14 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. once, to get the gist. Once, for deep understanding. And, lastly, once for deep analysis. Literary critics often read the same texts many more times! Don't be afraid to read as many times as you need

      Making sure to reread and make sure you get everything you need.

    2. what

      Close reading.

    3. analysis

      Close reading.

    4. philosophical

      Somethings you would ask yourself.

    1. answering

      If you are able to answer the first questions to the first steps then you can go more into detail about some of the other questions.

    2. actions

      Some questions you can ask your self while following the steps and writing the paper, essay, or article.

    3. examine

      Steps and how to go about the steps to get them completed correctly.

    4. you likely do the same thing. Have you ever read anything and sympathized with or hated a character? If so, you've already taken your first step in responding to literature.

      First step into responding to literature

    5. has

      You can always add something to a book to give more or add something someone did not.

    6. express

      What writing about literature might help you with.

    7. depression

      Benefits of Literature.