201 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. In comparison to self-identification questions where open-ended responses are seen as the most inclusive alternative (Lindqvist et al., 2020), the categorization of others benefits from response options that explicitly remind participants that not all people identify as women or men.

      well put!

    2. Participants were

      shouldn't you include study 1 results here? or do we not learn much from them?

    3. experiments

      now it is experiments and not studies?

    4. carefully


    5. impacted


    6. A probable explanation

      remind that there was a difference (which study, which analysis)

    7. finding t

      which study?

    8. xternal stuff.

      word choice

    9. he results are co

      maybe help the reader by saying whether results are from Study 1 or 2 or both

    10. We found that only multiple categories elicited beyond-binary response

      there is no analysis to show that the rate increased, right?

    11. Experiment 2 indicated that participants categorize beyond the binary when response options include more options than women and men only. However, the free text option did not differ from the binary option. Thus, the multiple categories condition, with its explicitly stated non-binary options seems to act as reminders to participants. Furthermore, categorization within the binary was not skewed by the addition of multiple categories or the free text option, meaning that the ratio of women and men categorizations was still about 50/50. This did not systematically affect their overall pattern of responses in terms of woman and man categorizations.

      content is nice but writing could be clearer

    12. n facial gender and binary categorization (i.e. the slope of facial gender) across the conditions

      can you add the slopes for each condition and explain what they mean? Then, the comparison is easier to follow

    13. We treated the binary categories condition as a neu

      not sure how this was analyzed. How did you capture proportion of female vs male?

    14. (Difference = 0, CI =[-0.02, 0.03], BF01= 394.93). The effect of facial femininity on woman categorizations almost was the same in the free text and binary categories (Difference > 0.001, CI =[-0.02, 0.02], BF01= 394.93).

      almost identical results? Same BF?

    15. as often in the Multiple Categories and Binary Categori

      unclear what "as often" refers to

    16. corresponding to moderate evidence

      why this comment?

    17. women and e

      women and men?

    18. Overall rates of b

      Figure 8 shows .... The figure suggests that ...

      is it odd that the figure shows only woman categorizations?

      Intuitive question: what about man categorizations? Actually, doesn't figure 5 suggest that man categorizations decreased?

    19. Participant Flow


    20. outside the binary

      confusing because Fig 5 includes ALL responses

      maybe have Figure 5 as a general figure? Then the headings? But, I think the headings do not help much

    21. There was also a clear differenc

      sounds vague. Isn't this a close up of the effect in the first paragraph?

      "To examine effects in terms of other and don't know responses, Figure 6 ...."

    22. In the

      As shown in Figure 6, ...

    23. Grey dots represent participants who only categorized faces as women or men

      I find the gray dots confusing.

    24. to participate in the study.

      how many per group? That info would fit here

    25. Figure

      I learned that one should first introduce a figure in terms of a general description of what the figure depicts (ie what is on x and y axis). I think this would be useful to do for your figures, particularly the later ones.

      I just saw that you did this for Figure 6, nice! Plz add for the others

    26. summing variations


    27. summing variations of “other” and “non-binary” and dichotomizing this new index

      unclear how you mean summing and then dichotomizing

    28. binary categories, free text, and multiple categorie

      personally, I would say "three options" and then italicize the terms when you explain each condition.

    29. The experiment used a between-participants design

      could move this to under participants. Mention that there were three groups and sample size for each.

    30. The experiment used a between-participants design. The two conditions were the one-dimensional (control condition), and two-dimension

      you could have this design info under participants. There, it would fit to say that you ended up with two groups

    31. In short, the stimuli comprised a multiracial set of faces morphed to vary in terms of facial gender. We defined facial gender as the degree of the female face present in the morph. In other words, a 33 face was slightly tilted toward the man, a 50 face was an even mixture and a 100 consisted only of the woman’s face. Because there were 18 pairs morphed in 7 steps, the total number of faces was 126.

