106 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. We are therefore we interact. This is random.

      Canard et al. neutral food webs

    2. ou as a prey item fit in my gob
    3. Here it may be meaningful to contextualise the different ‘types’ of food webs within the larger research programmes (or even practical needs) that have been driving the construction of them.

      is this calling for more metadata

    4. generates a unique representation of the mechanisms

      I'd be a whole lot carefuler about the phrasing here -- a lot of models do not rely on mechanisms at all

    5. Putting the parts together; what does it mean?

      u good?

    6. the magnitude of the edges

      that would be quantitative v. binary, not binary v. probabilistic

    7. As highlighted in Poisot, Stouffer, and Kéfi

      all due respect to Daniel and Sonia, but I'm sure other people made this point before

    8. discussion

      not just a discussion - don't sell this paper short, this is a more systematic assessment of model families / questions

    9. predict

      see? predict! a perfectly cromulent word

    10. ‘code’/define

      I really don't like this == why not "predict"?

    11. their goal

      part of the confusion around networks, beside [REDACTED], is that we have different goals - I think splitting the big paragraph before into many paragraphlets will help you articulate this, and this last paragraph will flow better as a result

    12. This will allow us to ensure the right models are being used to answer the right questions, particularly within the context of trying to accelerate cross-cutting research in the face of global change.


      Or rather yes, but before writing this, you need to tell us (1) what the right questions are, (2) why we care about them re. climate change, and (3) how we know that there are wrong models.

      I think you can make strong cases for all of them by looking at gaps in the litterature. Why is there nothing about interactions in the KM global biodiversity framework? It's because the field has not been able to go beyond "some data, loosely connected to models" in the way e.g. SDM did.

    13. [do we need an e.g., ref??]

      Dansereau, Barros, et Poisot 2024 is ok I guess (but I haven't read it)

    14. Navigating food web prediction

      Connecting food webs to their models: what are we making the data say?

    15. Most attempts

      new paragraph here, this is where you say "But now I'm here and I'm about to do some synthesis: model families exist"

    16. acking in discussions

      oh we are DROWNING in discussions - what we don't have is SYNTHESIS grounded in NUMBERS ^^

    17. the development of these different models have carved out the path for constructing either synthetic, ecologically plausible networks (Poisot, Gravel, et al. 2016), or providing ‘first draft’ networks that can be utilised in real world settings (Strydom et al. 2022)

      this needs to be two different sentences - what are the differences between the two, what is an illustrattion of each, and why do we care that the difference exists?

    18. Although

      new paragraph here

    19. and coded.

      not clear - maybe this can be rephrased as "the structure of the resulting food web"?

    20. models

      I'm afraid you will need to define "models" here, even if it's done later - one sentence is all you need, but you can't let readers go further without giving them clarity

    21. construct and build

      is there a difference between the twio?

    22. and, within the context of this manuscript, specifically food webs

      I would put this in the first paragraph - let's be very explicit about what type of networks this is about

    23. causes dissonance even within the field (Dormann 2023).

      I don't think there's a need to cite Dormann 2023 here - the paper is full of questionable arguments, and none of them are particularly new (or surprising to people who've been doing networks for a while)

    24. understand

      I mean... did we? Understand a lot more with networks? I think a little citation would go a long way here!

  2. Mar 2022
    1. ecosystems

      ecosystemic regions?

    2. direction (expressed as degrees)

      Use the radial histogram instead, most of the time we will care about seeing the direction of gradients

    3. gradeint/‘continuous’ way to view the landscape

      Not sure - just say that it answers two questions: how much change, and in which direction?

    4. more discrete

      I would actually argue that it's continuous?

    5. Froma

      From a

    6. boundaries.

      add "based on the distribution of rate of change values"

    7. randomly

      add "(using Delaunay triangulation)"

    8. regularly

      add "(using a lattice)"

  3. Aug 2021
    1. 0.1

      I'd do multiple species and use the MacDonald et al model, so you can present the results as a heatmap of species x FNR

    2. then the spatial and temporal biases induced by data collection would further impact the realized false negative rate, as in this case the probability of false negative would not be constant for each pair of species across sites

      OK so you're reaching the actual meat of the issue. Is there a non-random structure to the co-occurence of interactions? Hadfield et al is one dataset to test it, and so is Kolpelke et al on aphids. See also the work by Kevin Cazelles on this topic.

    3. seems both pertinent and necessary

      There's a recent preprint by Ferenc Jordan on aggregation, with which I have some methodological issues, but that does get to some of this points.

    4. We suggest using neutral models of species abundances to design the number of observations sufficient to say an interaction doesn’t exist.

      That's the idea of Canard's "neutrally forbidden links", but what about preference? Like, if I'm in a new city and I want a good burger, and there's only one good burger joint, neutrality be damned I'll forage until I've found it.

