accommodate

      Wow. this is pretty cool