77 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. Work from a printed copy; it’s easier on the eyes. Also, problems that seem invisible on the screen somehow tend to show up better on paper.

      I work so much better with reading paper copies. It's easier for me to annotate using different colors and I can add in thoughts wherever I need on the paper.

    2. I thought I could just revise in a few minutes.

      I wish!

    3. Think about your purpose in writing

      Introductions and conclusions are the hardest part for me...

    4. Wait awhile after you’ve finished a draft before looking at it again

      I use this trick for a lot of decisions. I can also think better when the ideas have had a day or two to marinate.

    5. Well, that’s a part of revision called editing. It’s another important final step in polishing your work. But if you haven’t thought through your ideas, then rephrasing them won’t make any difference.

      I always have trouble finding parts of my essays to revise other than finding better words and making sure sentences don't all start with the same word.

    1. Tomorrow Will Be a Better Day - Paragraph 1

      My dad has had the some conversation with me regarding my future and the future of the world. I think the author structured this really nicely around this idea.

    2. "Every time you get away from home, thinking about how you're going to reinvent yourself, you end up hanging on to the things about yourself that are the most familiar."

      As a 15 year old girl, I am constantly trying to find myself and really find my purpose. Even when I try to step out of my comfort zone, I still go back to the places I feel most comfortable.

    3. "My mother always tells me that the hair color you are born with is the one that looks best on you, and I want to make sure that there's something inside of me that's always going to be worth returning to."

      I feel like I can relate to this because I was born with blonde hair but it has gotten darker over time. I now get my hair highlighted because I feel more myself when my hair is lighter.

    4. In general, I love how the author took an activity and concept that everyone can relate to and turned it into a deeper meaning. I think that this makes the story so much more intriguing and relatable.

    5. "Solving the Rubik's Cube has made me believe that sometimes you have to take a few steps back to move forward."

      I love how the author included this because not only was I able to feel more connected to her feelings, but I can also relate to her emotions because I have had the same experience with Rubik's Cubes.

    1. smaller-portion sizes

      I don't see how this in particular could help. There are potion sizes on the back of all food boxes or bags and barely anyone actually goes by it.

    2. The goal is ambitious. The challenges are real

      I feel like this whole campaign is a huge oxymoron. They're advertising to buy the unhealthy drinks but stay healthy at the same time.

    3. The companies will provide a "nudge" to consider that information when making a choice.

      Given that everyone is already aware of the health risks... I don't see the beverage companies mentioning it as a huge help.

    1. While the beverage companies have branched into some of these areas, they are not eager to see the drop in traditional sodas continue. For that reason, their latest anti-obesity campaign doesn't have much fizz.

      It seems to me like this whole idea is just a huge publicity stunt... Especially considering we are still going to see commercials promoting these products.

    2. he soft drink companies are out to counter this trend. The best way to look at the new campaign is as a sales theme. Companies can promote diet beverages under the theme of health much as they promote sports drinks by linking them to highly fit athletes.

      It's weird how as these companies are trying to promote healthier lifestyles while coming out with all of these new drink and fountain drink machines.

    3. The problem is that diet sodas aren't necessarily an improvement.

      I don't like drinking soda in general and I know that I don't feel any better after drinking diet soda as opposed to regular soda.

    4. will do so through smaller packages

      How do you think this will be effective if the actual soda companies aren't the ones distributing the beverages?

    5. America's sugary drink industry wants you to know that it cares about your health

      I wonder how they are going to act on this... For some reason I find this hard to believe

  2. Oct 2017
    1. a child heavy with hurt, wanting his mother.

      Even though his mother is physically present, I think he wants his mother to emotionally be there for him. He is very patient about his mothers condition.

    2. dampened pop

      There is lots of imagery and connotation in this story

    3. And that evening when I drove toward home and stopped for gas at the intersection of two country roads,

      I thought the son was younger but seeing that he can drive, he must me at least 16

    4. She pointed at the toe of my boot and said, “Whose head is that? Is it a baby’s?” She looked at the sunlight coming along the wall and asked me why they had done that, why they hadn’t left it the way it was.

      I feel so sorry for not only the mother, but the child as well. And so far, it seems like they are going through this alone.

