41 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. Within the context of participatory culture, however, one might now “crowd-source” the answer with an open-ended Google search and then decide how to vet, and organize the collective knowledge of the group.

      Going over the mile to put yourself inside the culture to have more knowledge

    2. digital media appear to have made participatory cultures more common, and indeed, participatory cultures are often discussed in relation to digital practices and platforms

      Digital media is making participatory culture way more accessible for everyone. Participatory culture is able to be shown more and more because of digital media

    3. “politics as usual” in the future

      I definitely believe this will cause a big change for future politics if younger people are able to see politics in their life as they are growing up will be likely to grow their own beliefs and opinions on what they see in politics

    4. By 2009, 80 percent of the members of Congress had set up their own YouTube channels, enabling unfiltered communication to their constituents (NPR 2009).

      This fact really surprised me, even politicians are using the digital media era to put out more thoughts and opinions of what they want to world to know.

    5. digital media have created new possibilities for civic and political participation

      Digital Media is allowing people from all over the world to talk and put their opinions into the world and have people who believe what believe be in a groups to suppose each other.

  2. Oct 2019
    1. Seeing both the Students and the teachers points on how they should be learning and willing to participate in Q2L, they have same passing points. That really makes me see that Q2L wants everyone to be conformable with each other and wants the same from the student and teachers. That they have different labels and roles but are here for the same thing

    2. Able to model forms of civic engagement for students that demonstrate an understanding of the role that individual voices and communities can play in shaping the quality and value of life.

      Being able to be a shoulder for the students to lean on.

    3. Able to evaluate, select, and use various forms of games, media, and technology in lesson design and implementation to maxi-mize student learning

      Being able to be open to all different types of learning.

    4. Sees himself or herself as a learner, writer, designer, reader, pro-ducer, student, and gamer.

      Q2L wants the teacher to sees themselves as a student to. That is always willing o learn and not just be someone that the student are scared of. That the students and the teachers are on together.

    5. teacher profile that offers both a vision and a standard toward which each Q2L staff member can pursue his or her own goals as a teacher and a researcher and create professional develop-ment plans to meet these goals.

      Q2L aren't just finding teachers that are doing the work because it is work and need money but to have someone as guide for them in the Q2L environment. This is a new and different places of learning so they are looking a for teachers who are willing to be there for the students during this challenging change.

    6. In addition, throughout each semester teachers will participate in study groups, lesson study, and peer observation, and daily common planning time will allow for meaningful collaboration.

      Q2L wants students to learn about self leadership and work with other students for team works, but they still have this teachers to still be there for the student. They aren't just giving them all the works in their hands but also thinking as a adult figure for the students to go to to help and not be afraid to speak up.

    7. Home Base lasts 10 to 15 min-utes and provides opportunities for students and teachers to come together to deal with the daily concerns of adolescents before these concerns become more serious issues for students.

      Even if they are trying to improve more for the students, they are still thinking about their health towards the heavy topics that needs more help and needs.

    8. The Institute of Play provides game design and development exper-tise for students and teachers and serves as a primary conduit to the professional game-development community.

      When creating these games, its not like they have one set of mind and they go with what they said. They have multiple people who have different mindsets that do different games workers or works with students to creative something magical and different for the students to love

    9. Students not only will develop these capacities within the curricular experiences of the school but will be supported in their development through internships, community service, service-learning opportunities, and capstone research projects, especially within the upper grades.

      They will reflect back on their own life from what they have learn form this game based learning system

    10. Be a collaborative player who understands how to work and learn with individuals who hold varied points of view and who bring different resources to bear on the problem at hand.

      Be a leader but also a team player to have time to talk with other and be able to have good scholar discussions

    11. Is an Engaged and Purposeful Citizen

      This whole program is to make sure you are having yourself.You are going to be help to see how you are in the skills and tools you are experiencing from

    12. Recruit appropriate resources and practices essential to com-prehend, analyze, evaluate, develop, and present information in an articulate, persuasive, and appropriate manner for spe-cific purposes—through speech, with visual demonstrations, in writing, and through games and digital communication tools in a manner that demonstrates awareness of diverse points of reference

      Not only are they using the skills they have gain they are also finding new tools to help gain more access to win the game

    13. Use game design and system thinking as lenses through which to view society and culture as well as through which to express ideas and emotions.

      I really like this bullet point. Talking about throughout the course not only would it be a game for fun but it would force the student to think and learn about themselves. To think more about what they want to think about.

    14. Q2L's main goal is not just the students to learn but to bring it into their own life, After the world of school to be able to bring the skills they have bought and actually use it.

  3. Sep 2019
    1. Although she did not have learning supports or many friends who shared her interest, the online world opened up a new site for learning and specialization. N

      This also created a new self skill for yourself. To be bale to research by yourself and get around things on your own. Becoming a leader for yourself and creating that new mindset for you.

    1. One of the key goals of PPS is to engage students in identifying and researching cultural and ecological themes and issues in their local community, then designing media and events (e.g., documentaries, photo exhibits, games, community events, and digital stories) to share their findings and personal perspectives on these issues.

