118 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. we found that prior statistics warp neural representations in the frontal cortex allowing the mapping of sensory inputs to motor outputs to incorporate prior statistics in accordance with Bayesian inference. Analysis of recurrent neural network models performing the task revealed that this warping was enabled by a low-dimensional curved manifold, and allowed us to further probe the potential causal underpinnings of this computational strategy. These results uncover a simple and general principle whereby prior beliefs exert their influence on behavior by sculpting cortical latent dynamics.

      how does a low-d manifold enable the warping of representations and thereby the mapping of sensory_inputs-> motor_outputs?

    1. we observed transient increases in neural activity in both direct- and indirect-pathway SPNs when animals initiated actions, but not when they were inactive


    1. This normative model provides a core insight: the “optimal subspace” is likely high dimensional, with many different initial conditions giving rise to the same correct movement.

      Don't see how they arrived at this "insight"

  2. Apr 2024
    1. ‘elemental affect’ [51] – a representationalsignature that signals to downstream information processing systems that the incoming perceptualstimulus is somehow distinct from other stimuli, and therefore worthy of further attention.

      getting into infovore stuff... but not minimiing chaos

    2. Modern perceptual machines are in fact notoriously limited in terms of abstraction

      Russian psycologist's Mnemoist

    3. features most predictive of affect are the deepest features

      the same for semantic content?

    4. object and scene recognition

      are there separate models for measuring the affective character of objects and scenes (excluding semantics) that already exist (LLMs) and can be used to generate affective predictions?

    5. arousal


  3. watermark.silverchair.com watermark.silverchair.com
    1. Such a stable representation is a hallmarkof the reverberating activity constituting NCCs in the GNW the-ory (Dehaene et al. 2003) and, interestingly, was reduced in theRSVP condition


  4. Mar 2024
    1. we predict thatexperiments 3[3], 4[3], and 4[4] performed in the general setting –i.e. with integral dimensions, with children or monkeys as subjects,or when categorization difficulty is extrapolated from errors inidentification learning – should be better explained by ˆumean thanˆumin

      Significant and relevant to our work; BG learning

    2. n Feldman (2000,2003), he identified the extended catalog of logical categorystructures beyond SH

      Worth looking at

    3. That is, some subjects learn Type II veryfast and some learn it quite slow, and aggregate results essentiallyreflect the weighting of the two types of learners in a sample. Itmay be the case that subjects who are, implicitly or explicitly, con-structing rules that focus on fixing one dimension are the ones wholearn Type II slowly, but those who are constructing rules that fo-cus on fixing two dimensions are the ones who learn it quickly.It also might be that agents who focus on one rule over the otherweight that information more heavily:

      Or it could be some people are using BG (procedural) vs rule-based. Procedural would be closer to general domain (other animals) and RB would be closer to paradigm-specific (human)

    4. This is plausibly well-defined, in that the Boolean complexity startswith a maximally redundant list of the elements of a categoryand then reduces redundant elements: perhaps the complexityvalues at each step could be averaged

      Is it true that the heuristics will produce sets of different difficulty? mathematically, it feels like a canonical approach should yield equivalently complex lists (all boiled down lists should be the same), though in the real world, the heuristics you use might only get you so far and those end-points might have a variety of sets remaining to be categorized

    5. Part of the distinction is thatwhile GIST searches for ‘invariants’, it makes no distinction amongthe non-invariants about their degree of variance, while our metricdoes.

      Agreed, but GIST is prob easier to calculate with less info, (and can be applied empirically) and therefor more applicable in real life situations. information complexity requires knowledge of the solution set; I don't immediately see how it can be boot-strapped

    6. Now consider d = 2. If two dimensions are known,what is the uncertainty about the stimulus category A? First, con-sider the first two dimensions. When the first two dimensions areknown, then the category is known with certainty. That impliesthat the uncertainty associated with the first two dimensions iszero. Now consider the case when the first and third dimensionsare known. In this case, the category is completely unknown (thereas many stimuli with first and third dimensions equaling, for ex-ample, (0, 0), in the category A as B) and so uncertainty is maxi-mized at 1. This same argument applies when the second and thirddimensions are known (uncertainty is maximized).

      What the fuck are they saying?? this makes noooo sense.