    5. I was feeding my mother her breakfast at Emory Hospital, where we had taken her again for more tests,

      That' a lot of responsibility for any child... Makes you relly put things into perspective.

    1. family move carried me away from Ohio 30 years ago; my schooling and marriage and job have kept me away ever since, except for visits in memory and in flesh. I returned to the site of our farm one cold November day, when the trees were skeletons and the ground shone with the yellow of fallen leaves.

      I can infer that he felt upset going back because it seemed like all of his memories with his dad were being destroyed.

    2. It was a troubled love, for much of the land I knew as a child had been ravaged. The ponds in the Arsenal teemed with bluegill and beaver, but they were also laced with TNT from the making of bombs

      She felt a connection to the land from her father and it made her upset to see it in poor conditions

    3. I gagged.

      She did not like the way the tree bark smelled

    4. He sought to ward off arthritis not because he feared pain but because he lived through his hands, and he dreaded the swelling of knuckles, the stiffening of fingers. What use would he be if he could no longer hold a hammer or guide a plow?

      I can infer that his father was a very strong man and always put others before himself

  3. calscorneratmarginalmaddy.blogspot.com calscorneratmarginalmaddy.blogspot.com
    1. They lie side by side in my lap, their palms turned up as if to catch this fleeing moment as it falls away. But as I peer down into them they begin to move on their own, to turn and shift. I watch the left hand slowly rise to place its palm against my heart. and watch the right rise swiftly to enfold the other.

      I can infer that he admired his dad a lot because he wants to honor his fathers life through his

    2. There is, as we know, a field of coldness just beyond the reaching tips of our fingers and this hair has been discouraged and has fallen back.

      I can infer that his father has passed away based on the cold context he is using and he is also talking about him in past tense.

    3. ore and more frequently since I entered my fifties I have begun to see my father's hands out at the ends of my arms. Just now, the left and more awkward one lies curled in my lap while the right one massages the beard on my chin. On the ring finger of the left is the silver wedding band that my wife gave me, not my father's gold ring with its little yellow sapphire. But I am not deceived; this wearing of my ring on his ring finger is part of my father's respectful accommodation of me and of my life and marriage.

      I can infer that the narrator has very little confidence and I think it may be because of his relationship with his father.

    1. Shewrotedownwhatshedid.Nowshehaslostthepaper.

      It seems like the recipe was almost meant to be kept a secret. Considering the original recipe was no where to be found and the new recipe was now lost.

    2. Decatur

      Some of my family is from Decatur, Illinois!

    3. Thecrispflushofcitiesmakesmeweep.Stripcenters.PoodlegroomingandTake-outThai.Iamangryoverlostdepartmentstores,wistfulforsomethingIhavenevertastedorseen

      Because of the small town the narrator lives in, he/she feels disconnected from the rest of the world.

    4. Mymotherhadwatchedmygrandfathermakethesyrupsooftenshethoughtshecouldreplicateit.

      I can infer that her mother spent a lot of time at her grandfathers drug-store.

    5. Mygreat-grandfatherhadonespecialty:aMintSnowballwhichheinvented.SomepeopledroveallthewayinfromDecaturjusttotasteit.Firsthestirredfreshmintleaveswithsugarandsecretingredientsinasmallpotonthestoveforaverylongtime.Heconcoctedaflamboyantelixirofmint.Itsscentclungtohisfingersevenafterhawashedhishands.Thenheshavediceintotinyparticlesandserveditmoundedinaglassdish.Permeatedwithmintsyrup.Scoopsofrichvanillaicecreamtoeachside.Mymothertookabiteofmintyiceandicecreammixedtogether.TheMintSnowballtastedlikewinter.SheclosedhereyestoseetheSwissvillagemygreat-grandfather’sparentscamefrom.Snowfrostingtheroofs.Glistening,danglingspokesof

      From the way she is describing the Mint Snowballs, I can infer that she associates a lot of great childhood memories with them.

  4. Aug 2017
    1. MAY 2007

      After reading this article it seems like the last case involving religion in schools was in 2006. Have there been any more since this was written?

    2. under God,”

      Are there any schools that have substituted this phrase in order to make the pledge less controversial?

