6 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2018
saspressdemo.pressbooks.com saspressdemo.pressbooks.com
Capitalize PROC $$e=mc^2$$
Close up space before this heading.
Program 13.1 – Chapter 13 Long At Bats with Initial 0-2 Count.sas
Caption style, not regular text. Is chapter number correct?
Imported from Word
Check alignment
HTML code in an HTML document This is some sample HTML code that an author might use: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>This text is normal.</p> <p><b>This text is bold.</b></p> </body> </html> This is the same HTML code with the shortcode call-out applied. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>This text is normal.</p> <p><b>This text is bold.</b></p> </body> </html>
What is the point of this example? Do we need to include it? If so, there should be more explanation of why it it useful.
The below is code copy and pasted from SAS 9.4 Windowing:
Why is this highlighted blue? Will this show up in print?