4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2021
    1. In fact, Facebook news consumers are less likely to be vaccinated than people who get their coronavirus information from Fox News.

      While I do believe this to be true, due to my own experiences with people who get their news solely from Facebook, there should be evidence to back this up. The article provides so much other data, so it seems odd that there isn't any here. This would be a very compelling statement otherwise.

    2. Survey data can’t prove conclusively whether using Facebook affects vaccine acceptance and resistance. However, the data can indicate whether people who get their news from Facebook have higher or lower vaccination rates than those who don’t.

      I think this is a really important point to make. Being completely honest about how data can't be 100% conclusive is a good practice in journalism. Readers feel more inclined to listen to what it being said when the author is being transparent.

  2. Oct 2021
    1. Ten years ago, at the age of 24, I was acquitted, and I tumbled into a kind of purgatory.

      At the time of this tragedy, Amanda was only a year older than I am now. Knowing that she was only 24 really makes me feel connected to her story even more and I really sympathize for her. There are times where I still feel like I'm just a kid, so I can't even begin to imagine what I would do or feel if I were in her shoes.

    2. I am the American girl in that story, and if the Italian authorities had been more competent, I would have been nothing more than a footnote in a tragic story. But as in many wrongful convictions, the authorities formed a theory before the forensic evidence came in, and when that evidence indicated a sole perpetrator, Guede, ego and reputation led them to contort their theory to maintain that I was still somehow involved. Guede was quietly convicted for participating in the murder in a separate fast-track trial, and then I became the main event for eight long years.

      I'm actually very familiar with the Amanda Knox story. There is a series on Hulu that goes over all the details of her case and it's very fascinating. I watched that series years ago, but even now reading this article brings up the same anger and frustration I felt for her then. It's hard to imagine that a situation like this can even happen.