      I would delete this.

    32. facial gender as the degree of the female face present in the morph

      facial gender sounds too generic for me. It threw me off when reading Figure 3

    33. 56 women, 47 men 2 participants did not indicate gender)

      remove parentheses. This is main info

    34. Study 2 compared a control condition consisting of standard binary response options to two alternatives: a third gender option (such as ‘non-binary’ or ‘other’) and an open text box for participants to type in their respons

      content great but difficult to parse. plz edit

    35. However,

      Fig 3: facial gender on X axis actually refers to % female morph level, right?

      does the right panel have twice the number of ratings (ie female and male for each subject)?

    36. 33 and 67.

      should it say % morph level?

    37. ost participants display a non-linear S-shape and this was also the pattern of the group means.

      unclear how you dealt with "man" rating in 2-dimensional scale

    38. arked “not woman” and “woman”; in the “man” continuum the anchors were marked “not man” and “man”. The separate continua were presented on different trials and the order of trials

      to be honest, I would not include the [man] in the right of figure 2. I find it better to read about it in the text.

    39. only to

      according to the morph level

    40. These were highly correlated (R = 0.86)

      unclear how you computed correlation. Why would it show a positive correlation?

    41. multiple

      what is this? you say you have one and two

    42. Design and procedur

      I would just call this procedure

    43. 28, N2d = 38)

      would fit under participants.

    44. The one-dimension condition included 33 participants

      above, you have 28

    45. N1d

      you should introduce the abbreviations in the sentence before

    46. “woman” and “man”.

      I think you can get rid of " ". Or use italics

    47. a


    48. pairs

      can you spell out what you mean by pair?

    49. useful outcome

      odd word choice

    50. binary gender

      why binary here?

      I liked that before, you refer to two processes: - categorization of others - categorical effect Can you use the same terms here?

    51. L. DeBruine, 2018).

      clean up refs: L M DeBruine and L Debruine refer to the same person, right?

    52. All participants were informed that participation was voluntary and gave written consent to participate in the study.

      do you need more on ethics? According to Helsinki declaration or sth?

    53. one-dimensional response options and two-dimensional response options. If one-dimensional scales influence participants to think of gender as binary and opposites and two-dimensional scales don’t do this, there should be a reduced categorical e

      if you want to be super clear, you could spell out what is meant by one-dimensional and two-dimensional.

      Eg one-dimensional response options (ranging from female to male) ...

    54. investigate the influencing effect of one and two-dimensional response options by investigating whether participa

      "investigate .... by investigating" makes it confusing. Plz edit

    55. faces

      maybe first say that this is about categorization of others. Then, you can hint at that we asked participants to categorize faces. I think it would also be nice to get 1-2 sentences on what the two studies are about. One gets curious because you say "we report two studies". Maybe you do not need to talk about the present research here? I would skip this here

    56. encountering a face

      sounds odd. why not keep it to "categorization of others"?

    57. Categorical effects for continuous stimuli in any domain suggests

      Such categorical effects ... suggest

    58. to 80% of participants

      does this 80% throw off readers? I wondered whether it has something to do with the 60%. How about saying "by most participants", maybe like this "although a 60% female morph contains only slightly more female than male features, most participants categorized this female morph as female."

    59. “woman” and “man”

      I think you can remove " "

    60. esearch on how people perceive and categorize the gender of others has used both dimensional scales as well as discrete categories, but in both cases almost exclusively treats gender as a binary catego

      run on: can you make 2 sentences of this.

    61. however,


    62. Both the initial and later challenges to the gender binary in

      Historically, research in psychology ...

    63. transsexual”


    64. for example,

      why this?

    65. “androgynous”,

      odd that you have "" but not for agender. I would delete ""

      I believe according to APA, you should italicize the first time you use this label. After that, write it without formatting.

