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    1. Lucid dreams are dreams in which certain aspects of wakefulness are maintained during a dream state. In a lucid dream, a person becomes aware of the fact that they are dreaming, and as such, they can control the dream’s content

      This idea tricky me a little bit. Since there is a definition of lucid dream in which we still have our wakefulness to control our dream's content, is it a random dream that we would have or is there any way that we and trigger this lucid dream to happen? I believe that I experience this sometimes because sometimes I can feel that I can control the dream very real, and I remember everything and every detail after waking up.

    1. It may surprise you to know that sleep deprivation is associated with obesity, increased blood pressure, increased levels of stress hormones, and reduced immune functioning

      This fact is interesting to me because I have never thought that lack of sleep involves with obesity. I only know that it causes hair loss sometimes. Now I understand why fitness people always recommend not only eat healthy and exercise but also sleep right and sleep enough. At first, I just thought that sleep would help us in recovering faster after exercising. It said that lack of sleeping increases levels of stress hormones, but I feel like if I have sleep deprivation, it must be caused by stresses.

    2. Alertness is associated with higher body temperatures, and sleepiness with lower body temperatures.

      This fact surprises me because I feel like it is opposite to me. Whenever I alert to something, being cautious or even anxiety, I feel like my body temperature drops. Sometimes, I feel cold in those moments. In contrast, when I go to sleep, I always feel like my hands and feet are too hot that I have to put them outside of the blanket even if it was winter. I do not know if these facts are depend on each person's body.

    1. We know what will make us happy.

      This fact is a myth to me. This is because at this point of life, I'm struggle with being happy. I do not know what makes me happy or I do not know how to be happy anymore. I'm not negative, but I think I just lost interested in everything. I feel more sadness than happiness. And opposite to the textbook which was said that "unhappiness doesn't last as long as people think it will", to me, happiness is easy to forget, but the unhappiness and sorrow will be there forever. Is it just we accept it and move on or not. Also, sometimes, memories and happiness make us sad too. Here is a link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/days-gone/202208/when-happy-memories-make-us-sad

    1. Chapter Outline

      To me, this chapter 3 is like a chapter about biology with the emphasis on the neuron and nervous system. The last time I learnt about this topic is about 8 years ago, and I almost forgot everything. This is very nice and helpful to have a chance to learn about it again because I think it would help me understand the inside of my body so that I could take care of it better. I have skimmed the chapter and spot some title that I think it is necessary for me to read. Those are:

      Normal blood cells graphic

      Dig deeper - Two perspectives on Genetics and Behavior

      Genetic Variation

      Graphic of Punnett square - a tool used to predict how genes will interact in the production of offspring

      Dig deeper - Human Diversity

      Gene-Environment Interactions

      Cells of the Nervous System

      Neuron Structure

      Neuron Communication

      Parts of Nervous System

      Graphic of human body with nervous system highlighted

      Peripheral Nervous System

      The Brain and Spinal Cord


      The Two Hemispheres

      Forebrain Structures

      The Case of Henry Molaison (H.M.)

      Midbrain and Hindbrain Structures

      Brain Dead and on Life Support

      Brain Imaging

      The Endocrine System

      Major Glands

    1. Have you ever wondered whether the violence you see on television affects your behavior? Are you more likely to behave aggressively in real life after watching people behave violently in dramatic situations on the screen? Or, could seeing fictional violence actually get aggression out of your system, causing you to be more peaceful?

      I am so familiar with this idea because I am a gamer who love playing action, survival and shooting games on my computer. I could say that I am addicted to games, but it does not make my life wrong as different cases we heard on news. I think it is similar to be aggressive when seeing violence on TV or social media. The more time we spend to observe any things, the deeper it is planted in our mind and behaviors. This is a real story, a few days ago before the course started, I spent a whole day like 14 hours to play a survival and shooting game with my friend. Then, when we about to offline, my friend, he told me that he saw someone standing outside in the balcony and his mind trick him to shoot that person just like what we were playing. (It is just his mind still in the game mode, he did not shoot anyone or owned a gun - just clarify). At that moment, we know that we are so tired and need to rest. There is a study about this effect. Here is the link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3003785/

      To me, I think it is not only baby, but also everyone at every age will be affected by what that person observes or interacts with multiple times. However, there are some cases that show some people tends to hate what they saw so much. For example, some kids grow up in an unhappy family or with abusive parents, tends to be a better Mom or Dad in the future because they understand the pain.

    1. Often, students take their first psychology course because they are interested in helping others and want to learn more about themselves and why they act the way they do. Sometimes, students take a psychology course because it either satisfies a general education requirement or is required for a program of study such as nursing or pre-med. Many of these students develop such an interest in the area that they go on to declare psychology as their major. As a result, psychology is one of the most popular majors on college campuses across the United States (Johnson & Lubin, 2011). A number of well-known individuals were psychology majors.

      These facts and ideas are interesting to me because I feel so related to it. I found myself in the text. However, I think Psychology should be a requirement for every majors because people nowadays need to learn more about themselves to understand themselves as well as sympathize with other people. I think Psychology classes would help and improve a lot the level and quantity of people who has problem with their mental health.

    2. It was not until the late 1800s that psychology became accepted as its own academic discipline. Before this time, the workings of the mind were considered under the auspices of philosophy.

      This fact is surprising me because it was until late 1800s for psychology to be accepted and recognized as an independent academic discipline and a social science. I thought that this field has been separated from other fields early when it came into life. This is because according to the book, psychological science is empirical which is based on measurable data.

    1. Behaviorism commonly used animals in experiments under the assumption that what was learned using animal models could, to some degree, be applied to human behavior

      This experiment is tricky to me because I feel like the way of using animal in experiments to apply to human behavior is not really accurate. I know that it could only be applied to human behavior on some degree, but how could the scientists decide which animal is suitable for which experiments? How could they measure the match degree between that animal and human being?

  2. Jul 2024
    1. personalized

      Hello everyone! My name is Tiana Truong. I came from Aitutaki Tribe. I am okay with everything on a pizza, but I would like extra mushrooms!!