26 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2016
    1. indignant

      feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base:

    1. That old bad world that swallowed its children quick At one great gulp.

      This personifies the world

  2. Aug 2016
    1. Sometimes the notes are ferocious,

      This is saying that sometimes notes can be kind of rude and mean.

    1. I always like summer Best

      Knoxville, Tennessee in the summer is my favorite time of year to live here. It's warm and sunny and brings good memories.

    1. A great many high school bands beat a great many drums, And the silences after their partings are very deep.

      Always appreciate the things you enjoy because one day you won't have them anymore.

    1. but don’t turn corners, cross, cut in, go over or out,

      This is saying don't take the easy way out in life all the time.

    1. Remembrances that hope and love lasts long

      Even through hard times they trust in their hope and love and they know it will all be okay.

    1. And then go home. Or make a home. And rest.

      I think this poem is saying if you trust in yourself even through times that get hard or confusing, it will all work out for you in the long run.

    1. We won’t have a girl named Jack, my mother said.

      The mother is highly against her daughter having a more masculine name. She does not think "Jack" is fit for a girl.

    1. You didn’t notice any of this because you were sitting in your room, not doing anything not even reading, not really, just looking at your telephone,

      This was not how i expected this poem to end. The whole thing leads up to basically saying that humans are so wrapped up in their technology, they're missing all of the exciting things going on in he world around them.

    1. The point this poem is trying to get across is that you cannot over think poetry as you are trying to read it. If you do, you will just make it harder on yourself and you will never find the true, deeper meaning.