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    1. Case study:
      • org structures expands the bandwith of management to focus on their goals
      • Changes done Kranti: staff capacity dev, M&E frameworks, more streamlined and improved programmatic planning and work, improved financial management.
      • To face challenges - have a dialogue with personnels on the need and importantance of such changes
      • Advice to NGO: give impo to formal processes, focus on the representation on your work
      • Advice to Funders - Fund grassroots org directly, focus on commitment and potentialal instead of turnovers
    1. Key trends

      contradictions between: - be equitable and shift power - building trusted relationships between philanthropists and grantees - enable system change - increase risk appetite of donors and catalyse innovation - to do everything based on data and evidence

      for shift of power, there need to be focus on unrestricted funding with generous coverage of operational costs with minimal reporting requirements. But at the same time philanthropists want to enable systems change - which requires aligned strategic approach - i.e. trusted partnership and collaboration. Now this collaboration requires more, time and money and also so NGO's need to be up for it or it wouldn't be an equitable partnership. Minimal reporting can make it difficult to track down progress made by systems change, and counters evidence based approach to philanthropy. Focus can be made on learning. System change when translated as scale can itself exclude many org by prioritising scale, and without changing its understanding, it can be exclusionary for potential grantees and prevent their access to ‘systems change’ funding calls. Take more risks yet strategies formulated by those without lived experiences of the issues at hand. At the same time, philanthropy has a unique role to play in such partnerships to avoid this dynamic: it can leverage its influence and networks to ensure more equitable, power-sensitive approaches while building critical bridges between the profit-driven motivations of the private sector, the social goals of governments, and the justice goals of civil society actors. And so right questions need to be asked to give way to such transformation.

    1. ow

      Practices to drive systems change: 1. Involve communities in decision-making 2. Use data, evidence, and research to develop solutions 3. Aim to influence policy 4. Build scalable solutions 5. Leverage technology for scale 6. Help strengthen institutional capacity in government 7. Partner with organisations to scale 8. Create viable markets for the under-privileged

    1. can freely use these funds

      need for unrestricted funding to cover non-programmatic costs

    2. Fundraising & Communications July 10, 2024 Investing

      fundraising is more of the category

    3. communications

      org framework category

    1. Blended models are the future

      M&E frameworks allow to access the growth of the NGO, and assists in understanding models that help in their growth. Utilising blended models so that they can simultaneously not put all their eggs in one basket

    2. Advice to funders

      Funders need to allow the org to grow and expand, to experiment and sometimes even fail so that they can learn. making changes in frameworks or building new projects, allows for a grassroots org to expand in scale. By engaging and communicating with NGO personnel's they can understand the motivation behind these NGO's and foster a collaborative experience wherein their insights can can guide the growth of the NGO>

    3. Advice for nonprofits

      allow a space for experimentation, as taking risks in new ventures with allow growth In all dimensions. The wealth of data collected by M&E can help gain stakeholder confidence in allowing the org to experiment. Keep evaluating your progress, and learningg from it, embracing changes and adapting to them. Grow, but remember with this growth what the motivation is, and let it guide the growth in the direction you desire.

    4. Both tangible and intangible impact

      data provides ease to donors and gives them the tangibility about the growth from their funds, making it easier to communicate with the donors and ask for additional funding. A grassroots organisation frowns not just by numbers but the improvement qualitatively to the society they bring, this means that when it comes to M&E, it's not just important to have a systematic data collection in place but also a keep monitoring of qualitative improvement that the work of the NGO is bringing, and to formulate frameworks to monitor this growth and evaluate it. Giving it as much significance as quanitative data

    5. importance of intermediaries

      not relevant. Maybe point 3, 3. Understanding the broader impact on families helps in M&E by providing a complete picture beyond just numbers. It includes qualitative insights like behavioral changes and quality of life improvements, which offer context and help tailor interventions effectively.

    6. two main reasons:

      significance 2 points

    7. Case study

      This article delves into the importance of developing an M&E framework, especially for the growth of grassroots NGO's. It provides advice to both nonprofits and funders on how M&E helps both in their growth and connection with the organisation along with the ability to be able to measure both tangible and intangible progress.

    8. importance of understanding the broader impact on the lives

      measures in developing M&E