- Jun 2023
vedabase.io vedabase.ioBg. 7.81
From that transcendental subtle vibration arose the oṁkāra composed of three sounds. The oṁkāra has unseen potencies and manifests automatically within a purified heart. It is the representation of the Absolute Truth in all three of His phases — the Supreme Personality, the Supreme Soul and the supreme impersonal truth.
vedabase.io vedabase.ioBg. 3.141
https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/12/4/7/ - Reference to Pralaya where there will be no Rains for 100 years
vedabase.io vedabase.io
Systematic arguments on how God cannot be Formless or Impersonal
vedabase.io vedabase.ioBg. 1.11
1- Why does Srila Prabhupada say that Gita is theistic Science? Generally we think Science and Religion are exclusive.
2- What is the meaning of Veda? Who wrote the Vedas? What do the Vedas comprise of? How many total verses are there in total in the Vedas?
3- What is the easiest way to surpass the Study of all Vedas?
4- What is the specific standard of the Gita?
5- Why did Krishna speak the Gita?
6- Why was Dhritarashtra fearful of Kurusketra?
7- How was Sanjaya able to see the War in Kurukeshtra while sitting far away in Hastinapur?
8- Using Paddy field example, explain the significance of the word Dharma Kshetre.
- Oct 2022
vedabase.io vedabase.io
Five Rasas explained nicely
- Jun 2022
vedabase.io vedabase.io
The Lord Himself comes to display His transcendental pastimes, typically represented at Vṛndāvana, Mathurā and Dvārakā. He appears just to attract the conditioned souls back to Godhead, back home to the eternal world. But for want of sufficient piety, the onlookers are not attracted by such pastimes of the Lord. In Bhagavad-gītā it is said that only those who have completely surpassed the way of sinful reaction can engage themselves in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The entire Vedic way of ritualistic performances is to put every conditioned soul on the path of piety. By strict adherence to the prescribed principles for all orders of social life, one can attain the qualities of truthfulness, control of the mind, control of the senses, forbearance, etc., and can be elevated to the plane of rendering pure devotional service to the Lord. Only by such a transcendental vision are one’s material hankerings fully satisfied.
vedabase.io vedabase.ioBg. 4.91
https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/3/1/44/ talks about the 2 reasons why Krishna appears.
vedabase.io vedabase.io
Similarly, all the demigods of the heavenly kingdom appeared as associates of the Lord in the forms of Pradyumna, Sāmba, Uddhava, etc. It is learned here that Kāmadeva appeared as Pradyumna, Kārttikeya as Sāmba, and one of the Vasus as Uddhava. All of them served in their different capacities in order to enrich the pastimes of Kṛṣṇa.
SB 3.1.30
- Jan 2022
vaniquotes.org vaniquotes.org
So ultimately Krsna is working. Another, untrained man cannot come and work on it because there is no intelligence. And a particular man who is trained up, he can work. So these things are going on
- Sep 2021
vedabase.io vedabase.io
So from His very childhood the Lord began to preach the importance of the holy name.
vedabase.io vedabase.io
There are three kinds of puruṣas. Puruṣa means the male, or the enjoyer. So uttama-puruṣa, madhyama-puruṣa, adhama-puruṣa.
Just like if you are diseased, you are suffering from fever, so when there is no more fever, but you remain in your original healthy body, that is called mukti.