    7. that is, there are as many cat-egory A stimuli with a zero as the first entry as category B stimuli,and so on

      unclear. Wouldn't I have a hint that I'm more likely to be in a catergory A group {i.e. (0,0,0), or (0,1,0)? My probability changed from 1/8 to 1/4... Is this a Monty Hall thing? fuckin hate probability

    8. metric

      This metric can be minimized by reducing the entropy across non-primary dimensions. This does indeed occur when one dimension has a lot of explanatory power, or is not very surprising, and this is weighted to scenarios where that dimension is bound up in the grouped calculations (I think)

    9. Table 2

      It's not clear to me how 6 SHJ types are distributed across the 3 dimensions. I understand its a binary sequence.

    10. this applies to the paradigm-specific order, in which so-phisticated learners can observe separable dimensions and mayemploy abstraction or attention with regard to these dimensions

      ultimately leads to greater info. We need to SWITCH from breadth- to depth- when we want to build a skyscraper. This would also imply a move to greater modularity and a restructuring of the NN as a multi-agent model

    11. The core finding is that Type II was moredifficult for the monkeys to learn than Types III–V (which the au-thors elect to average across in their reporting)

      Is this because of the credit assignment problem????!!!!! If so, how would the others be easier for the credit assignment problem? (and shouldn't this also hold in RL networks?)

    12. SHJ types

      From ChatGPT:

      The six possible categorizations mentioned are part of a study by Shepard, Hovland, and Jenkins (1961) which explored how people learn to categorize different stimuli into groups based on varying levels of complexity.

      These categorizations are typically referred to by Roman numerals I to VI, each representing a different level of classification difficulty according to the stimulus features. Here are the six types:

      Type I (Single-Dimension): Classification is based on a single attribute or dimension. For example, if objects can be categorized as 'big' or 'small', 'big' might be Category A and 'small' might be Category B.

      Type II (Conjunctive): Classification is based on a conjunction of two attributes. An example would be objects that are both 'big' and 'round' being categorized as A, while all others are B.

      Type III (Disjunctive): Classification allows for the inclusion of objects in category A based on one attribute or another (e.g., objects are categorized as A if they are either 'big' or 'round').

      Type IV (Biconditional): Category membership depends on the combination of two attributes. For example, an object is in Category A if it's 'big and round' or 'small and square'; otherwise, it's in Category B.

      Type V (Exclusive-Or, XOR): Classification is based on an exclusive-or relationship between attributes. An object is in Category A if it's 'big or round' but not both.

      Type VI (Relational): The most complex type, where classification is based on the relationship between objects rather than their individual attributes. For example, an object is in Category A if it's bigger than another object but smaller than a third object.

      These types are ordered from easiest (Type I) to most difficult (Type VI) for human learners to classify.

      The "three binary-valued dimensions" refer to the three features or attributes that each object in the experiment can have, with each attribute having two possible values (binary-valued). For instance, these dimensions could be size (big or small), shape (round or square), and color (red or green). Each object in the study would then have a combination of these attributes (e.g., a big, round, red object).

      The SHJ classification system has become a standard framework for studying category learning and concept formation, as it provides a clear structure for manipulating the complexity of categorization tasks and examining the cognitive processes involved in learning and memory. If you're looking for a more detailed explanation, the original paper by Shepard, Hovland, and Jenkins, titled "Learning and Memorization of Classifications" published in "Psychological Monographs: General and Applied", would be the primary source to consult.

    13. There arefour separate cases that yield results consistent with this order-ing: first, stimulus generalization theory, which generates a pre-diction of the ordering of the classification problems based on thefrequency of mistakes (pairwise confusions) in learning uniquelabels (i.e., identification learning) for each item (Shepard et al.,1961); second, stimuli comprised of integral dimensions (Garner,1974) that are difficult for the learner to perceptually analyze anddistinguish, such as brightness, hue, and saturation (Nosofsky &Palmeri, 1996); third, learning by monkeys (Smith, Minda, & Wash-burn, 2004); fourth, learning by children (Minda, Desroches, &Church, 2008).


      To the second point, consider "integral" dimensions as opposed to "separable" dimensions. Perhaps we vectorize spaces to speed up operations, when really it's higher-dimensional subspaces (like a blob off in the corner of a vector space) that is more suited to the object representation.