    66. later group of challenges to t

      sounds odd that you talk about a group of challenges but then, you talk about researchers

    67. In treating gender as a psychological trait, for example,

      sorry, I do not understand this

    68. have been encouraged to includ

      I think you need to remind about gender identity, at least when you refer to examples

    69. see Carleton et al., 2022; Cronin et al., 2022; D’Agostino et al., 2022 for some recent example

      I would spell out at least one example

      As it is, it is unclear what context these practices refer to.

    70. Such measurement invisibilizes

      Thus, these limited response options ignore TGD identities

    71. assigned sex

      I find the "assigned" odd. Could this be removed? "Identify with their sex at birth" makes sense to me.

    72. Stefan Wiens

      I am honored. Will do my very best to be helpful

    73. accentuated

      not sure what is meant.

    74. In other words

      that is,

    75. 0000-0002-8393-5316


    76. Impact

      I learned that impact is a very strong word that should be reserved for contexts of catastrophes (like the impact of a storm). I prefer "Effects of response options". If possible, even bake in the take-home msg

  2. Mar 2024
    1. explanation for the difference between free text and multiple categories


    2. We found that only multiple categories elicited beyond-binary responses. Compared to binary control, neither changed the pattern of categorizations of women and men

      is this in results?

    3. meaning that the ratio of women and men categorizations was still about 50/50

      where is this in results?

    4. categorize beyond the binary when response options include more options than women and me

      is this only descriptive?

    5. facial femininity and woman categorizations (i.e. the slope of facial femininity

      not sure I follow

    6. For example, does categorization of faces as non-binary systematically decrease “woman” categorization. We therefore investigated inclusive response options changed participants overall tendency to categorize women and men.

      figure suggests that effects are in the categorization of men, not women

    7. Categorizations by Participants

      what figure number is this?

    8. fit the data to Bayesian mixed-effects

      don't you fit models to data? Or did you massage the data to fit your own ideas :)

    9. were aggregated


      For analysis purposes, two new variables were created:

    10. n the free text condition, this included various variations of “other” and “non-binary”.

      redundant with 2 sentences earlier?

    11. ummint


    12. only

      why only?

    13. stimuli were identical

      add reminder about 126 faces

    14. completed the study i

      can subjects complete the study? We wish, would be faster :)

    15. The experiment used a bet

      shouldn't there be some info about how the task was administered? Computer, paper and pencil?

    16. These were adapted from common ways to measure participants categorization of their own gender to other categorization research. Study 2 compared a control condition consisting of standard binary response options to two alternatives: a third gender option (such as ‘non-binary’ or ‘other’) and an open text box for particip

      needs some references (Saperstein, Lindqvist etc)

    17. articipants were more likely to categorize faces beyond the binary when using a multiple categires including “non-binary” and “I don’t know” than when using a free text option

      did I miss this in the results?

    18. cisgender

      not explained/used before

    19. The results are, however, consistent with previous work suggesting faces are perceived categorically.

      needs expanation

    20. gorize their own femininity and masculinity independently of each other

      how would this show up in your data?

    21. ment 1 indic

      exp 1?

    22. Difference > 0.001


    23. he total number of faces was 124

      wasn't it 126?

    24. Binary categorization repre

      I would report this first

    25. results do no include

      unclear. Did you collect identifying info to begin with?

    26. Participants were randomly allocated into one of the two response options conditions.

      shouldn't it say somewhere how many were in each?

    27. face twice on two different continua,

      not sure how this worked. First they have one continuum and later they have the oether

    28. Observing categorical effects for any stimuli suggest that people treat that stimuli as two separate categories, even if varies for gender

      grammar issues

    29. highlighted

      german style: verb (action) at end. Difficult to read

    30. BSRI

      spell out

    31. hese practices

      Difficult to follow that first, you say that practices increase, but then, they are not?