    5. Introduction

      You need to check out the maths in Carlson et al. on estimates of how many host-virus interactions exist. A lot of the discussion is relevant for what you say in the intro.

    6. (x-axis)

      Shouldn't this be scaled by the number of interactions? Or the square root of network size?

    7. connectance C = 0.1

      What about using the MAP parameters for the model in MacDonald, Banville & Poisot 2019? It's going to give you connectance as a function of richness, and it was calibrated on the Mangal food webs.

    8. It’s the birthday paradox, but backwards

      Ah yes, the generalized reverse pigeonhole problem

  4. Jul 2021
    1. Results/summary

      focus on "why Canada"? -> same-ish habitat, not many shared species but similar taxa, ...

    2. almost entirely known

      focus on "everything that exists is already documented"

    3. 40, 60, and 80%

      50 ,60, ... 90

    4. Figure 1:

      add ref to Schoener et al to generality and vulnerability traits

    5. code availability

      no need for specific computational resources

    6. Transfer learning

      Focus on the similarities with trait imputation

  5. Mar 2021
    1. Our results show that SDM mo

      ¶ de fin - gap filling

    2. he variation in the LCBD-richness relationsh

    3. The regional variatio

      deuxième paragraphe

    4. Our results show that this negative LCBD-richness relationship is indeed not constant and displays regional variation, as the profile was different in our species poor Southwest subregion.

      message principal?

    5. Our result for our species-rich Northeast subregion showed a decreasing, slightly curvilinear relationship between LCBD values and species richness.

      Ce paragraphe en premier dans la discussion

  6. Dec 2020
    1. Spatial distribution of PCD components. Again, a distinct PCDc cluster (as seen on the third map of the left column) matches the cluster for which βs metric is more important.

      This should be developed a little bit more.

    2. Equator

      we're still a little ways from the Equator...

    3. clear


    4. Poisot, Timothée, Benjamin Baiser, Jennifer A Dunne, Sonia Kéfi, François Massol, Nicolas Mouquet, Tamara N Romanuk, Daniel B Stouffer, Spencer A Wood, and Dominique Gravel. 2016. “Mangal - Making Ecological Network Analysis Simple.” Ecography 39 (4): 384–90.

      just use the URL

    5. Poisot, Timothée, and Daniel B. Stouffer. 2018a. “Interactions Retain the Co-Phylogenetic Matching That Communities Lost.” Oikos 127 (2): 230–38. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.03788. Poisot, Timothée, and Daniel B Stouffer. 2018b. “Interactions Retain the Co-Phylogenetic Matching That Communities Lost.” Oikos 127 (2): 230–38.


    6. but rarely do so with more distant communities.

      This is BEGGING for a reviewer to ask that we measure the distance over space.

    7. βwn - i.e., those which differences between them are significantly smaller than the differences in relation to the metaweb

      I LOVE this interpretation, I should have realized this many years ago...

    8. Results

      Results & Discussion

    9. where one group is ancestral to the other two.

      this doesn't flow really well -- rephrase

    10. respond to environmental gradients in space and time

      Gravel et al. "Bringing Elton & Grinnell together..." and Baiser et al. macroecology paper work here

    11. ks

      through loss of co-occurrence

    12. The dissimilarity of networks is not described in the same way for local networks across a metacommunity. Because of particular characteristics such as communities’ species composition and relationship with local environment, the differences in ecological networks can be due to species turnover, links established by shared species or a combination of both. In our case these differences were very prominent, making it possible to group communities by their interactions dissimilarity decomposition.

      this would work better as a methods paragraph, add it where you describe the beta diversity measures

    13. clearly

      never use clearly in a paper, it's the best way to annoy the reviewers who don't get it

    14. Poisot et al. 2019

      You can cite the DOIs instead: Mangal: 10.5281/zenodo.4299306 EcologicalNetworks: 10.5281/zenodo.4302247

    15. βos can not assume values higher than βwn.

      maybe give the \(\beta_{wn}=\beta{os}+\beta_{st}\) formula?

    16. kmeans


    17. m


    18. Jarrod D.


    19. an respond to different environmental gradients.

      don't put too much focus on that

    20. The differences between communities related to interactions may be, but not necessarily are, correspondent to those related to their species composition (Poisot, Stouffer, and Gravel 2014).

      Move this at the bottom of the paragraph and turn it into a conclusion sentence

    21. All these factors contribute to the fact that the differences between interactions are more prone to variability and are always equal or greater than the differences in species composition, and, therefore, are more informative than the number of species or functional diversity alone (Poisot et al. 2017).

      This is a stronger topic sentence than what you currently have - move this to the top of the paragraph

    22. (Poisot, Cirtwill, et al. 2016).