      In terms of neural wiring, this could be the consequence of anatomical reductions to facilitate processing of common objects; I simply don't have access to those represetnations because I'm out of the learning phase and onto the sharpening/speeding up phase

    1. Our results imply that redundancy across a distributed network could mask possible causalroles in optogenetics experiments

      Important to keep in mind for future papers

    2. They claim a model must be modular to show recovery of unilateral Pi. In particular, in their model:

      "each module can produce ramping independently; recovery from unilateral perturbation is achieved by specific inter-module connectivity (e.g. commissural axons); the intermodule connections have little net effect during normal operation."

    3. This is inconsistent withattractors with a pair of fixed points (one for each choice condition) 29

      Read and understand this

    4. Important to remember: Each hemisphere provides a signal that gets the ALM ramping (planning) back on track. If unilateral signal gets knocked out early, then we see recovery; if too late, then no recovery (not enough time to re-entrain)

    5. Remarkably, behavioral performance was unaffected (Fig. 5b, control trials, before vs. aftercallosotomy, p>0.05, two-tailed t-test), with normal performance 17 hours after callosotomy(Extended Data Fig. 10b). However, behavioral performance was now highly sensitive totransient unilateral photoinhibition

      Parallel decision-making circuits with competition? Two consciosunesses?

    6. Circuit dynamics are actively restored alongbehavior-related directions in the activity space, but not along certain non-informativedirections

      does this imply the unilterally-coded info isnt info-containing? at least, wrt respinse selective outcomes?

    7. his ‘ramping mode’ could reflect non-specific‘urgency’ 39 driven by a source external to ALM.

      reminds me of the coding direction stuff of Wang(?) and the CD_delay CD_response

    8. Second, we obtained a mode that maximized sustained effects of ipsilateral perturbations(‘persistent mode’, Fig. 3d). By construction, the persistent mode was altered by theperturbation, up to and beyond movement onset. However, this projection did notdiscriminate trial type nor predict behavior on control trials

      maybe a gross motoric component (from planning phase) that affects the smoothness of response but not the response itself

    9. that activity “caught up” to reach the same level as in unperturbed trials

      What is the mechanism for selecting the speed here???? If it's DA, then how does the machinery catch up? If we Pi both areas, does it speed up to catch the original timeline as if we didn't? i.e. is DA the machinery dictating the time component or is it something else?

    10. Transient (duration, 0.5 s) unilateralphotoinhibition of ALM up to the ‘go’ cue (late delay) caused an ipsilateral response bias (n= 5 mice, p < 0.01, two-tailed t-test; Fig. 1d), similar in magnitude to photoinhibition overthe entire delay epoch (Extended Data Fig. 3) 3, 30. In contrast, photoinhibition ending atleast 0.3 s prior to the ‘go’ cue produced minimal behavioral effects (middle delay, earlydelay; p > 0.1, two-tailed t-test).

      Early photoinhibition (Pi) has little effect, late Pi quashes selectivity

    11. Models of persistent and ramping activity 5, 18, 22-24, 35-37 do not recover after transientlysilencing subsets of neurons (Fig. 1c; Extended Data Fig. 1f-i). We transiently silencedpreparatory activity

      We would want this to agree with our model

    12. Network models can produce persistent and ramping activity, including integrators 15, 18-21and trained recurrent networks 22-24.

      Should learn about this and read these sources

    13. Perturbations to one hemisphere are thus corrected by informationfrom the other hemisphere.

      Does our model explain how this can be done?

    14. detailed neural dynamics that drive specific future movementswere quickly and selectively restored by the network

      By what mechanism?

    1. In this condition, feedback was delayed by 2.5 seconds after the response

      so this would curtail S-R learning? because of credit assignment problem (CAP?)

    2. Second, note that the two-stage model learns consistently, both during training and during transfer. Thus, this model successfully solves the credit assignment problem.

      dont understand how this conclusion is derived

    3. distinguished between an associative loop through the caudate nucleus and a motor loop through the putamen

      Still supported?

    4. One clue comes from fMRI studies of II category learning, which have not reported a consistent site of task-related activation within the striatum. Some studies have reported activation in both the caudate nucleus and the putamen (Cincotta & Seger 2007; Seger & Cincotta, 2002), while other studies have reported task-related activity either only in the putamen

      So putamen/striatum might deal with different aspects of S-R learning?

