- Nov 2016
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
For example, teaching digital skills would include showing students how to download images from the Internet and insert them into PowerPoint slides or webpages. Digital literacy would focus on helping students choose appropriate images, recognize copyright licensing, and cite or get permissions, in addition to reminding students to use alternative text for images to support those with visual disabilities.
These are great examples. As digital skills and digital literacy are described with these examples, we can see that they are quite different but both very useful. I think they go hand in hand and they are both extremely important in today's technology run world. Having great digital skills and digital literacy can benefit you as a student or as an employee/employer and they are equally important.
- Aug 2016
berkeleyjournal.org berkeleyjournal.org
Since we sociologists are no longer racists, we can rest peacefully knowing that we would not conduct such an injustice today. And we can excuse the early racists as being men of their time. Who was not racist in early 20th century America?
Although I agree that in past centuries in America, African-Americans were treated more unjust than they are today, due to their race, I still don't believe that "time" is a valid excuse.
Park just did not bother to cite it.
Did Park purposely decide not to cite Du Bois? If so, was it because of his race??
Mydral’s influential work cites Du Bois eighty-three times, but Park only nine.
Does this show that Mydral's influential work was based more on Du Bois' ideas more than Park's?
Though his resources paled in comparison to those of the wealthy Department of Sociology at Chicago, Du Bois put together a team of researchers to study African Americans in their communities and held conferences for researchers on black life in America.
I believe this showed Du Bois determination and devotion towards his work despite his lack of resources. (Go might have included this to appeal to the readers emotions aside for informing them about how he did his research).
But Morris persuasively shows that The Philadelphia Negro by Du Bois, completed in 1897 and published in 1899 (nineteen years before the publication of The Polish Peasant), is the more deserving text.
Go uses logos to demonstrate why the Chicago School is not the originator of sociology because there were other real innovators and founders like Du Bois and his "Atlanta School" of sociology, that showed his ideas years earlier.