      The better ref is Poisot, Guéveneux-Julien, Gravel et al. 2017? in Global Ecol Biogeogr

    23. (Tylianakis and Morris 2017)

      I would cite Canard et al on neutrality, on this exact system -- Am Nat in... 2012?

    24. such as the phylogenetic signal of interactions
    25. connections between them and their evolutive history.

      interactions, and shared coevolutionary history

    26. the indexes that measure characteristics of ecological networks can also respond to environmental gradients in space and time

      the structure of species interaction networks can itself vary over spatial gradients, thereby adding constraints on the dissimilarity of communities in space.

    27. are much more variable than the occurrence of species

      show greater variability than species co-occurrence

    28. ies no

      does not

    29. betadiversity


  7. Jan 2020
    1. Only very-large food we

      This needs to move (after model description??)

    2. We can derive a measure of departure from expected number of links

      Move this ¶ up AT THE BEGINNING of the new ¶ on z-scores (above)

    3. by . Th

      short clarification

    4. In addition to use as a prior,

      NEW SECTION: Null distributions without re-sampling

    5. Distribution of connectance

      Change the title of this section -> we can build predictive priors

    6. oposed using a Beta distribution for the probability of any specific edge in a food web. The prior defined above may be used in this way.

      develop a little bit

    7. Connectance is constant (for large enough food webs)

      move to model description

    8. A maximum likelihood estimate of each can be calculated by rearranging equation {#eq:lhat} and fitting a Beta distribution to the result:

      add to the text

    9. divergent iterations

      meaning what?

    10. iterations per chain

      as usual

    11. prior predictive checks

      show the plots

    12. The prior we use here can be thought of as beginning with a uniform prior and observing only one interaction among nine species.


    13. first

    14. We have rephrased the question of connectance in food webs as the proportion of links realized above the minimum. There are several ways of writing down this model; we compare two possibilities below. In both cases, we use a discrete probability distribution as the likelihood, with the number of observed links above the minimum as ‘successes’ and the number of possible links as ‘trials’. Each model tries to capture variation in link number greater than would be predicted by alone.


    15. question of connectance in food webs

      number of links instead of connectance

    16. onships in the m

      Use species and links only, move as a second paragraph, talk about data

    17. In this paper we will descri

      This needs to be merged with the previous point

    18. When making predictions is it often helpful to use generative models,

      Useful / important to have the method to fit that is also able to generate the results: we want to understand AND simulate food webs.

    19. Historical efforts to predict link number have produced numerous candidate models, of which the power law is the most general. - Early predictions differ in whether this is a linear of exponential relationship - Has consequences for spatial scaling (Brose) While flexible, the power law relationship is limited because the parameters are difficult to reason about ecologically. This is in part because many mechanisms can produce power-law shaped relationships.

      Power laws describe the data in a phenomenological way but do not account for constraints on network structure. Remove this ¶ and merge with the previous one.

    20. Power laws are very flexible, and indeed this function matches empirical data well.

      Need to make the point that the power law relationship has been assumed to be true for a long time.

  8. Sep 2019
    1. We seek to assess the fitness for pur

      New ¶ here


      Albouy et al Nat Ecol Evol 2018

    3. Main question Here we address the question of what we can and cannot do with this large store of ecological network data. A major challenge to ecological synthesis is generalizing from samples to the behaviour of ecological systems two obstacles to such generalizing in ecological systems: data coverage and data quality data coverage: are data collected from every relevant system? data quality: are data fit-for-purpose? Two particular aspects of quality taxonomic resolution sampling effort Synthesizing ecological data presents important challenges and also some exciting opportunities. Mangal is well suited to offer such opportunities in the study of ecological networks.


    4. ogical data as we could find

      Move discussion paragraph on taxonomic resolution here

    5. Data quality: sampling effort and taxonomy Jordano (2016b) – importance of taxonomic resolution Sampling effort and taxonomic detail are two very challenging but important part of any ecological dataset. The datasets in Mangal represent some of the most detailed studies of ecological networks available. * measures of network structure may be particularly sensitive to the amount of sampling effort * repeat sampling may be necessary to capture a “saturation” of interactions. * we present some visualization of the sampling coverage of Mangal [tk] * High taxonomic resolution is difficult to achieve in ecology, especially depending on the sampling method used (e.g. gut contents vs observations). We present a breakdown of the taxonomic resolution of Mangal. * Ecological networks occur in various kinds, but they are not all equally well sampled. We present a breakdown of the number of parasitic, mutualistic and predator-prey networks sampled in Mangal

      Move into the introduction

    6. This begs the question of what can be achieved with our current knowledge of ecological networks. TK

      Be explicit about NOT making concrete recommendations, needs to be a collective process - unkonwn unknowns

      how much of the gradient have we really sampled?