    5. In contrast, creating new categories from the same stimuli in any other way should be less disruptive, because only some of the associations would have to be relearned, but not all. Existing empirical data, however, indicate that reversal learning is easier than learning novel categories

      This makes sense if learning is a twofold process. Hebbian synapses at CC junctions to associate short-time-sliced phases of responses together; and DA-mediated plasticity that changes those commands more grossly. Hence, when playing squash, I can more easily change my decision about taking a shot with a backhand vs forehand as compared to changing something closer to the "root", like changing my grip.

    6. recovery from a full reversal should be easier than learning new categories equated for difficulty

      How is this built into the model?

    1. D go

      where is D_go? Thalamus?

    2. D

      notice that SNr QUICKLY responds to cue, on the order of th PPN!

    3. thal ALM

      in some sense, thalALM is the last to hear it

    4. Inputs to ALM-projecting thalamus

      lots of anatomy

    1. For example, preparatory activ-ity emerged in PTlower neurons during the delay epoch (along CDlate)and persisted through the go cue and up to the termination of lickingbouts. In the same cell type, and sometimes in the same individualcells (for example, Fig. 6d; cell #3), activity was modulated after thego cue along a different direction (CDgo), consistent with a movementcommand.

      how to interpret this?

    2. The thalamus also receivesa projection from L6 corticothalamic neurons, but these neurons aresparsely active, uncoupled from PT neurons, and have weak synapseson thalamic neurons

      what do they do then?

    3. Previous studies have suggested that collaterals of PT neurons to thethalamus13,14 might provide an efference copy of motor commands

      my thought

    4. terminating movements


    5. PTlower population revealed neurons that were strongly modu-lated at the go cue, at the offset of movement, or both


    6. In this projection, selectivitywas larger and more consistent across trials in the PTupper populationcompared to the PTlower population (Fig. 5b). Furthermore, selectivityin the PTupper population remained constant throughout the sample anddelay epochs until the go cue

      This shows, pretty strongly, that the PT_lower neurons are not really active during this time. This weakens the idea that the PT_lower neurons (CD_response) are harboring copies of motor commands and are "ready and raring" to go. Insteda PT_lower seem to be the levers that PT_upper are pulling. This begs the question: how do PT_upper prepare the chain/sequence of commands? And moreover, how does it effectively transfer that chain to PT_lower?

      In short: it seems that PT_lower are NOT getting primed while PT_upper are queuing up a response. It seems weird though. There must be a shift of info, and a LOT of it, from PT_upper to PT_lower. Do the connections (data cables/bus cables) between these two populations suffice to transfer that plan without a prohibitive degree of latency?

      And how do they transfer it? It may still be the case that the PT_lower ARE preparing in some way, but not in a way that correlated with direction. Unless a small population of PT_lower IS selective for direction, but the rest of the population is agnostic to direction (but then those same direction-agnostic neurons in PT_upper wouldn't be predictive (in terms of coding direction) either

    7. Trial-averaged activity patterns were nearly as diverse within each PTpopulation as across all neurons recorded within ALM

      Equal sized populations (in terms of activity) imply that motor copies are possible

  5. Feb 2024
    1. Unlike previous observations in layer 2/3, activity accompanying learned movements did not become more consistent with learning; instead, the activity of dissimilar movements became more decorrelated. These results indicate that the relationship between corticospinal activity and movement is dynamic and that the types of activity and plasticity are different from and possibly complementary to those in layer 2/3. <div class="c-nature-box c-nature-box--side " data-component="entitlement-box"> <p class="c-nature-box__text js-text">You have full access to this article via your institution.</p> <div class="c-pdf-download u-clear-both js-pdf-download"> <a href="/articles/nn.4596.pdf" class="u-button u-button--full-width u-button--primary u-justify-content-space-between c-pdf-download__link" data-article-pdf="true" data-readcube-pdf-url="true" data-test="download-pdf" data-draft-ignore="true" data-track="click" data-track-action="download pdf" data-track-label="link" data-track-external download> <span class="c-pdf-download__text">Download PDF</span> <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" width="16" height="16" class="u-icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-download"/></svg> </a> </div> </div> You have full access to this article via CUNY Office of Graduate Studies Download PDF

