- Aug 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
blended learning
Por aquí una interesante entrada de blog que resume beneficios y desventajas desde MIT learning: https://medium.com/open-learning/the-pros-and-cons-of-online-learning-1d689a2860ca
A esta tabla creo que vale la pena darle un tiempo de comentario para revisar estas prioridades.
interventions most implemented
- Préstamo de equipo
- Conexión a internet
- Contenido de apoyo (tutorials, enlaces, atención vía telefónica).
reuse of platforms even inthe presence and the use of digital books
Claro, estrategias que llegaron para quedarse.
more preparation and organiza-tion, greater awareness, more tools available for teachers and students, strengthening of theInternet connection (even if still not sufficient) and greater uniformity in teaching proposals
Aspectos que han mejorado.
Despite the many difficulties encountered, 44% of teachers positively evaluated theexperience with distance learning. Among positive factors, teachers claimed that it allowedthem to experiment with new teaching tools and methodologies. Around 36% of teachersalso positively assessed the students’ experience because they had the opportunity toexperiment with new study methods, became familiar with new platforms, and improvedtheir digital skills. Among positive factors of distance learning, the most listed were:flexibility in providing education and accessing content and resources (66%), removalof space and time barriers (40%), ability to record and review lessons (44%), ability tocustomize and adapt courses to the needs of learners (27%) and motivate students toparticipate (for example shy kids), and to exchange views and ideas (23%)
Aspectos positivos descubiertos por docentes: flexibilidad, barrera del tiempo y el espacio, grabar clases, aprendizaje adaptativo, posibilidad de participar de diferentes medios (vía escrita, por ejemplo.
can only be achieved in presence
O se desconoce cómo lograrlos a distancia.
A big concern expressed by teachers refers to the lack of interaction
Esto también es un problema de diseño. En general, se trabajó en poner contenidos en línea, pero no se diseñó una experiencia de aprendizaje.
Another problem was the lack of or limited technical assistance
Falta de internet estable y falta de apoyo técnico en caso de dificultad. Una combinación fatal para el aprovechamiento de las posibilidades de la educación en línea.
One of the most significant technicaldifficulties was represented by the availability of a stable Internet connection.
Y esto sigue siendo un problema en México
distance learning experi-ences in Italy during COVID-19
Interesante conocer experiencias de otros contextos.
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Dominikus David Biondi Situmorang
¿Quién es este investigador?
www.materialdelectura.unam.mx www.materialdelectura.unam.mx
jondron.ca jondron.ca
I will argue that the distinction between online and in-person learning is far less significant than it appears, because all learning is in-person and never online
Online vs. in-person it is a a false dichotomie, it is the wrong question.
- Jun 2022
www.materialdelectura.unam.mx www.materialdelectura.unam.mx
Fétido significa que tiene mal olor.
www.gaceta.unam.mx www.gaceta.unam.mx
plásticos en el mundo ha sido desechado
más de 25 mil millones de toneladas
- May 2022
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
We suggested that students should ask their lay relativesor friends to proofread their articles regarding comprehensibility
Lo cual también es una derrama de aprendizajes.
proudly shared the outcomes of the course on social media
Hay que presumir en redes sociales después de tanto esfuerzo, claro.
blocked full-day lecture
Para llevar las ediciones a Wikipedia se requiere tiempo y con frecuencia las clases de dos horas no son suficientes. ¿Cómo proponer sesiones más largas? ¿Editatones?
joint brainstorming
Decisiones en los hombres del alumnado, no del cuerpo docente.
This expertpresented an introduction to the most important rules of Wikipedia and was also available to studentsin a writing workshop at a later date
Relación directa con la comunidad wikipedista
advancing the team as a unit that could accomplish more with fewer resources. Participatingin a shared overall goal with one’s individual strengths is an additional important aspect that contributedto the exceptional motivation of the students
Solicitar una autoidentificación de mis habilidades y saber dónde puedo aportar más.
The articles weresubmitted for publication on Wikipedia after two further feedback loops and revisions by students.At this point, the Wikipedia expert and other experienced authors from the Wikipedia communityassessed the quality of articles, provided feedback to students, and finally decided on theirpublication
Esto es útil para saber para definir un ritmo de trabajo y sugerir el tiempo que puede llevar una intervención con Wikipedia.
Wikipedia uses a similarframework to manage the multiple historical versions and track changes in the articles. After having workedwith Git while writing the scientific background papers, students had no difficulty transferring the logic ofversion control to the content management system of Wikipedia.
Sería interesante ver si hay alguna ventaja frente al tablero de seguimiento de ediciones en Wikipedia. https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/
anonymous community but on the assessment of student performance by the instructor.
Las calificaciones no se basan en los comentarios o retro de la comunidad sino en observaciones precisas del cuerpo docente.
feedback and evaluation, are spread onto more shoulders, and pla-giarism is quickly detected
Mayor oportunidad de feedback y una eficiente detección de plagio.
Reciprocal feedback is not limited to instructors but to a greater community ofexperts and laypeople, which might be a valuable experience for students with regard to future academiccareers where research is usually being reviewed by a larger scientific community
La evaluación no la realiza únicamente el cuerpo docente.
There is a risk ofunexpected events, like recurring revisions by the community, delays due to careful but long reviewprocesses, or even rejection by administrators, which can also be frustrating for both students andinstructors.
Riesgos potenciales
part of theelective classes within the master’s program in economics at the Vienna University of Economics andBusiness.
Clase de posgrado
¿Quién no quiere hacer más visible el trabajo que se realiza en las clases?
The wind has changed direction,
We present guidelines for bridging the demand for knowledge and the lack ofavailable information in a postgraduate economics class where students collaborate to enrich Wikipediawith articles on income inequality
Encuentran un área de oportunidad y crean una estrategia de intervención educativa.
Me encanta el término! 👌
- Apr 2022
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
pen recognition
Un ejemplo que me encanta es la forma en que se presentan las habilidades en GitHub, por ejemplo: https://github.com/terracing
No doubt it would be easier for readers if we could simply point to examples of robust open recognition networks. We cannot yet.
¿Cómo podría ser esta plataforma? 🤔
that the idea of non-traditional recognition seems hard to fathom, even though non-traditional recognition is most certainly older than traditional recognition.
Esto es uno de los grandes retos, trascender la percepción de no validez.
Open recognition is the acknowledgement of lifelong and lifewide knowledge, skills, abilities, or accomplishments of individuals, shared across networks both electronic and human, and aggregated to the benefit of all.
Definición "reconocimiento abierto"
Open recognition promises to change the landscape of education by dissecting the degree into smaller components, and allow for broader forms of recognition of accomplishment.
¿Así o más disruptivo? :D
open recognition and Wikipedia share common features and can both be categorised as open knowledge movements.
Reconocimiento abierto + Wikipedia
Open Recognition as consisting of three elements a philosophy, a framework, and a practice.
Definición de reconocimiento abierto a partir de un marco de trabajo, una filosofía y la práctica. +1
- Oct 2021
www.materialdelectura.unam.mx www.materialdelectura.unam.mx
Otra forma de llamar al mercurio. https://dem.colmex.mx/Ver/azogue
Otra forma de llamar al mercurio.