- Apr 2022
www.procon.org www.procon.org
UBI at a level which can guarantee an acceptable standard of living is “impossibly expensive… Either the level of basic income is unacceptably low, or the cost of providing it is unacceptably high.”
it is not feasible for us to implement sadly without conducting action prior.
offset by eliminating federal, state, and local assistance programs; however, by Joffe’s calculation, “these offsets total only $810 billion… [leaving] a net budgetary cost of over $1.4 trillion for a universal basic income program.” [23]
even by cutting welfare programs, we still wouldnt be able to offset the cost of how much OBIs for everyone would be
would cost about $3.81 trillion per year, or about 21% of the 2018 GDP, or about 78% of 2018 tax revenue.
groups would be better, like those already on welfare or make bellow a certain amount. or a cap for the amount a household could get
1970’s found that participants of the trial were more likely to complete high school than counterparts not involved in the trial. [1]
this was the 70's. we are currently in 2022, highschool dropout rates have decreased in the US without OBI
awful job just to pay the bills
that JUST LIFE. we do what we haev to
inland, France, Italy, and the UK concluded that “rather than reducing the overall headcount of those in poverty, a BI [basic income] would change the composition of the income-poor population”
EVEN FINLAND wher UBI was trialed, negates its benefits
another model was donefrom Roosevelt institude. found economy would grow, emplyment, prices, and wages. APF increased purchasing power resulted in 10,000 + jobs for the state
many people lack more than just cash. UBI does not cure addiction, poor health, lack of skills, or other factors that contribute to and exacerbate poverty.
This is a HUGE reason why proverty and generational poverty exists. UBI may also lead people to use the funding to support their addictions since this legislation doesnt state what it can only be used for.
Luke Martinelli, PhD, Research Associate at the University of Bath, created three models of UBI implementation and concluded that all three would lead to a significant number of individuals and households who are worse off.
you’re redistributing income upward. That would increase poverty and inequality rather than reduce them.”
UBI could become like another American tipping system in which employers pay low wages and count on customers to fill in the gap with tips. [52]
lower "minumum wage pay" 15 dollars an hour could go to 10,theyll still make the same amount with UBI
The amount varies each year based on the stock market and other factors, and has ranged from $331.29 (1984) to $2,072 (2015).
keep in mind this was only annually. Americans would be recieiving 12,000 per year. possibly more per household. would alaskans continue to get this allowence?