  3. Feb 2024
  4. vanbrrlekom.github.io vanbrrlekom.github.io
    1. The experiment used a

      this could be clearer about the different conditions

    2. Measures

      I do not get the point of this heading. I would expect something like generally accepted questionnaires etc (eg BDI)

    3. gender percieved categorically? (Res

      can't you test this? Eg is the difference bigger than 67 - 33 = 34%?

    4. stronger in the one-dimensi

      section is difficult to parse

    5. categorical

      you did not explain what categorical means in terms of pattern

    6. condition

      what is condition?

    7. highlight

      unclear what you mean

    8. “woman” a

      APA wants italics not quotation marks

    9. earch Question 2

      maybe a short overview of design would fit here?

    10. like the early wave of challenge to the gender binary, study 1 does not capture the full diversity of gender. Moreover, given this diversity categorization of individuals as beyond the traditional binary framework is emerging as a an area of research unto itself. However, being a relatively unexplored domain, effective methodologies for measuring these categorizations are not well-established. This study aims to address this gap by identifying more accurate and comprehensive methods for gender categorization analysis.

      sounds pompous and lengthy

    11. Measuring gender ca

      here, transition is not smooth

      it reads like repetition

    12. categorize faces categorically

      sounds odd

    13. according to some response options decided by the participants

      unclear to me

    14. e of the free text response is that it makes room for hostile participants to fill in nonsense categories, such as “helicopter

      but a binary would then just not detect these hostile subjects

    15. The BSRI defined gender as a psychological trait and the people possessing those traits were still seen as either women or men.

      not sure I get this. What about agender?

    16. Such binary can be reflected in reposnse options that posit male and female as opposites by placing them at the ends of a single dimension or providing woman and man as the only options to choose from.

      would be nice to have this earlier

  5. Jan 2024
  6. vanbrrlekom.github.io vanbrrlekom.github.io
    1. study

      ambiguous use of study: Does it refer to the study or the studies (experiments)? Can you avoid this ambiguity?

    2. n (Research Question 1) and whether this categorical perception was heightened when gender was measured as unidimensional construct compared to when it was measured as a bidimensional construct (Research Question 2). In Study 2 we measured perceptions of gender measured as discrete categories. We investigated whether and how often participants categorized faces beyond the binary when categorizing f

      this is too dense for me

    3. The present research

      to be honest, it feels like the preceding and the subsequent sections overlap a lot with this. It reads as if one first has to read a review, then a summary of studies that refer to aspects of the review, and then read a preview of study 1. It was hard for me to follow as a naive reader

    4. Binary and unidimensional response options, for example, may bias participants toward conceiving of gender as a binary category. Non-binary, or bidimensional response options, on the other hand, could have an opposite effect

      Is this addressed in one of the studies? If so, it is odd that this is brought up here.

    5. significant


    6. inclusive response

      I do not think you explained this earlier

    7. unidimensional and bidimensional

      I did not feel I knew from the above what is meant

    8. Using Bem’s scale, the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI), a person could score highly on both femininity and masculinity, or

      is this unidimensional? Good to explain because you seem to simply use the term later without explaining it

    9. is


    10. ditionally, if for example masculine faces, are more likely to be categorized as non-binary, this would in practice bias overall categorizations toward women

      unclear to me

    11. nly “young” or “old” would miss the variation of ages

      Do you need to explain why this is important? Eg, in the ICU, they may just use dead or alive and that is good enough.

    12. ording facial features such as skin smoothness, jawline, and hair length used to determine gender iden

      odd sentence structure

    13. esearch on how people perceive and categorize the gender of others still almost exclusively treats gender as a binary categor

      feels like this is more of an intro paragraph than the first

    14. dditionally, there is substantial variation in gendered features even within the binary gender categories.

      comes out of the blue

    15. face perception

      how do you get from other perception to faces?

    16. ever, it is not immediately clear that the best way to measure self-categorization also applies to categorization of others

      this paragraph is clear to me

    17. Later recommendations have suggested ways to measure gender as a discrete category

      expand on this plz

    18. was

      has been

    19. national geographic


    20. en as exclusively women or men

      unclear how to interpret this.