    3. Can students be compelled to participate inaChristmas-themed music program?

      At dance, we like to use Christmas music instead of regular ballet music for our barre during the holidays. Our teacher has to go around the room and ask every students individually if this is ok or offensive to them in any way.

    4. rohibiting prayers athigh school football games in 2000.

      In a t.v. show that came out in the early 2000's (after 2000) the school was saying a prayer at football games at a public school. Was it not banned from all schools or did not all schools oblige by this law?

    5. Some Americans are troubled by what they see as an effort on the part of fed-eral courts and civil liberties advocates to exclude God and religious sentimentfrom public schools. Such an effort, these Americans believe, infringes uponthe First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion

      After just reading these two paragraphs, I can say that at my middle school the right to practice religion during school was not frowned upon whatsoever. However, the vast amount of religions (Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, etc.) made it impossible to practice religion as a school because there were too many religions to practice at once.

    1. Higher family income facilitates both public and private schoolchoice. Because most private schools charge tuition, only par-ents with the personal financial resources or financial aid toafford the tuition truly have the option of selecting a privateschool

      Do you think this creates less diversity within the school? Why or why not?

    2. n 1993,11 percent of students in grades 3–12 attended a public schoolchosen by their parents.

      I really like how in my area unless you are attending a private school, there are boarders for the public schools. I think it makes it so you can meet a ton of new people and creates diversity.

    3. Public schools depend primari-ly on local, state, and federal government funds, while privateschools are usually supported by tuition payments and sometimesby funds from other nonpublic sources such as religious organiza-tions, endowments, grants, and charitable donations

      I've always found this kind of controversial... Most families that enroll in a private school have to pay more money yet have less luxuries within the school. Families who enroll in public schools have to pay far less however have the A.C., the new water fountains, the comfortable chairs, etc. This is open for discussion: Are the luxury conditions and more affordable school something that you would compromise for a supposed better education?

    4. Because private schoolsare often perceived to be more successful in teaching students,with at least some empirical basis,2many reform proposals forpublic schools have looked to the private sector for models toemulate.

      The success of private schools has made it so they are the foundation or inspiration for many public schools. Where can we see influences from private schools in some public schools in our area?

  5. Jun 2017
    1. Lots of teachers don't want this kind of trouble. And people in science education say that in schools all over the country, evolution is mandated, but not being taught. Just as abortion is legal, but hard to find in many places.

      We can see this a lot in our modern world. A lot of people who are accused of being unfaithful are really just following rules that have blurred edges.

    2. Janesville

      Not related to what we are studying but the majority of my grandmas family grew up in Janesville, Wisconsin.

  6. May 2017
    1. “tomorrow will be a better day.”

      It's comforting to know that even in the midst of chaos, we always know that there is good to come out of it.

    2. that the world my generation grows into is going to get better, not worse. Those pictures helped me understand why.

      Just because the new generations are different doesn't mean they are bad. We look at technology and how schools have changed and only focus on the negative aspects of it. But, it is just different. The next generation will still be filled with success and happiness.

    1. I have love, blue skies, rainbows and Hallmark cards, and that has to be enough. It has to be enough, but it’s everything in the world and everything in the world is plenty for me.

      Many people make life about things like grades, money, social class when really, life should be based off of love and happiness.

    2. Atheism is not believing in God. Not believing in God is easy — you can’t prove a negative, so there’s no work to do.

      Personally although this article expresses a very strong and controversial subject, I do have respect for this author. He isn't putting himself out there with 0 knowledge and just trying to express his opinion, he has deliberate reasons for why he believes what he does and expresses his point of view through those reasons.

  7. Jan 2017
    1. he got plunked rightin his 7-Eleven-sized butt

      No matter how well you can throw, you can't let that get to your head because it doesn't matter if you can get other out if people can get you out as well.

    2. Referring to any child as it is demeaning and hurtful.

      In games like tag or man from mars, you are often inflicting emotional strain on the child by singling them out in a hurtful way.

    3. What's tag? What's a snowball fight? What's aclose play at second?

      Dodge ball seems like a very violent sport but when you think about it, we do activities for fun everyday that could be just as violent.

