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  1. Jul 2018
    1. Apple has released a report stating in the year that Mike was in China, 2010, Apple's own auditors went into 127 facilities around the world that make its products and say they found 91 underage workers. It doesn't say which facilities the workers were at. The report states that Apple helped install systems to verify ages, educated suppliers on recruiting practices, and made them return underage workers to school, and made them pay for the kids' education, and then it stopped doing business with one supplier that had 42 underaged workers and showed no commitment to addressing the problem.

      Well, this is actually a slight positive to a very negative and horrifying truth.

    2. Mike DaiseyWell, I don't know if it's a big problem. I just know that I saw it.Ira GlassAgain, Mike Daisey. He says, sure. Maybe it's not prevalent.Mike DaiseyI know that I met people that were there. And I know that I talked to them. I mean, there weren't very many as a proportion of the total group. I talked to more than 100 people. I met five or six who were underage.Ira GlassAnd they were over the course of days?Mike DaiseyNo, they were together in a group.Ira GlassSo it's basically the girl who you described, who deals with the iPhones, who wipes off your thing, and then her friends?Mike DaiseyAnd then some people that were with her. They seemed like savvy kids, honestly.

      Ah, yes. Daisey is rather defensive when asked about his own statements.

    3. Ira GlassAnother thing that Mike Daisey says that is disturbing to hear, is he says that the companies will deceive the auditors when the auditors come in. Have you seen that?Ian SpauldingYeah. That actually is quite common. And I think many other people have also exposed this problem.

      Yeah, kind of figured that.

    4. And he says, he worked on the metal enclosures for the laptops, and he worked on the iPad. And when he says this, I reach into my satchel, and I take out my iPad.

      This is rather specific.

    5. "I did. I went to the labor board, and I told them about my problem. And they took down my name and my address and my company. And they took my name, and they put it on the blacklist, and they fired me."

      I can assume that this is due to bribery of the labor board; pretty common in such cases.

    6. a worker at Foxconn dies after working a 34-hour shift. I wish I could say that's exceptional, but it's happened before. I only mention it because it actually happened while I was there.

      Granted, this account in its entirety is false, however I wouldn't be surprised if this actually does happen. It's awful..

    7. "Yes, Kathy. I'm going to lie to lots of people."

      I mean...he didn't lie about that though???

    8. The outside companies do have inspections. But the workers told me Foxconn always knows when there is going to be an inspection. So what they do then-- they don't even check ages then. They just pull everyone from the affected line, and then they put the oldest workers they have on that line.

      This is the most frightening part; they are aware of inspections, so they are able to hide any evidence that they're hiring underaged children. While Daisey lied, this isn't not the norm.

    9. Week after week, worker after worker has been climbing all the way up to the tops of these enormous buildings, and then throwing themselves off, killing themselves in a brutal and public manner, not thinking very much about just how bad this makes Foxconn look. Foxconn's response to month after month of suicides has been to put up these nets.

      This is quite reminiscent of the "Phone Story" game we played just yesterday...it is rather horrifying to think about.

    10. Foxconn, a single company, makes a staggering amount of the electronics you use every day. They make electronics for Apple, Dell, Nokia, Panasonic, HP, Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, a third of all of it. That's Foxconn.

      Holy crap, I literally had no idea about where these electronics were made and they're all by the same company...SO WHY AM I PAYING SO MUCH FOR APPLE?????

    11. Can I say, I love, especially, "I am not allowed to say"? Because it implies that Siri somehow knows the answer, but she's just not allowed to tell me, which is insane, because she's a machine. Especially because-- flip over the phone. Right here, on the back, it's printed-- "Assembled in China."

      Not going to lie; this is frightening. I tried to ask Siri the same question (my phone is in Japanese...) and she acts like she doesn't know...BUT NOW I KNOW.

    1. The idea that people once had to call a telephone wired to a building in the hope of reaching a person who might be there seems quaint, clunky, and a little absurd to our children.

      ...I feel so old now...

    2. This is rather disturbing; let's try and spin this tale to ensure we sucker as much people into purchasing at 10000x the actual cost!

    3. I was always aware of the rather high markups of granite and such; but holy crap...this is ridiculous and exceptionally abusive of any country who uses such labor and mark ups.