9 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. Use numbered lists to show sequence, order, or hierarchy. Use bulleted lists for items that can appear in any order.

      I like using bullets in my reports. Especially when I am listing of items or events.

    2. Consider the "hanging-head" format for major headings. In this design, some or all of the headings are on the left margin, while all text is indented one to two inches. This format will make headings stand out more and reduce the main text's line length.

      I always use the "hanging-head" format. It helps me with my writing and it makes it easier for my writing flow.

    1. First, make sure your writing is legible

      The readers have to be able to understand what they are reading.

    2. You can evaluate how easy your document is to comprehend by getting another set of eyes on it.

      Having someone else read your writing, is always good. Having another set of eyes will give you a different perspective of your writing and could point out mistakes they you as the writer could have overlooked.

    3. Readable means that your document can be easily understood by your target audience, and refers to the formula where by words, sentence length, and sentence complexity determine how hard or easy your sentences are to read.

      It is important for the audience to be able to read your writing without feeling confused. If they are confused, they will not be able to enjoy what they read

    1. Your trustworthiness in communication reflects not only on you personally but on your organization or discipline.

      Your readers must feel confident in trusting your writing.

    2. Without exception, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure have to be correct.

      Sentence structure and punctuation are my problem areas when in my writing. I hope to improve wthis.

    3. Identification of a specific purpose and a particular audience are the first two steps of technical writing.

      If you know what your purpose is and who the targeted audience is, your writing will be much easier to complete.

    4. Technical and workplace documents address a specific audience.

      Knowing who the audience is, will help with the topic and tone used in the writing.