14 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Einstein did not speak until he was four

      This is kind of mentioned out of nowhere.

    2. What is there to want when what is always is and will always be?

      Explaining the question: what do you want if everything will always be (the same). When everything is a never ending process, what do you want to do with it?

    3. self.

      Uses magic school bus like adventure through the biology of ear canals to scientifically explain the process of hearing.

    4. auralizations

      a procedure designed to model and simulate the experience of acoustic phenomena

    5. Listening

      Basically, listening uses the entire body.

    6. nside/outside/space/silence

      Common verbs used throughout the verse and poem. Repeated constantly.

    7. Inside/ outside

      Finished and ends contradictory thoughts with the same words of "inside/outside"

    8. Learning I was born here to hear all my cells through my cells

      Good ending sentence for the learning first word streak. Conclusion to learning is birth.

    9. like the earless snake shedding skin

      Good simile describing the process of growth.

    10. fecund

      fecund definition: producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertile.

    11. sentient beings

      Author enjoys using the words "sentient beings" to describe the living.

    12. hers

      Mother nature?

    13. These organs are soundcontain sound

      The author not only repeats concepts in detail, but repeats generally while using the same words multiple times in a verse.

    14. Listening guides my bodySound is the fiber of my being and of all sentient beings without exception

      Author likes to repeat concepts twice, expanding on the thought the second time