5 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2024
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
catch trials
to ensure that learning actually occurred and it wasn't a fluke
although the magnitude of electric current varied by a large amount across individual birds,
a strength of the paper - adapted to the individual, standardized the effect or a limitation - not standardized shock magnitude
yet a short enough duration to avoid interfering with following song syllables
not noxious but significant enough to modulate behavior
target syllable
target syllable = syllable 'd' Fig. 2C - qualitatively can see a shift downward in the fundamental frequency during washout you can see the bird returning to its normal habits
- Sep 2024
www-nature-com.proxy.library.emory.edu www-nature-com.proxy.library.emory.edu
Incubation with Autofluorescence Eliminator reagent
I've done IHC before and never heard of autofluorescence eliminator before. From what I've read so far, it looks like these researchers were extremely thorough in their experimental design (ex: the four different DCX antibodies). I wonder if there is anything else they could've possibly done to enhance experimental validity.