7 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. January the 1st. Capt. Hannears died here in the night before in which the year ended 1759, and now the year begins; but God only knows who will see the end, for death spares not any.

      There are clear signals that he is starting to lose hope

    2. Subaltern

      junior officer.

    3. Mrs. Treawoue

      Where are the voices of the women in the war?

    4. vollies

      Volle: The firing of a gun or weapon at the same time.

    5. January 28th. A drummer belonging to Warburton’s Regiment was shot for breaking into a house and stealing a box of Soap,

      the soldiers were so desperate that they resorted to stealing soap.

    6. Care and as there had been war between the Crown of England and France by which reason men was very hard for to be raised in New England, I then willingly enlisted in the service of my King and Country in the then intended expedition against Canada, in Capt. Andrew Giddings Company in a provincial Regiment Commanded by Coll Jonathan Bagley Esqr in the year 1759…

      Gibson Clough grew up being educated and he decided to enlist on his own.

    7. my father

      Where was his mother?