- Nov 2023
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Comparisons of the Date of First Contact, Date of Earliest Sustained Interaction, and Date of Earliest Record ofDepopulation from Disease for 11 Populations Used in this Stu
s could have resulted from smallpox movingfaster across space compared to other diseases
able 1 . List of the Earliest Accounts of Disease-Related Depopulation among a Native American Population Used in thisStudy. Those with Reliable Information on the Type of Disease Are Listed
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
sumption of decreasing virulence with time is a double-edged sword in NativeAmerican disease history. Recent Native Americans have extreme susceptibility to oftenacute infections such as influenza and tuberculosis (Indian Health Service 1999; Koenig1921; Matthews 1886). Although, as detailed later in this paper, many factors, includingsocio-economic conditions, diet, and other concurrent infections, could be contributing tothis incidence, these factors seem to pale by comparison with disease history. Essentially,current incidence rates account for the absence of crowd infections prior to Columbus andabsence explains the present incidence rate
se diseases, once introduced, severelywinnowed Native American populations.
Since the mid-twentieth century it has been widely accepted that Old World populationsintroduced infectious diseases to Native Americans beginning with the Columbianvoyages of AD 149
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
People of all cultures utilize symbolism found in their various religions and spiritual practices to cope with health problems. NA healing ceremonies rely heavily on a combination of traditional and Christian religious symbols, icons, and ritualistic objects. These symbols cue bio-psycho-social-spiritual healing responses by restoring the harmony necessary for health. Symbolism, whether associated with ceremonies or church services, can be incorporated into their treatment plan to create a powerful healing synergy.
NA ceremonies involve the patient, the family, and the community in the healing process. Ceremonial gatherings may last for days or weeks; the more people that are present, the greater the healing energy. Through their participation in songs, prayer, music, and dance, the family and community contribute healing energy to the patient.
Native diets, ceremonies that greet the seasons and the harvests, and the use of native plants for healing purposes have been used to live to promote health by living in harmony with the earth
Native Americans in Arizona run each day to greet the dawn, a practice that not only conditions their bodies but also nourishes their spiritual wellbeing. Stories and legends are used to teach positive behaviors as well as the consequences of failing to observe the laws of nature. Herbs, manipulative therapies, ceremonies, and prayer are used in various combinations to prevent and treat illness.1
- Sep 2022
academicguides.waldenu.edu academicguides.waldenu.edu
apply feedback
apply the feedback and do not ignore it
ake ownership of both the feedback and the revision process
actually read and apply the feedback you receive instead of just reading it
e understand that no matter how much time you spend in the field of writing, and how much experience you have as a writer, that never takes away that sense of vulnerability or that sense of…you know, putting yourself out there when you put ideas on a page and give them to somebody else to get feedback
no matter how long you have been a writer, there could always be mistakes and there can always be things that will make a piece of work better
best way to ask questions really depends on your context
again, context plays a huge part in this
any sort of feedback that you’re getting is really just to help you improve your writing
meant to help you improve writing, not meant to bring you down or make you sad about your writing
don’t take it personally
first tip ***
he way that you receive writing or who you receive writing from can really vary, depending on your context.
context matters greatly in writing
wac.colostate.edu wac.colostate.edu
Check it for binary thinking2. Review the relationship between your evidence/reasons and claims
ways to test the strength of an assignment
It is best to address challenges to your argument once you have taken the time to develop yourargument and offer evidence for your claims
keep in mind to address challenges in your arguments when writing so it allows for you to develop your writing further
So What
use this to help further think about your own writing and others writing
Instead of promoting the development of the idea, the five-paragraph essay formatpromotes the repetition of it
important to make this designation between the idea of development and repetition
In the five-paragraph format, each point gets repeated (but not developed!) several times.
problem of no development in these 5 paragraph essays
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Notice how Nick refers to specific choices the writer had made
keep this in mind when peer reviewing
Students placed greater value in professors’ feedback vs. peers’, usu-ally ignoring peer
this shows how little students may typically view other students feedback compared to a teachers feedback
“Good opening,” he would write, then next to eachparagraph, “Give examples,” and at the bottom, “I like the ending, butmaybe expand.” I began to realize all his comments were the same, and astudent who was in his group
some reviews to try and not give, try to give feed back that will mean something or actually make you rethink or question the original writing
- Aug 2022
wac.colostate.edu wac.colostate.educhapter2.pdf10
The most important element of any map isthat it allows you to see how different elements of a text (e.g. its argument, evidence, characters) arerelated and structured.
use visual elements to help with mapping out your annotations and your writing
three specific types ofappeals
logos- logic, reason and proof ethos- credibility and trust pathos- emotions
When reading rhetorically, there are at least four rhetorical elements to which you should payattention by asking yourself the following questions about purpose, audience, claims, evidence, andappeals
remember these elements - purpose, audience, claims, evidence and appeals
The first paragraph introduces while the second describes and argues.
important to remember about the first paragraph
Itasks you to notice what the text says—its content—and what the text does—how it functions.
the content of the test - what it SAYS how the text functions - what the text DOES
As you skim, you may want to annotate a piece by noticingthe elements in the following list
use these strategies below
That heading, “Laundry,” acts as a schema that allows you to understand the para-graphs.
a one word title changed and helped to shape the paragraphs greatly
Is it an informational text or a literary text?
ask this question about the text
Your written annotations will show you what you were thinking and how you wereconstructing meaning as you were applying each strategy
importance of using annotations and using them while reading helps you for future reference and you thoughts and ideas that you had reading it when you revisit it
As you practice each strategy, you also need to reflect on it, to think about it.
remember to think about each strategy as you practice and you must reflect on it as well
mycourses.utrgv.edu mycourses.utrgv.edu
Highlighting draws your attention to what you deem to be the important parts of a reading. High-lighting can help you recall those moments and the information presented in them. On the otherhand, annotating encourages you to mark additional elements of the text—those beyond just “theimportant parts.”
explains the difference and the importance between highlighting and annotating
To annotate is exactly that—it’s when you make notes on a text
definition of annotating - explains a bit about marking up and how you could have been taking annotations previously
as a col-lege-level reader and writer it is important that you become a visible and active part of your writing,just as you are expected to be an active reader.
able to use first person unlike in high school - keep this in mind
Academic discourse is not as casual as everydayspeaking and writing, but strives to be more formal, complex, and precise.
further explanation of what setting academic discourse should be used and applied in