4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Arts integration and UDL are natural partners. The arts offer teachers multiple means for providing information to a wide range of learners, multiple means for all students to make sense of and express their understandings, and multiple means for engaging all students in participatory, collaborative, authentic, and energizing learning experiences.

      I think this sums up UDL and arts integration perfectly. Arts integration in a classroom is a great way to promote inclusion, participation, and effort for all learners.

    2. Arts integration also involves students in ongoing reflection and self-assessment. Because the products students create are concrete and visible—a dance sequence, a musical composition, a poem, a collage, a dramatic improvisation—it is possible for students (and teachers, too) to examine their progress and reflect on what is working well and what needs improvement.

      I love how arts integration helps students to be a part of their learning and reflection. When they are creating products based on goals that they have made, they are more likely to put in an effort and succeed with their goals, when it is something fun like art!

    1. Arts integration makes a significant contribution to the development of 21st century knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Through the development of critical thinking, creativity, imagination and innovation, arts integration offers a powerful way to create “a new learning environment consistent with the cognitive and expressive demands of the 21st century.”21

      This statement shows just how important arts integration is. It truly sets students up for success for now and the future. I especially agree with the idea that arts integration helps encourage critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. This quote shows just how important teachers are when it comes to arts integration. They hold the keys to help encourage students to try new things and be creative.

    2. creative thinking will be the keys to success

      I love this idea. I think creativity if often overlooked when looking at a student's intelligence. This quote shares what I think is so true, creativity is the key to success. We should encourage students to foster creativity within the classroom and throughout all aspects of their lives to help set them up for success. When students are thinking creatively, the sky is the limit.