14 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. oe Laejunjoa & Ajpontwpe st Joyjaso) BuTWo0d ‘sroquiowt Nay) jo wopaay suisse ayl[e

      To a degree, I would say a lot of people take the first job offer they receive in the field they are applying to.

    2. ‘uOezIuUeZIO ay JO NQIO Oy) UIIM $]$919)UI PUP SUIZDUOD Jay) JO JIOW BUIZULIG y8noip saatopdwa s1oyp jo uaunru0s sadaap ay) BuNIOYOS jnoge Jas satuedwius jeueuy 10. Zuisipueyosow ‘feLnsnpul Aueyy

      I think there are additional reasons for doing this. If a lot of their employees needs are met while at work they can rest when they are home and don't have anything else they need to think about.

      Related to businesses providing staff with 5* meals.

    3. sgouewojiod jeanovid ino puke suOndE INO JO SYIOMIUTELS jenjdao -U0D, IY}

      Who we perceive ourselves to be as opposed to what our actions show to other people who we are.

    4. ‘juaUIazIpuLsZ3e-jjas pue uonenjadiod -J[2S Ul UONEZIULZIO II JO JS9IIIUI jnjaamod-jje au Aq uonisod Aiepuooas & 0} paledayai SI Yst]quisa 0} UOSBII at} SB W998 Ajyeutatio ysei au yeu wayo ur uaddey Kew y

      So the whole mission of the organization changes?

    5. ‘Ona yUAS puke satsusyosdw0d aiow aso Aem out UO ZuTWI0dIq

      In theory, yet if you've ever played the game popcorn we know that isn't the case.

    6. 190IB9-—ajT] B JO Wed se uoneztuesI0 ay) Ul 2UOp gol ay) MOIA JSNUT [BIOYJO SUP -SLIQUIDUT SH JO JT] jeuoneziurzio au) UL pue 3JOYM & se UODEZIURZIO ay Jo AIAMOe ay] Tog Ul Aymuguos aq 01 348n0 azayy,

      I could see the value in this to keep people from jumping from one thing to the next; yet then you lose out on the capacity to learn different things.

    7. soyjo amp Aq pasmnbas syrys ayi 0} ssassod say Sirs ay jo ay,

      Doesn't seem to be taking into consideration emotional intelligence competencies.

    8. se) By JO Wed ArOAa JOY IEIp ‘paliy pue ‘papuaneun sureulas yse) ay JO Jed OU JeYR OS “ySEI [JPI9AO JI) JO juawiaya A19A9 104. a]qisuodsas aq 03 1Y8N0 auOaWOS Jey “PuodaS

      This all seems pretty cookie cutter

    9. 2deId Jo Qunse sayjoue 0} SurBuojaq asou YM dJO1 JepNONIed sMp 07 payoene sannp pue YS ay) IsnjyuOd JOU Op AatP Jey Os — Burkey are Loup 2j01 & Afarour st yt Jey Zuoye [je J9quisuzas 0} ‘st Jey)

      I think a lot of organizations would want people to act and stay in their role all the time. Then again I think this corporate mindset has been changing with time.

    10. ayy Sw suns uoneztueZs0 ay) yorym Aq wsayed B SIajjo 4seo ayy ut JO}9e AIDA9

      I mean, this is somewhat intuitive. You show different parts of yourself in different situations. If you don't like the part your are playing, you have to leave the theatre.

    11. UII9U09 JO BIIE MOY OJUL DUIOD ]IIM SAT] SAaQUIAW OUI JO ajoyat aUp ‘syenqu yNd stpouad ut uonedionsed ayy 105 apias you prnom Aay ],

      Yes that type of construct is too invasive.

    12. piarp Aew! yorym ZunpAue ue yueyodun aiou pue sadu0.9s aie ajdoad ayun yorym suojoey yorym ur dno e si GQiunurwos y

      I like this definition

    13. uonsa]}09 paytoadsun ue 0} Jaja1

      But you don't know your entire audience...

    14. styp Buthes ajdoad satpo pivay

      I actually haven't heard this before. It sounds super manipulative