      So basically, direct pathway was not improved, but indirect pathway is strengthened? no, no... both direct and indirect pathways were inhibited. but this is opposite what we'd assume in ALM.

      perhaps there is a normalization process occurring between planning and execution. the ALM trains certain movements to be more readily-accessible via dP and iP, leading to a relative decrease in unwanted movements. that is then normalized and then fed into M1; the normalization may be done in caudal ALM regions (MAC), in M1 itself, in a precursor to M1, or simply done by network dynamics connecting the two. It could also be that all actions are dynamically "on" in M1, but the signal from ALM causes unwanted M1 actions to die off as M1 entrains on single action "decisions"

    1. A classical way to probecortical output potential has been to monitor behavioral pat-terns elicited by microstimulation of cortical regions

      consider: what are the pitfalls of this? in general

      If the region is involved in multiple processing (planning, execution, and then FUTURE planning), then the future planning would be disrupted directly by that stimulation. alternatively, the network which sustains the signal normally may be disrupted by the local stimulation and therefore fail to play its role in other capacities

    2. notably its most anterior (referred to as anterior lateralmotor cortex [ALM]) and lateral domain (referred to as tongue/jaw motor cortex [tjM1]) were previously studied in the contextof orofacial behaviors including licking

      Given that ALM is more anterior than the LAC region studied - and that LAC is in charge of hands, but not forearms - we may infer that more anterior regions of the AC are responsible for finer (or computationally complex) movement. We can also place these movements on an planning vs emotion topology. The more caudal regions deal with gross movements, and the more anterior deal with finer, adjudicated movement, correlation to calm/collected and emotional aspects of movement.

    3. other subcortical structures

      which ones??? BG??!?!?!

    4. Distinct cortical regions generate three-dimensional syn-aptic columns tiling the lateral medulla, topographically matching the dorso-ventral positions of postsynapticneurons tuned to distinct forelimb action phases.

      forelimb movements are hardwired at the brainstem level, so perhaps the ALM LEARNS what "pieces" it has to work with.

    1. PT neurons of L5b are divided into exactly two groups: * thalamus-projecting neurons form L5b_upper (what regions in thalamus do these project to?) and, * brainstem-projection neurons from L5b_lower, inneverating the medulla and pons, particularly the SC in pons. (What of the medulla though? lateral rostral medulla (latRM)?


    2. uperior colliculus total: 97,Slco2a1: 43, Npsr1: 15, Hpgd: 39; pons total: 100, Slco2a1: 86, Npsr1: 5,Hpgd: 9; Fig. 2

      The pons- and SC- projecting L5 PT neurons are collateralized

    3. Similarly, thalamus-projecting PT neurons mapped to the Npsr1 andHpgd clusters

      Confusing: L5 PT are thalamus-projecting.... so corticothalamic? but L6 CT (corticothalamic) is also a thing.

      Is the notation to indicate that L5 has pyramidal tract neuron? or is it to indicate that L5 projects to thalamus AND brain stem?

    4. PT neurons form the sole cortical pro-jection to motor areas in the midbrain and hindbrain

      Notable! So by midbrain do they mean SNc? And hindbrain they mean medulla? Probably

    5. These results indicate that two types of motor cortexoutput neurons have specialized roles in motor control

      CORRECTION: These are BOTH L5b neurons, as PT somata define the location of L5b.

      PT_upper (planning) and PT_lower (execution) reflect subpopulations WITHIN L5b

    6. Intratelencephalic neurons in layers (L) 2–6 receive input fromother cortical areas and excite pyramidal tract (PT) neurons5–7 . PTneurons, the somata of which define neocortical L5b 8, link the motorcortex with premotor centres in the brainstem and spinal cord9,10 anddirectly influence behaviour10–12. PT neurons also project to the thala-mus6,13,14. Preparatory activity requires reverberations in a thalamocor-tical loop15. Consistent with roles in both the planning and initiation ofmovement, PT neurons are structurally heterogeneous14,16,17 and showdiverse activity patterns, including preparatory activity and movementcommands18–20.


    7. motor cortex population activity to aninitial condition

      In what sense?

    1. they constitute a learned response thatis specific to the sound used as the Go cue

      How is this learning in PPN achieved?