    21. even as it implicitly challenged that framework

      confusing to have this because you already have "however"

    22. BSRI

      I would move description of BSRI here

    23. significant

      avoid "significant" because of stats. Use important, critical etc

    24. This challenged the prevailing norm of thinking about gender as a strict and mutually exclusive binary

      clearer if you start the section with this info about norm

    25. example

      modifier makes no sense. How can Sandra be an example of measurement?

    26. not mutually exclusive and need to be measure separately

      unclear. I had to think about this for a few seconds to get what you mean

    27. and such measurements do and do not affect participants’ responses

      unclear how you mean. Is this part of "can" or a conclusion

    28. practices which are becoming widely adopted

      why make this a by sentence?

    29. calls have gone out urging

      word choice: psychologists have been encouraged ...

    30. Hyde et a

      in ()

    31. The study highlights the importance of careful consideration of response options in gender categorization research.

      too vague, why not more concrete?

    32. esponses

      response options

    33. more inclusive response optio

      I would edit to focus on options rather than "this study". That is, I would begin the sentence with something like "Response options may affect ..."

    34. ants

      (N = )

    35. =


    36. dentify beyond the binary

      is this obvious to everybody?

  7. Dec 2023
  8. vanbrrlekom.github.io vanbrrlekom.github.io
    1. vestigated inclusive response options changed participants overall tendency to categorize women and men. This could happen if, for example, more masculine

      not sure I follow this. The figure below looks promising. It would be great if this can show the main point

    2. er Categorizations by Pa

      needs a good explanation

    3. taching package: 'gridExtra'

      can you suppress these warnings? I somehow managed to do so but can't remember how

    4. most still categorized faces a

      you set up expectations that you will talk about these. instead, you talk about the others

    5. ure @ref(fig:descript

      nice fig

      but, I think the dark palette makes it difficult to see the main point. Other and don't know for MC. I would choose a palette so that these categories pop out

    6. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize th

      sounds odd. Descriptives are summaries of the data. So, why do you explain this? It would be more informative to say sth like descriptives were computed for each condition and bla bla

    7. All other responses were removed

      this sounds odd because it is not clear whether "all other responses" refers to those that were not 1 and 0. But, you mean overall, right? I would maybe start the overall section by saying that responses were coded as follows. All other responses were removed.

    8. “I don’t know” and “other”

      I am wondering whether somebody might ask: Why do you have these two categories if you lump them together anyway? Is there a theoretical reason or practical?

    9. he free text condition consisted of an open text box.

      figure is great!

    10. These were the binary categories, multiple categories and free text and conditions

      it would be nice if you decide about an order and keep this. I find it tedious that the order differs from that in the figure.

    11. recommendation is to incl

      needs reference

    12. showed fairly strong tendencies toward

      was this tested?

    13. a condition.

      would be helpful with a sentence on expected pattern. ie what would a stronger effect look like?

    14. high degree of individual variation, and some participa

      how do you know that this is not just measurement noise?

    15. Figure@ref(fig:descriptives-tw

      doesn't this use automatic numbering?

    16. f participants respond only to the morph of faces, the lines should be a straight diagonal

      helpful! not sure what is meant by "morph of faces"

    17. We investigated whether participants accentuated gender compared to the morph level of the faces. To answer this question

      inefficient: To investigate .., we visualized

    18. nsion condition, participants rated gender based on a single continuum with the anchors marked “woman” and “man”. In the multiple dimensions condition, participants rated each face twice on tw

      does not match with figure titles

    19. Each person completed a total of 126 trials (i.e. they categorized every face in the stimuli set)

      move lower. talk about rating options first

    20. 6.66

      get rid of decimals

  9. Nov 2023
  10. vanbrrlekom.github.io vanbrrlekom.github.io
    1. ategorization of others benefit from response options that explicitly reminds participants that not all people identify as women or men

      I get this

    2. or slider scales

      where was this?

