97 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. __________________________________________________________________

      Tell yourself that is the most important thing right now. Put away all distractions and address what could be prohibiting you from studying. Eliminate anything that restricts you.

    2. __________________________________________________________________

      Sachito should have the sister come babysit monthly so that they get time together. She should talk to her husband about not leaving daily for his friends to that she can actually get some studying done at home.

    3. __________________________________________________________________

      James should ask someone to hold on to his computer so that he doesn't become distracted by it.

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      Becky needs to decide where to put her time and what would help her the most in the long run. She could also reschedule the service project or talk to her professor and see if he'll adjust the due date for her.

    5. __________________________________________________________________

      Juan needs to talk about the situation with his mother. They need to develop a schedule to prioritize certain aspects of his life.

    6. Think about your friends in college or other students you have observed in one of your classes. Choose one who usually seems positive and upbeat and one who sometimes or frequently shows a negative attitude about college. Visualize both their faces—side by side—as if you are talking to both of them. Now imagine yourself sitting down to study with one of them for a final exam. Describe how you would imagine that study session going.

      If I sat down with the positive one, he would not goof off and ensure that we studied enough to pass the exam. For the other one, however, he would just listen to music and encourage us not to study, as he thinks that he can make it in life without doing anything.

    7. List ways in which a negative attitude can prevent students from being successful in college.

      They can be careless towards their work and think that college is just a waste of time.

    8. Which of the following goal statements is written in a way that shows the person has carefully considered what he or she wants to achieve?


    9. __________________________________________________________________

      Long-term goals: After college, I want to become a lawyer, I'd like to get a wife, and I want to maintain good fitness. I would also like to start a family.

    10. _________________________________________________________________

      Midterm goals: This year, I want to be able to bench press 130 pounds, write a short book and attempt to publish it, and be a better football player. During high school, I want to be valedictorian. While in college, I want to get a degree in law.

    11. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

      Short-term goals: Today, I want to eat healthy, protein rich meals. This week, I want to work out daily, finish week three of this class, and get better at throwing a football. This month, I would like to finish reading Psalms, finish this course, and win the state Civics Bee.

    1. __________________________________________________________________

      My toughest course is probably personal finance. I would include my friends that care about the class and won't goof off at inappropriate times.

    2. __________________________________________________________________

      I would like to get better at not studying the night before a test, as this is something that I do regularly. I can develop a study schedule the week of a test or quiz to assist be in remembering.

    3. __________________________________________________________________

      Find all of your resources over a topic such as notes and homework. These are great tools for studying.

    1. Even though it is summer, I was reading about simple machines in physics before school ended. Many of my questions are similar, and the author was able to answer most of my questions. My textbook is better written, as it is intended to go very in depth.

    1. __________________________________________________________________

      My living room, the foyer at my school, and my kitchen table are all great. The foyer at school is the best because it has the least distractions.

    2. __________________________________________________________________

      My phone can be a distraction so I can put it on a charger away from me.

    3. _________________________________________________________________

      I can use the Cornel method.

    4. _________________________________________________________________

      Preparing, reading, capturing key ideas, and reviewing. Reading will take the most time because it is the most tedious.

    5. ___________________________________________

      I feel more prepared to read this assignment because I am aware of what to be looking for. I feel more confident, less overwhelmed, and more focused.

    1. _________________________________________________________________

      Three ways to make up for notes is to ask a friend who takes notes, research the topic online using reliable sources, or ask the teacher if the topic is going to be on the test because if not, you may not even need notes.

    2. __________________________________________________________________

      The benefit of a laptop is that it has many tools and features to make note taking easier. The problems are that you have the potential to accidentally lose the notes and it is much easier to become distracted on a computer.

    3. __________________________________________________________________

      The Cornell method lets you write more information and it is a better way to memorize the important things.

    4. ________________________________________________________________________________

      Using the Cornell method, I can retain information more efficiently and focus much better.

    1. They emphasize the word or definition, repeat the material, or just tell you straight forward that the information is important.

    2. You should sit in or near the front of the classroom so that the teacher can see that you are paying good attention to the lesson.

    3. To prepare yourself for active listening, you should get your mind in the right place and get yourself in the right space.

    4. I would consider my friend to be an excellent listener. If something is going on in my life, he cares and shows it in his body language by doing things like making eye contact. A poor listener would be my grandmother, as when I start talking, she won't pay attention and makes it clear that she'd rather be the one talking.

      I have good eye contact, but sometimes I zone out a little bit.

    1. T

    2. F

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    5. Not having as much free time to do what I'd like to.

    6. Football and other sports.

    7. Having a career where I thrive and can support a good family.

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    47. I am confident that I can overcome possible difficulties.

    48. Deciding what I want to do for my career.

    49. I will need to take about 5 classes per term.

    50. I plan to be in college for 4 years.