10 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2016
github.com github.com
Reusing an object with a reset function is much faster than declaring a new object with new
Better insert a reset function than declare a new object!
addyosmani.com addyosmani.com
var myNamespace = (function () { var myPrivateVar, myPrivateMethod; // A private counter variable myPrivateVar = 0; // A private function which logs any arguments myPrivateMethod = function( foo ) { console.log( foo ); }; return { // A public variable myPublicVar: "foo", // A public function utilizing privates myPublicFunction: function( bar ) { // Increment our private counter myPrivateVar++; // Call our private method using bar myPrivateMethod( bar ); } }; })();
Module Template
function is i a private scope (dt. Anwendungsbereich) eg
(var test = "hihi")()
ounter variable is actually fully shielded from our global scope so it acts just like a private variable
var testModule = (function () { var counter = 0 })()
function is in a set of parentheses. This is a useful construct when trying to hide variables from the parent namespace!
dt. einkapseln / verschachteln
dt. Instanzierung
Als Literal (lateinisch littera ‚Buchstabe‘) bezeichnet man in Programmiersprachen eine Zeichenfolge, die zur direkten Darstellung der Werte von Basistypen (z. B. Ganzzahlen, Gleitkommazahlen, Zeichenketten) definiert bzw. zulässig ist.
Car.prototype.toString = function () { return this.model + " has done " + this.miles + " miles";};
moving the toString() function out of the constructor! Why? otherwise its redefined every time the constructor is called see above!