2 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. We can be pretty sure we’ll need to repeat the key phrase “economic inequality” in ensuing paragraphs or substitute variations like “inequality,” “economic stratification” or “the disparity between rich and poor,” to remind readers of our central idea. 

      Some other neat phrases can be: "class struggle" "economic exploitation" or my personal favorite, "Techno-Feudalism".

    1. Ultimately, though, hitting upon the right way to link our ideas can be one of the most satisfying moments in the writing process. Everything falls into place. When we do manage to clarify that connection, we can relax and readers can relax as they follow the argument’s flow from one point to the next.    

      I wish to achieve this with my writing. As like in the writing, it is satisfying to see it all come together in a single paper. Connecting points in a way that makes sense is something I will strive to do.