18 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Digital Reminders of a Lost Pregnancy. The Atlantic, November 2018. URL: https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/11/digital-reminders-miscarriages/575050/ (visited on 2023-12-07).

      WHat is interesting is that this article highlights how ads and app notifications can be distressing for couples who have experienced a miscarriage. In terms of digital footprint, it explores the persistence of digital reminders of a lost pregnancy and how difficult it can be to escape them.

    1. How recommendations can go well or poorly# Friends or Follows:# Recommendations for friends or people to follow can go well when the algorithm finds you people you want to connect with. Recommendations can go poorly when they do something like recommend an ex or an abuser because they share many connections with you.

      Sometimes the people who invites others may not be the best introducer by which means they themselves have the probablity of not being a good source of information, and the people who he or she invited may also have the same problem.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Social model of disability. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1184222120. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Social_model_of_disability&oldid=1184222120#Social_construction_of_disability (visited on 2023-12-07).

      This is a good point that let people who share the same feeling to use the same social media. In general social media, most of us who haven't experienced such pains may not be able to compassion those people in the same way as those who experienced can. Thus such communication approch would be good.

    1. Some disabilities are visible disabilities that other people can notice by observing the disabled person (e.g., wearing glasses is an indication of a visual disability, or a missing limb might be noticeable). Other disabilities are invisible disabilities that other people cannot notice by observing the disabled person (e.g., chronic fatigue syndrome [j4], contact lenses for a visual disability, or a prosthetic for a missing limb covered by clothing). Sometimes people with invisible disabilities get unfairly accused of “faking” or “making up” their disability (e.g., someone who can walk short distances but needs to use a wheelchair when going long distances).

      Sometimes I feel like visual disabilities are not willing to be always caring about. They would be more happy if people just treat them just as same as how they treat normal people so that they don't feel any discrimination. Thus sometimes too much caring may not be the best solution.

    1. Security# While we have our concerns about the privacy of our information, we often share it with social media platforms under the understanding that they will hold that information securely. But social media companies often fail at keeping our information secure. For example, the proper security practice for storing user passwords is to use a special individual encryption process [i6] for each individual password. This way the database can only confirm that a password was the right one, but it can’t independently look up what the password is or even tell if two people used the same password. Therefore if someone had access to the database, the only way to figure out the right password is to use “brute force,” that is, keep guessing passwords until they guess the right one (and each guess takes a lot of time [i7]).

      The security of the internet is always a big topic. Companies should hire people to regulate the internet so that the information they have will not be leaked out by hackers

    1. inac. Answer to "Bcrypt for password hashing because it is slow?". April 2013. URL: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15763243 (visited on 2023-12-06).

      I find recently there are more and more cases where people are getting their passward of their apps out. Those apps contains their personal information so it is sometimes illegal.

    1. Web tracking. October 2023. Page Version ID: 1181294364. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Web_tracking&oldid=1181294364 (visited on 2023-12-05).

      Web tracing is horrifying. It can get the informaiton of people who surfing the internet and then trace back to find all the information needed to get the person's address and etc. There should be law enforcement to provent such condition.

    1. Platforms also collect information on how users interact with the site. They might collect information like (they don’t necessarily collect all this, but they might): when users are logged on and logged off who users interact with What users click on what posts users pause over where users are located what users send in direct messages to each other

      Sometimes those collection of information may eventually lead to a leak of personal information. There are potential hacker attackt to seek for those information. It wouldd be important for the protection of personal information and there might be some defensive protections needed for the website

    1. Todd Vaziri [@tvaziri]. Every non-hyperbolic tweet is from iPhone (his staff). Every hyperbolic tweet is from Android (from him). August 2016. URL: https://twitter.com/tvaziri/status/762005541388378112 (visited on 2023-11-24).

      Todd isn't the top authentic people to me. What he's posting and expecially the platform he schoose is twitter, which is some open public social media, then the accuracy of the information may need more proof.

    1. Why We Care About Authenticity# As a rule, humans do not like to be duped. We like to know which kinds of signals to trust, and which to distrust. Being lulled into trusting a signal only to then have it revealed that the signal was untrustworthy is a shock to the system, unnerving and upsetting. People get angry when they find they have been duped. These reactions are even more heightened when we find we have been duped simply for someone else’s amusement at having done so.

      For me. this is a crucial thing that keeps the information that we get are correct. Authentic information have to be varified with authentic people or organizations, so that we can make sure the spread of such information won't mislead others.

    1. Social Networking Services

      I think it is one of the most common way of nowadays website starting up, it provides significant flows and creates incomes

    1. Internet Relay Chat. November 2023. Page Version ID: 1185446885. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Internet_Relay_Chat&oldid=1185446885 (visited on 2023-11-24).

      A server would be an crucial part of information transmittion in my opinion. A breakdown of a computer or phone may only affect its onwer, but a breakdown of a server may lead to thousands and millions of people's problem

    1. iscussed by the New York Times. Read this thread to find out why a little skepticism about math is good for you. July 2022. URL: https://twitter.com/kareem_carr/status/1551950155330600960 (visited on 2023-11-24).

      Carr has insights garnered considerable interest from prominent media outlets such as Popular Mechanics and the New York Times, underscoring the significance of questioning established mathematical assumptions. This occurrence encourages individuals to engage with mathematical concepts in a more discerning and open-minded way. His tweets presenting an alternative viewpoint that questions the conventional perception of math as flawless.

    1. When we think about how data is used online, the idea of a utility calculus can help remind us to check whether we’ve really got enough data about how all parties might be impacted by some actions.

      Why does the author raise the question that the calculation can help us to check the data? Why would data be insufficient to support the action from different parties?

    1. Auto caption: https://twitter.com/headlinerclip [c3]

      How does this bot acting to create posts that affect people's view?

    1. COVID-19 Vaccine Progress [@HeadlinerClip]. COVID-19 Vaccine Progress (@vax_progress). December 2023. URL: https://twitter.com/vax_progress (visited on 2023-12-02).

      This post doesn't seem reliabe to me. It somewhat used too much data from the percentage and also tring to convey the information about the vaccination. This may have wrong information

  3. Mar 2024
    1. What is Ethics?

      In my opinon, ethics can be something that people should follow but not required to. It is all voluntary and the rules are vague. It can only be ruled by different standard for the majorities.

    1. Like Ubuntu, American Indigenous ethics is actually a wide family of differing views. But there are some particularly common ideas that show up again and again in American Indigenous thought, and which philosophers from those traditions have identified as being reasonably central to the ethical theories espoused by the nations of this continent. Distrust of abstract propositional claims, focus on experiential / lived knowledge. Including distrust of abstract includes grand abstract claims about ethics as opposed to the lived knowledge of practicing ethics. This would include community experiences of ethics shared through stories. Still, we can list some common commitments in the form of principles, below. Anti-hierarchy. No one should be fully dependent or independent. Learn to perceive the needs of others in order to help the group and maintain equality. Equality for people, but also air, water, plants, etc. (everything is part of one process). (Based on book American Indian Thought [b54]. You can also search google scholar) Key figures: VF Cordova [b55], 1900s USA Anne Waters [b56], present USA Brian Burkhart [b57], present USA Kyle Powys Whyte [b58], present USA

      I think the American Indigenous Ethics values more on indigenous ethics. It resonate with the values of honour, trust, honesty, and humility. They reflect commitment to the collective and embody a respectful relationship with the land.