    2. Although PT lowercells have only weak connections with other pyramidal cells(Brown and Hestrin, 2009; Kiritani et al., 2012), they may influ-ence the network via their connections to local GABAergic inter-neurons or through multi-regional loops


    3. GtACR1

      inhibitory opsin; opens Cl- channels, allowing quick repolarization (hyperpolarization)

    4. Our hypothesis predicts that although both D go and CDresponseappear after the Go cue, they may be dissociable with manipula-tion of the CD response


    5. Activity along Dgo is non-selective(Figure 1E) and cannot decode lick direction (Figure S1J) becauseactivity changes around the Go cue are largely similar across trial

      maybe its a shifting-related command, but if its not directional, then what is it doing? signalling that a shift is ABOUT to happen? Whats the timing hree?

    6. Activity along Dgo explains a largeproportion of ALM activity after the Go cue (Figure S1I), similar tothe ‘‘condition-invariant signal’’ described in a primate reachingtask

      So this is the transition vector from one to the other, and this accounts for about 15-20% (and likely less than that due to the 4th coding type, below) of the neural fingerprints not attributed to delay/planning/CD_delay or action/CD_response.

      Still 10-15% unaccounted for

    7. This finding is consistent with theobservation that fine-scale movement parameters and reactiontimes are coded in preparatory activity (unpublished observa-tions) (Li et al., 2016; Even-Chen et al., 2019) and implies thatALM preparatory activity (activity along CD delay) contributes tocontrol of future movements (activity along CD response

      ALM-prep deals with fine-scale movements. So BG inputs to refine "loaded" signal over time?

    8. G

      Ask ChatGPT

    9. These two modes together explain71.2 (65.3–76.0) % (mean, 2.5%–97.5%confidence interval) of selectivity in ALMaround the movement initiation

      What does this really mean/

    10. Pearson’s correlation of this population selec-tivity vector is high across time within the delay epoch (Figure 1D,a box with white dotted outline), implying that a similar combina-tion of ALM neurons maintains selectivity during motor planning

      ALM-planning activity is NOT random

    11. e defined a populationselectivity vector: wt = rlick-right, t  rlick-left, t, where rlick-right, tand rlick-left, t are vectors of spike rate of individual neurons foreach time t, averaged over lick right and left trials, respectively(the number of elements in the vector equals the number of re-corded neurons)

      Difference vector between encoding population vectors. seems fair

    12. In addition, a subset of cells (177/5,136 cells)switched selectivity.

      some overlap. Perhaps this population plays a role in different embeddings at different levels. So level 1 activity recruits populations A,B,C, and level 2 recruits A, D, and E, but the population response for each pop/level has a different, unqiue pattern. Then population A is shared between two sets and remains orthogonal within the low-D manifold and the mid-D manifold, but plays the role in the selectivity of either, accordingly

    13. These modes occupy near-orthogonal subspaces

      This doesn't necessarily mean that the same neurons aren't involved in both computations, but rather that the patterns in one are completely absent from the other. The degree of dimensional embedding and reveal orthogonal subspaces

    14. Another activitymode after the Go cue consists of changes that are invariant to themovement type (condition-invariant signal;

      What is this doing and how large is the population of invariant signals?

    15. collapses

      What does this mean? The activty of all the planning neurons (an orthogonal set to the activation neurons) drops to 0?

    16. These trajectories are typically confined to a low-dimensionalmanifold, defined by several ‘‘activity modes’’ that explain a sig-nificant proportion of the population activity. Activity modes canbe obtained by projecting neural activity along specific direc-tions in neural state space, or similar dimensionality reductionmethods

      Planned movement are sequences of movements, or neural modes, that are pre-sequenced

    17. This ‘‘pre-paratory activity’’ encodes specific upcoming movements,often seconds before movement onset

      I wonder if this is the inverse of the hippocampus encoding phenmomenon

    1. DA-Mediated Signaling in Activation of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases

      Lost it here - pick back up later on when I have more energy

    1. Thethalamus-projecting PT neurons maintain planning-related activity during the memory epoch. Incontrast, the medulla-projecting neurons develop selectivity late and also carry a large proportionof the execution mode after the Go cue

      fyi jon

    2. Two-photon-mediatedoptogenetic stimulation of a small number (<10) of ALM neurons revealed sparse subnetworksthat independently maintain activity and are only weakly coupled to other subnetworks (Daie

      intresting for our research

    3. Remarkably, bilateral silencing of large regions of cortex posterior to ALM, including pri-mary motor cortex, sensory cortex, and parietal cortex, has little effect on preparatory activity andsubsequent behavio

      so i can disregard my Guo 2014 hypothesis that reciprocal S1-ALM connections matter

