5 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2016
    1. : "Even though I'm not guilty of the charges they gave me, I'm not innocent in terms of the way I was acting. I'm just as guilty for not doing things

      I'm really glad I read this bc I had never seen rap lyrics in this light

    1. Charges of gentrification

      should people be held responsible for cultural appropriation/mockery always or be given a reprieve in the case of ignorance?

    2. Juxtaposing ordinary “reality” with pop’s outlandish, party-heartyartifice is about feeling left out.

      interesting how pop music acts as both a binding and dividing force. It is designed to target certain people/groups, which brings them together via common interest, but also ostracizes other people, driving a stake between the two. I feel that ultimately whether eliciting a positive or negative response, pop fads like the ones mentioned here bring the public together one way or another

    1. Among the chief of these causes is to be reckoned a principle which must be well known to thosewho have made any of the Arts the object of accurate reflection; namely, the pleasure which the mind derives from the perception of similitude in dissimilitude.

      Wordsworth agrees with the idea that poetry is pleasurable for both the reader and the poet, but goes on to give some more detail as to why that is. TS/IS- agrees with the TS and expands

  2. Aug 2016
    1. (If I am interpreting correctly) I don't necessarily agree with the idea that you become the speaker when reading lyric because perspective's of experiences are unique to each individual. So while some may be relatable/resonant either in content or in the emotional idea behind it, I disagree that you step into the identity of the speaker.