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    1. social media, communication generated by news media and the general public coexist on an inter-active online platform (Neubaum & Krämer, 2017), which thus offers researchers a fruitful contextfor investigating the dynamic interaction between the news agenda and the publ

      I would argue that social media is not purely democratic, and that agenda setting can still play a role. The corporations, through their use of algorithms, play a major role in determining who sees what, and what content goes viral.

    1. They'll say, like-"She didn't ask me to lunch. What do you think is wrong?" It getsreally old, you know? I've had to ask a lot of them to stop complaining to me about thatsort of thing ... and men just don't do that.

      It is interesting how the employees tend to frame issues at the company in terms of gender roles, with a kind of determinist attitude -- "we have these problems bc it's what women do" -- rather than talking more constructively about the behavioral issues at play and how they could be improved, regardless of the gender of the employees or managers.

    1. Littlejohn (1982),in what may be still the closest thingwe have to a comprehensive schematic overview, traced contributions tocommunication theory from disciplines as diverse as literature, math-ematics and engineering, sociology, and psychology.6

      One of the most interesting aspects of communication as a field, to me, is that is a crucial component of all of the social science disciplines.

    1. Rather than experience decrements to their expressiveness,users easily express themselves favorably using the content and style of languageand typographic features.

      By not needing to worry about physical presentation, people can concentrate more fully on the dialogue of a text-only interaction. It makes sense that people would be less self-conscious and therefore have an easier time opening up in these situations.

    1. In many respects, reconnected relationships parallel the factors that con-stitute an initial interaction, since dormant relationships include similar levels of self-disclosure as casual acquaintanceship

      It is interesting to use SPT to analyze reconnection of relationships in a parallel manner to new relationships. Social penetration occurring in this instance is essentially the idea of "catching up." But it needs to be reciprocal--if one person is willing to share new details about their life and the other isn't, social penetration and therefore reconnection is unlikely to occur.

    1. his heightened reactionincreases the likelihood that an individual will become combative toward their part-ner and use the silent treatment.

      The silent treatment is a shame-based communication style--"not only did you upset me, but you don't know why so I'm going to punish you by cutting off communication." For someone who deals with anxiety or insecure attachment issues, this is extremely triggering. I found this article validating because I think open communication ("when you do X, it makes me feel this way...") is always healthier and more constructive.

    1. I left the meeting disappointed because I had learned nothing new about the book or its subject.All I had learned about was the acumen of the critics.

      This is an interesting counterpoint, because as the "they say, I say" book points out, one of the main ways of entering the conversation in academic discourse is by disagreeing.