    4. he same input from the sensory cortex that drives decision-makingand preparatory activity in ALM loses influence

      reflected in our model? does it depend on the circuits coming online to diminish S1 influence?

    5. ALM

      so how do we know 5a alm speaks to 5b alm

    6. near-orthogonal

      it just seems implausible... unless its a interdgitated network

    7. In a memory-guided movement task in mice, distractors early in thememory epoch, or on trials with low ramping, biased choices by shifting ALM dynamics, whereasdistractors late in the delay, or on trials with high ramping, did not affect choice or ALM dynam-ics (Finkelstein et al. 2021)

      is BG transforming a thought into action? If this process occurs quickly, then the working memory demands on the thought wont have time to get distorted by opto stimulation in the ALM; it'll be transferred to the BG and prepared as an action. but this requires a transference of the idea (PFC-stored?) to the ALM-BG circuit

    8. Second, training a recurrent neural network to mimic ALM activity patterns and their responseto perturbations requires an external ramping input

      time is built into the network? as a function of connective latencies (or rather, leveraging network latencies between natural connections). Even if this were to be the case, there must be some region thats reciprocally connected that can "hold" onto something while its going through time, otherwise we'd see inefficiencies in conncetive paths

    9. Figure 3

      very interesting

    10. For example, can a single network multiplexmultiple attractor landscapes to perform multiple tasks (Gallego et al. 2018, Yang et al. 2019)? Howis the attractor landscape shaped by learning (Sadtler et al. 2014, Sun et al. 2022)? And how doesthe sensory information feed into the attractor landscape?

      Brilliant questions - I want to answer them all!

    11. Continuous attractor model

      Why is this called a continuous attractor? Attracting to what? just a broad, stable plane?

    12. Following a perturbation, a continuousattractor will maintain a trace of the perturbation, corresponding to a displacement in activity

      Big idea!!

    13. ehavioral effects of the perturbations have been used to test algorithmic models. For example,silencing FOF biases choice in a perceptual decision-making task (Erlich et al. 2011, Piet et al.2017), consistent with models in which FOF maintains the binary choice (motor plan) with pointattractors but not with FOF making decisions with continuous attractors


    14. Modes are par-ticular directions in these subspaces and are typically chosen to reveal interpretable features of thedata. For example, in a licking task, projections along a vector in activity space that maximally dis-tinguish movement directions contain nearly all licking direction-selective activity (Figure 1c,d)

      I don't understand this

    15. whereas continuous attrac-tors allow integration and storage of continuous variables

      Storing "time" as a variable for a sample/delay/cue/go paradigm

    16. attractor memory system resembles a ball rolling in a hilly landscape

      Is attention (or the perception of attention) really just our conscious experience of neural attractors? Or rather, sensory perceptions draw neural networks into certain basins that are stabilized by attractors, and our experience of these sensorily-attractive neural representations is what we think, and what we say we focus on?

      This makes sense. In this case then, executive function involves the capacity to change the attractor state, or move us out of these basins. This can be done by pushing the ball our of basins, adding momentum to the ball, or changing the topography of the network (probably through excitation/inhibiton). This could be mediated by top-down control generally (changing our sensory experience and therefore the topography)... but then how does the control unit determine if this is necessary? It must either permeate these structures, or there is a long-term, diffuse goal-orientating system embedded in these motor systems. Is that dopamine?

      (would ADHD would be a lack of top-down command, or a more general dysfunction of the diffuse goal/planning capacity of the neuron (as part of its overarching network?)

    17. The network mechanisms underlying preparatory activity and the transitionto another state (e.g., movement initiation) are of great interest because similar mechanisms mightunderlie diverse cognitive functions, including working memory and integration of evidence forsensory decision-making

      One goal of ours that I should really think about and integrate into my thoughts

    18. t is unknown whether preparatory activity causes idiosyncraticmicromovements, movement contributes to preparatory activity, or preparatory activity and movement are modu-lated by a common input.