    1. God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.

      I think this demonstrates the importance of realizing when you do something wrong.

    2. Now there was a day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother's house,

      Being the oldest in my family, I can relate because there are times when I am my "brothers keeper" and I'm in charge of my siblings.

    1. “Do not even enter the village.”

      I think he doesn't want people to come to him for reasons that aren't important

  8. Sep 2016
    1. took breaks from classwork to be active during the day could concentrate better on schoolwork.

      I never knew that moving around could make such an impact on school work, but thinking about it now, I work best when I'm moving around.

    2. If siblings distract each other, have them work in separate rooms.

      Being one of four kids, I know what it's like when we're all doing homework in the same room - caos. Now, we will all do our homework in different rooms in order to let us all focus.

    3. Is she hungry or tired?

      My brother has ADD, and so my mom is super cautious of the environment he's working in and what he ate during that day to help him focus

    4. "A" with a pencil in his workbook, I can ask him to write it with chalk, shape it with Play-Doh, or even trace it with paint on a big easel,

      In my experience with kids, I've found that it's easier for come kids to learn one way, but for others to learn another. So, it's important to develop multiple ways to teach.

    5. they don't want to do.

      It's important to realize that children usually won't pay attention to the things that they don't want to do

    1. "Step by step, our classical ballet program helps students to build strength, coordination, technique and artistry,"

      There are so many things children learn from ballet classes, but at slow rate that won't overwhelm them.

    2. dancing for a live audience

      Not only does starting to dance in front of an audience at a young age reduce stage fright, but it also helps children find a new way to espress their emotions

    3. memorization, attention to detail, and the ability to benefit from a teacher's guidance

      Although not all dance schools put the younger children in recitals, I think it's important because it helps them with memorization and as stated, requires strict attention to detail.

    4. healthy as adults.

      It's so interesting how even when ballet is started at a young age, it can affect the health of an adult

    5. build character and boost self-esteem.

      I think this applies to any dance class at any age. At a young age, children need to a establish good character

    1. these qualities are way more important than a professional ballet résumé.

      I've never thought about this before, but seeing how teachers at my studio are with kids, it is so true!

    2. Steer clear of toddler dance classes that require students’ participation in recitals (and buying the costly costumes that go along with them). Plus

      I disagree with this statement because for children, most recital dances are very simple and just a showcase of the few dance steps they have learned throughout the year. In my opinion, it is very possible for children to learn the simple steps such as walking your your "tippy toes" and still have fun with analegies and eventually put that movement into a recital dance

    3. group situations

      Seeing the kids that I teach, they have all matured so much socially.

    4. healthy muscles and enhance your small fry’s flexibility

      I'm a dancer and I teach children ballet but I had no idea that there were so many physical benefits to having children placed in a ballet class.

    5. capable of (fairly) complex choreography by the time they hit 18 months.

      It's interesting how at such a young age children are capable of completing choreography. But, do they have the attention spans and ability to focus to be in a ballet class?

    1. Wonder Wheel: The Google Wonder Wheel can visually assist you as you refine your search from general to specific. Here's how to use this tool:

      I've never heard of this before, maybe I'll try it once we start our capstone.

    2. For instance, Raven and The Raven return entirely different results.

      I never thought about how much of a difference this can make. If I search "The Raven" will results for "Raven" still appear?

    3. Using quotation marks around a phrase will return only those exact words in that order.

      I've used this for searching songs before! If I know a line from the song, I will put it in quotation marks to find out what song it is.

    4. Use Caterpillar -Inc to exclude references to the company or Caterpillar -Inc -Cat to further refine the search.

      In school last year, we had a library session on how to exclude information from a search and this was one way. It not only narrows the search, but it gives you the specific information you're looking for.

    5. unique terms that are specific to the subject you are researching.

      When searching something specific, it important that your use specific terms. As the text states, a google search comes up with nearly 24,000 results. In order to eliminate the unneeded information, your search must be more specific.

    6. you just have to remove the irrelevant pages and the unhelpful/incorrect results

      In my opinion, the key to relevant research is finding relevant sources. I like how this quote explains how all of the information is there, it's just a matter of eliminating the sources and answers that won't help you.