8 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020

      This vision of a classroom community is profoundly Hobbesian. What about models of learning that do not depend on competition between students or that do not treat the learning process as a limited commodity?

    2. uniform

      I am wondering about the emphasis and value of uniformity, which assumes an ideal type that would somehow be possible for all students of all identities and circumstances to access equally. This seems profoundly apolitical/ahistorical/asocial to assume that "uniform is best" for student learning.

    1. Deter. Detect. Prevent.

      This tagline immediately calls to mind the US Border Patrol's official policy of "Prevention through Deterrence", which has killed thousands of people crossing the US/Mexican border since 2000.

    2. the freedom

      The freedom to be surveilled at a time of their choosing seems like a limited freedom indeed.

    1. took a lot of the anxiety out of the exam process."

      For who? This quote is again attributed to a college, not to an embodied speaker. Who experiences less anxiety because of Proctorio?

    2. suspicious behaviors

      What behaviors are defined as "suspicious" for the Proctorio algorithm? What is the range of "normal" human behaviors as understood by Proctorio?

    1. state-of-the-art facial detection technology

      I am curious about the data that is used in Proctorio's facial detection. What databases or services are they using?

    2. Better learning outcomes for all test takers

      I wonder how Proctorio makes claims about learning outcomes that appear divorced from the actual design and content of assessments. One underlying assumption seems to be that proctored exams in and of themselves are preferable to other forms of assessment.

      Does proctoring an exam somehow improve the exam itself? Does it improve what the exam is measuring? Does it improve how the exam supports student learning?