      Bottom up modulation? The body can work out movement on its own, and then feed that up to cortical circuits (presumably through a spinocerebellar or spinocortical pathway)

    19. Neural dynamics in cortex causes muscle tension, and sensory feedback modulatescortical activity in turn

      This is not taken into account in any of the licking paradigms we've looked at...

    20. Preparatory activ-ity is thought to set the state of neural activity to initial conditions that favor accurate and rapidmovements, with different initial conditions corresponding to different movements

      So setting initial conditions to produce specific trajectories? Do we pick a trajectory and work our way backward in sequence?

      Is that why dopamine does? Helps find the previous piece of the sequence and refine our guess? This complements the "working backwards model" or RPE, in which DA is released AFTER an action, and locks in (/reinforces) all those trajectories that led to reward. This runs up the "temporal chain" as the next item in the sequence is discovered.

      How do the direct and indirect pathways contribute here? The direct pathway feeds the good behavior, and the indirect pathway suppresses the incorrect, unrewarded behavior (although this can't be the full story, or else the indirect pathway would contribute to extinction, which its shown that this is not the case, per that paper I read a week prior to this; see Hypothes.is notes from 2/8/24?)

    21. have time to plan

      How much time? On the order of ms or sec?

    1. The serotonin system also plays an important role in anesthesia response. Inhalational anesthetic agents may work in part by suppressing serotonin release, and patients taking serotonergic antidepressants may require increased dosage of these agents (65).

      serotonin might work on the level of consciousness

    1. Thus, DAopto-induced PKA activation must besuppressed in distal dendrites in order to attain the large dynamic range for the timingdetection


    2. proximal (first branch) dendrites


    3. AC1 blocker (NB001)

      indihibits adenlyl cyclase and thereby camp and thus PKA

    4. DA post-reward stimulation seems like it can work BACKWARDS through bAPs and PKA spreading, such that a reverse-propagating net of tagging can capture activity that led to the reward. How long does this net extend and how wide? The width seems to be influenced by extant hebbian connections, but the depth may be a proporty of the neurons themselves, perhaps indivudalized, and perhaps learned over time. Do some neurons get better at learning, or become more "plastic" in the sense that they are more readily malleable and responsive to future glu inputs?

    5. Unlike structural plasticity or Camuiα-CR activation, PKA activation in response tostimulation of a dendritic spine by STDP and DAopto was not restricted to the stimulatedspine; neighboring spines also exhibited significant PKA activation

      Relevant to loop-spreading

    6. ). We found that DAoptodid not affect Ca2+ transients (Fig. 3, B to D, and fig. S6, A to C), indicating that Ca2+signaling modulation did not play a major role.

      a major role in... STDP?

      disagrees with Nakano paper?

    7. high phosphodiesteraseactivity

      Is this high activity unique for all DA-recipient (NAc? dS?) neurons?

    1. the back-propagating action potential was attenuated, so that the dopamine timing effect was small.

      This might be important for refining loops and attaching relevant sequences in the right places

    2. In the both down- and up-states, the effects of dopamine inputs were the most prominent when DA preceded Post by approximately 60 ms, and amplified more when Glu preceded Post.

      Jon plz help

    3. Model prediction of voltage and calcium responses to bAP in dendritic spines.

      FOR bAPs: Ca is almost entirely mediated by Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 L=-type channels, though T-type channels seem to provide a short-circuit to bAPs

      FOR Glu INPUTS: in down-state: AMPAR drives sharp transient Ca influx; ER leads to small. but long-lasting Ca influx In up-state: Ca influx lasts longer and is handled more by ER in late-stage of input (and a little bit also by Cav1.3 channels)

    4. The voltage and calcium responses to a back-propagating postsynaptic action potential (bAP)

      Is this the lateral inhibition idea?

    5. dopamine enhances KIR, Cav1.2 and NMDAR conductances and reduces NaF, CaN and CaQ conductances in the striatum,

      Is this to say that DA sharpens the timing dependent window for plasticity? (or opens up a particularly short one, brought on by the brief push-pull of these contrasting mechanisms?)