- May 2018
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- Jul 2016
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first paradigm shift occurred when photography broke away from painting
The essay "The artwork in the age of mechanical reproduction" by Walter Benjamin defined that paradigm beautifully
Here’s the video:
nice robot narration! reminds me of a near-end Soviet times when American movies started to seep into Russia illegally. They were all dubbed in this very same voice :) Also, this video touches on an important aspect: in the example of cooperative ownership in USSR particularly the lack of responsibility. Collective ownership works when people have a common goal that they collectively believe in, instead of a prescribed agenda by the administration and have power to make collective decisions. That is why Linux worked -- it was build by people who saw the ultimate goal and believed in common good. And I love the idea of Library of Objects! A bit wacky video and the website itself, but a lot of food for thought! I am in love with their Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/epSosMedia/
Or do we really even own ideas?), and why we would even fuss about ownership might suggest an attachment of monetary value to the shared thing. Or is it really about wanting to get credit? Can we get credit without staking ownership?
I think credit has a lot to do with it. Also, feeling like you "own" your idea is largely cultural. We live in society where just ideas alone are sellable (corporate world especially). We have been taught since college that you do not amount to anything without ideas even though your ideas are built upon ideas of others, we do not teach that kind of connectivity, we do not teach "collective knowledge." What we do teach is publishing a paper and copyrighting it. One of the most prominent questions I have from faculty I work with in regards to creating a public professional ePortfolio is "What if someone copies, steals my idea or paper?" and "How do I make it so that only particular people can see it?" I am sure stealing does happen because there is a lot of pressure in academia to "generate" ideas. And I am also thinking that publishing your copyrighted idea in a peer-reviewed or any other academic publishing instance gives your work "validity." But if the mind set we build in our students is ownership-oriented how can we expect anything else?
you know that when you look at code that a dozen people made that there’s not much concern about who added what line
“What matter who’s speaking, someone said, what matter who’s speaking?” -- Samuel Beckett Also ref. Michael Foucault's "What is an Author?" -- an idea of an author vanishing in a discourse rather than regulating it?