4 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2018
  2. Local file Local file
    1. include Hypothesis in your WordPress and Drupal websites on the full list, here. If you’re working with a Content Management System or web site building software and would like to discuss integrating Hypothesis


    2. Hypothesis with your CMS



    1. http://localhost:5000

      I've installed and configure the project on my linux ubuntu based server on public ip 138.68.. but I'm unable to acces it on this ip address on port 5000, kindly suggest if anyoe have configured it on live server , how to access it

    2. pment environment the first thing you need to do is install h’s system depende

      I've installed and configure the project on my linux ubuntu based server on public ip 138.68.. but I'm unable to acces it on this ip address on port 5000, kindly suggest if anyoe have configured it on live server , how to access it