    3. neurological processes underlying gender perception, which may require more sophisticated techniques such as fMRI and EEG

      good luck, I think the whole brain will light up

    4. hese findings are somewhat c

      unclear if this is specific to a particular question. I would expect that you discuss each question separately

    5. . Specifically, the results suggested that participants only use beyond-binary options to categorize faces when such options are provided explicitly. Free text answers or continuous scales did not affect participants binary gender categorization. Additionally, response options which did not present women and men as opposing categories did not induce participant’s perception of gender in faces to be less accentuated

      not parallel with intro where you talk about 4 questions. Summarize results for each question here.

      last sentence with triple negative :(

    6. First

      avoid nested lists. There is no second under this section, either

    7. Second

      confusing that you start lists

    8. Research Question 3

      this does not match your earlier style. I would not state this as the heading because it is uninformative. Instead, start the paragraph with "The goal of research question 3 was "

    9. se()` has grouped output by 'fem', 'scale'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.

      I never use summarise without .groups = "drop"

    10. In Study 2 response options conditions, such that response option conditions consisted of a single dimension, which ranged from “woman” to “man” and “multiple dimension” which ranged from “not woman” to “woman” and “not man” to “man”

      difficult to parse

      confusing that fig does not match the text order (single and multiple)

    11. 3636364

      round( X, 3)

    12. d man should be skewed near facial femininity = 50. In other words, a face with 33.33% facial femininity would be rated as less woman than that. Therefore, we examined the differences between the two conditions at facial femininity = 33.33% and 66.67%,

      nice with example but I am not sure I get it

    13. y 2 investigates whether perception of gender is accentuated towards the extremes (Research Question 3), and whether a binary measurement increases this accentuation toward the extreme (Research Question 4).

      needs more explanation (for dummies like me)

    14. tudies which attempted to address these two potential sources of error. Study 1 investigates whether people use response options beyond the binary when they are able (Research Question 1) and how this influences categorizations of women and men (Research Question 2). Study 2 investigates whether perception of gender is accentuated towards the extremes (Research Question 3), and whether a binary measurement increases this accentuation toward the extreme (Research Question 4)

      it would be helpful if you explain each of these questions. Maybe in 2-3 sentences per question. Right now, it sounds abstract

    15. ribution of Binary responses was affected by the inclusion of non-binary response options. In other words, did the inclusion drastically change categorizations of women and men? This could manifest as a main effect of condition as an interaction between condition and morph level

      sorry, I am lost. I thought each picture morphs female<->male. Is this women/men with regard to observers?

    16. Second, we

      unclear whether this is research question 2 or part of 1. The intro clearly states 4 questions. You should make these clear in the text

    17. This suggested fairly clearly that androgynous faces were overwhelmingly likely to be categorizd beyond the binary is this analysis convincing? Is this effect interesteing at all?

      I think it is interesting. This nonbinary is not random

    18. But looking past all that, what do you think a bout this type of figure to illustrate the individual level data?

      it kind of shows the rawdata. would be helpful with providing more structure so that any patterns become apparent. eg, how about ordering subjects within each column in terms of proportion non-binary? One should see a pattern when comparing columns

      or how about just a distribution of nonbinary? In a way, if one knows the prop non-binary, the prop binary is uninformative because 1 - prop non bin = prop binary (at least for two left most columns)

  11. Mar 2022
    1. us hypothesis testing results in the exploratory stage, parameterestimates resulting from these analyses might be inflated

      The rest of the text is crystal clear, but I am confused about this sentence. It sounds similar to the next point. Can you clarify?

  12. May 2020
    1. ground speed

      This worked for me arrange(flights, air_time/distance)

    2. because the value of the missing TRUE or FALSE, x

      I find this hard to follow. Why not phrase it as the next example? NA | TRUE is TRUE because anything or TRUE is always TRUE