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  1. Apr 2021
    1. The human need and desire to form intimate relationships is so strong that it happens allthe time online, often without great difficulty. Mobile and social media play a big part inthis.

      This reminds me of 'FOMO', fear of missing out, which can be leads to depression and social anxiety among teenagers.

    2. Bullying, harassment, cruelty, and betrayal are harmful and troubling in anycontext—digital or face-to-face—and are the handiwork of humans, not machines

      Society is responsible to teach how to use technology/internet properly to prevent future cybercrimes and regulations as well.

    3. if people “definesituations as real, they are real in their consequences” (Thomas & Thomas, 1928). Digitalexperiences and the spaces in which they take place are quite real and have real, definiteconsequences

      This is interesting point of view of 'virtual' especially we are moving fast into VR and 4th industrial revolution.