      I really like this idea. This helps makes people opened their eyes to their finding. Not only does it let the community sees what is happening in their surrounding but lets the people do it in their own way.

    1. 15Games such as SimLife

      The way how media is shaping people and giving people a new way of learning a skills based on a game that the main goals was just to entertain them

    2. n; every child deserves the chance to express him- or herselfthrough words, sounds, and images, even if most will never write, perform, or draw profession-ally. Having these experiences, we believe, changes the way youth think about themselves andalters the way they look at work created by others.

      This will puts in that that the "art class" or the classes where creation is the key to pass that classes are extremely important. Students are force to go to class and learn the rights and wrongs of all the others subject. The students aren't able to give themselves a space to be themselves and have their own opinions because their are leaning what is right. The classes like art class has no wrongs or right. Its a chance to be you and have ideas go everywhere!

    3. ot every member must contribute, but all must believe they are free to contribute whenready and that what they contribute will be appropriately valued.

      This like when students are walking in their own paths. Their are walking in their own speed and taking their time when learning.

    4. or the purpose of the study,a media creator is someone who created a blog or webpage, posted original artwork, photogra-phy, stories or videos online or remixed online content into their own new creations. Mosthave done two or more of these activities. One-third of teens share what they create onlinewith others, 22 percent have their own websites, 19 percent blog, and 19 percent remix onlinecontent

      This will open my eyes to anyone could do anything because of media and because of the internet. We literally could be anyone and the content is shared online. Other people could see it and want more. Companies and organizations see your creations because it was posted online. This could start something huge for anyone who posted original stuff online

    5. These skills build on the foundation of tradi-tional literacy, research skills, technical skills, and critical analysis skills taught in the classroom.

      This basic skills that we have learn throughout the corse of how school life is now able to be learned the same way but through media. this show how advanced technology has become to the point of now. That even basic skills that we use now in our daily adult life is now being taught through a media

    6. at the least they care what other people think about what they havecreated)

      This is like the idea that we discuss in class. That we as people are fitting in and trying to find our groups who knows the "vocabs" and the "terms" that you know in this groups that you both love doing.You are hoping people on media cares about what your love is as much as they do

    1. Not only did he learn himself, his brother was a big impact in his learning life. HE was a role model for Luis and he learned what he can from what Luis' older brother have gave to him

    2. Despite the fact that his family computer was old and not equipped for video production, home remained an important context for design.

      Luis knew he wasn't able to get the access as other people around the world do, so he use what he got tot make the best out of them. He knew how to reflection on what he had to creative something better

    3. In some cases, this was self-critical, attempting to fi x mistakes he saw in his previous work. Luis described his desire to make more com-plex and better-structured fi lms.

      Another way Luis way of leaning is by himself. From the mistakes he has made. He will work on them and practice them to make them even better.

    4. He also looked for new ideas and solutions to prob-lems online, especially from a site called zipster.com.

      Luis' own on of learning is by this website

    5. from which Luis then developed his own style

      Luis didn't go looked up how to do "claymation" he learned by himself. He took a risk to find more about what is his style and play again with it.

    6. Luis is learning in a new way compare to the other kids is being of what he is interested in. Since the computer was something he love playing on it sort of made he discovered to learn form it. He push him to enjoy what he is doing because of the computer

    7. opportunities to design and create artwork, movies, games, animations, interactive robots, and other artifacts.

      Just as said before the whole new world of the internet and technology is letting people from all over the world be able to crate, learn or find out more about themselves. It really makes a different then what they have went through back in the day

    8. to adapt technology to advance one’s own goals

      That we are learning more and more everyday and that is because the internet and the technology is able to help us.

    9. Welcome to the Simmons Computer Clubhouse,

      This article will affect on the new world of technology in the world we are living into. how everyone could learn anything with just the touch of our fingertips

    1. This is all affected by the technology. Everything that is around us is now effected by technology. Its crazy because this is really true. When kids hangout with their friend sits about playing games or watching movies. Its never playing a board game or card game way you have to interact with the guest, instead of ignoring them

    2. Its really vague and big how technology is shaping the youth of day but isn't really going to the positive about it. Everyday we see parents yelling at their kids to get off their phone but what the parents don't look at is the positive of having a phone. They are looking and shaping the negative of the phone and technology. But it is really helping kids really learn and more themselves more into what they want to learn

    3. The goal of this book is to document a point in this evolutionary process by looking carefully at how both the commonalities and diversity in youth new media practice are part of a broader social and cultural ecolog

      Will be going more in depth of how the social media era are effecting the people of youth today. As in shaping their social life to how these people are learning more and more everyday more than they use to learn in the older day

    1. As GIFs are becoming more of a society norms for people all over the world to see the reaction or the feeling you are feeling at the moment, there is a talk about the "digital blackface" that have took over the scene of GIFs.

    2. and the Internet becomes an exhausting experience.

      From the other side world, the internet is suppose to be a getaway from the real world. How the real world is constantly filled with hate, the internet is a way to get out. But even know with the "digital blackface" the internet is because the real world. With hate towards one group of people, trying to gain power over them