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  1. May 2024
    1. 𝔽[𝑧]F[z]\mathbb{F}[z] forms a vector space over 𝔽

      The fact that a polynomial q(z) might not be linear is irrelevant to whether the set of all polynomials 𝔽[z] forms a vector space over 𝔽.

      Here's why 𝔽[z] forms a vector space over 𝔽, regardless of individual polynomial degrees:

      Vector Space Requirements

      A vector space is a set of elements (vectors) along with two operations: addition of vectors and multiplication of vectors by scalars (from a field). This set and its operations must satisfy a list of axioms. The key axioms include:

      1. Closure under addition: The sum of any two polynomials is another polynomial.
      2. Associativity of addition: (p + q) + r = p + (q + r) for all polynomials p, q, r.
      3. Commutativity of addition: p + q = q + p for all polynomials p, q.
      4. Existence of a zero vector: The zero polynomial (all coefficients 0) acts as an additive identity.
      5. Existence of additive inverses: For every polynomial p, there exists a polynomial -p such that p + (-p) = 0 (the zero polynomial).
      6. Closure under scalar multiplication: Multiplying a polynomial by a scalar from 𝔽 results in another polynomial.
      7. Associativity of scalar multiplication: a(bp) = (ab)p for all scalars a, b in 𝔽 and all polynomials p.
      8. Distributivity of scalar multiplication over vector addition: a(p + q) = ap + aq for all scalars a in 𝔽 and all polynomials p, q.
      9. Distributivity of scalar multiplication over field addition: (a + b)p = ap + bp for all scalars a, b in 𝔽 and all polynomials p.
      10. Identity element of scalar multiplication: 1p = p for the scalar 1 in 𝔽 and all polynomials p.

      Why 𝔽[z] Satisfies the Axioms

      • Polynomials are Closed under Addition and Scalar Multiplication: When you add two polynomials or multiply a polynomial by a scalar, the result is always another polynomial with coefficients in 𝔽.
      • Associativity, Commutativity, Distributivity: These properties follow directly from the properties of addition and multiplication in the field 𝔽.
      • Zero Vector and Additive Inverses: The zero polynomial exists and for every polynomial, there's a corresponding polynomial with the signs of all coefficients flipped, which acts as the additive inverse.

      Example (from the original text):

      • p(z) = 5z + 1
      • q(z) = 2z^2 + z + 1

      We can see:

      • (p + q)(z) = 2z^2 + 6z + 2 (This is another polynomial)
      • (2p)(z) = 10z + 2 (This is another polynomial)


      The linearity of any individual polynomial within 𝔽[z] does not impact the fact that 𝔽[z] as a whole satisfies the axioms of a vector space over 𝔽. The vector space structure comes from how the polynomials interact with each other through addition and scalar multiplication, not from the degree of individual polynomials.