13 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. A web application is a collection of servlets, HTML pages, classes, and other resources that make up acomplete application on a web server

      웹앱의 정의 : 완전한 웹 앱을 만드는 서블릿, 페이지 등의 모음


  2. Feb 2023
    1. If theunpacked digest doesn't match node B's own version of the digest, either the message wastampered with in-flight, or the sender did not have node A's private key (and therefore wasnot node A).

      메시지나 서명이 위조되면 message digest가 불일치함

    2. the checksum would no longer match.

      plaintext를 해싱한 결과가 checksum이기 때문에, 위조된 text를 해싱했을 때 다른 checksum을 가지게 됨.

    3. use public-keycryptography to conveniently set up secure communication between nodes but then to use that securechannel to generate and communicate a temporary, random symmetric key to encrypt the rest of thedata through faster, symmetric cryptography.

      대칭키 교환을 위한 채널을 수립하기 위한 용도로 비대칭키 암호화 사용, 이후 통신은 대칭키 암호화 사용

    4. no one other than X can decodethe messages, because only X has the decoding private key dx .
    5. Because each host is assigned an encoding key,which everyone uses, public-key cryptography avoids the N2 explosion of pairwise symmetric keys(see Figure 14-9).

      서버는 공개키를 관리하고 클라이언트에게 비밀키를 발급/전달, 클라이언트는 서버의 공개키와 자신의 비밀키를 관리.

      대칭키의 키 관리 어려움을 해결.

    6. web clients andservers don't need to change much of their protocol processing logic to use secure HTTP.



    1. JSP overcomes almost all the problems of Servlet. It provides better separation of concern, now presentation and business logic can be easily separated.

      비즈니스 로직을 JavaBeans에서, 뷰를 JSP에서 처리하도록 관심사 분리. 재사용성 증가.

    2. You don't need to redeploy the application if JSP page is modified.

      presentation과 business logic을 분리. JSP는 코드 변경 시 recompile해서 보여줌

    3. The controller module acts as an interface between view and model. It intercepts all the requests i.e. receives input and commands to Model / View to change accordingly.

      navigation control 기능을 controller로 centralize

  3. Jan 2023
    1. If theprevious use of inheritance was visible to clients, then thisreimplementation may require changes to the clients.

      상위 클래스의 내부 구현이 노출됨

    2. Thus, the freedom of the designer tochange the implementation of a class is reduced.

      상위 클래스의 변경이 모든 하위 클래스에 영향을 미치므로, 단순히 rename 하기도 어려워 짐.
