3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. u can enable No Cost EMIs offered by Bajaj Finserv on Razorpay Checkout. Know more about Bajaj Finserv No Cost EMI.

      check with OM if bajaj finserv can be highlighted here

    2. No Cost EMIs are offered as an upfront discount to your customers. After the purchase is made, the customer is charged monthly as per the credit card billing cycle, or payment terms agreed with the card issuer.

      A no-cost EMI is an offer where customers pay for a product in instalments with zero interest. Therefore, your customers pay for the total price of the product, with no extra charges. The card issuer waives the interest levied on the EMIs.

    3. The card issuer waives off the interest levied on the EMIs.

      this line sees out of place here

    4. and Bajaj Finserv EMI cards at Razorpay Checkout.

      not sure if we can mention bajaj finserv here. check with PM once

    1. etting of the payments as a Configuration ID and contact the Support Team for more details on the Configuration ID.

      some issue here. please recheck sentence

    1. Cardless EMI FAQs.

      Refer to the Cardless EMI FAQs?

    2. w cardless

      Cardless EMI?

    3. cardless EM

      Case inconsistency, is it cardless or Cardless EMI (Non-UI usage)?

    4. Cardless EMI and Pay Later.

      should we add this as a section after Payment Flow instead. At this point, talking about refunds might be confusing for merchants

    5. ut requiring a debi

      without a debit or credit card

    6. Extend

      Extend might be a difficult word for merchants. We can replace it with Offer or Provide

    1. EMI. If the customers are not eligible for the EMI, they have to pay the full amount. They click Pay full amount and are prompted to confirm the action.


    2. nters the Phone Number and Email and click Pr

      numbering breaking. images to be indented correctly

    3. mers:

      the customer:

    4. Watch Out! Instant Refunds are not supported on EMI, Cardless EMI and Pay Later.

      should we add this on all EMI pages? or should we add this as a section after the payment flow?

    1. the customers are redirected to your a

      Razorpay redirects customers to ...

    2. MI, they click Pay via EMI. If the customers are not eligible for the EMI, they have to pay the full am

      bullets, as mentioned in the main EMI doc

    3. Other EMI options s

      don't think this is applicable for debit cards...

  2. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. e Pay with Razorpay button. Th

      we should try to make the button open the link in a new tab

    2. After the successful authentication, the customers are redirected to your application or website. Customers' monthly statements will reflect the EMI amount with the interest charged by the bank.

      After the successful authentication, Razorpay redirects customers to your application or website. Customers' monthly statements will reflect the EMI amount with interest charged by the bank.

    3. red..

      two full stops here

    4. f the customers are eligible for availing the EMI, they click Pay via EMI. In case the customers are not eligible for availing the EMI, then they have to pay the full amount. They click Pay full amount and are prompted to confirm the action.

      can we write this in bullets? one for eligible customers and one for non-eligible customers

    5. ebit or Cardless.

      what about no-cost emi?

    6. Should we explicitly mention that it is available by default? Since we are not using x in the last one....

    7. ods.Kno

      spacing issue

    8. Settings → Payment Methods

      SettingsPayment Methods

    9. partnered with various banks to provid

      just check this line once. Not sure if we should say that Razorpay has partnered.

  3. Aug 2022
    1. drop

      Platform drop-down

    2. ou must enable COD Intelligence if you opt for RTO protection.

      Bullet or make it appear immediately after the previous sentence.

    3. m the drop-dow

      from the Platform drop-down list.

    4. You can enable COD Intelligence if required. Magic Checkout detects incorrect/non-serviceable addresses and decides whether to show a particular customer the cash on delivery option based on their buying history to increase delivery percentage and reduce RTO rates.

      Enable COD Intelligence to detect incorrect/non-serviceable addresses. This allows Magic Checkout to decide whether to show a particular customer the cash-on-delivery option based on their buying history, thus increasing the delivery percentage and reducing RTO rates.

    5. appear

      image does not seem indented

    6. appropriate

      numbered and not bulleted

    7. to your WordPress account. Navig

      this should be a numbered list

    8. To add

      For the shipping cost to reflect on the Checkout, ensure all the shipping zones are added.

    9. have o

      image does not seem indented

    10. r RTO protection.

      Query: How do merchants opt for RTO protection?

    11. Select

      Select WooCommerce from the Platform drop-down list.

    12. fields of you

      the screenshot does not seem relevant here

    13. k Payments.

      Need a screenshot for this

    1. e Website

      Meta description is missing. Please add.

    2. in Step 2.1 and click

      link is not working

    3. ment.

      If this is not selected, customers will be shown only the Add to Cart button.

    4. Checkout

      Please make the https://betasite.razorpay.com/docs/razorpay/payments-magic-checkout-woocommerce-new-config/build/browser/assets/images/magic-checkout-other-settings.jpg image to appear before the Activate Test Mode point. At present users cannot visualise/relate what we are talking about

    5. Address

      check with PM if the wordpress URL is sensitive info and should be blurred in the screenshots

    6. This is an on-demand feature. Please raise a request with our Support team to get this feature activated on your Razorpay account.

      Please check if we can combine these points?

      Magic Checkout and Cash on Delivery are on-demand features. Please raise a request....

  4. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. PayU's dashboard.

      PayU Dashboard

    2. e is a parameter receipt.

      this is not really a step, so I think we can combine points 1 and 2

    3. PayU's dashboard:

      the PayU Dashboard

    4. on the PayU's dashboard

      on the PayU Dashboard..

    1. You can generate data for a selected period. Graphs are automatically generated for the selected period. You can also filter data to display it on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis up to the last 90 days. You can hover over the graph for a breakdown of the data.

      You can generate graphs for a selected period. You can also filter data to display it on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis up to the last 90 days. Hover over the graph for a breakdown of the data.

    2. magic intelligence

      I don't know how it appears on UI, but I think it should be Magic Intelligence under the Settings tab.

    3. You can view in-depth information about the various activities on your account. This includes a wide range of analytics that provides an insight into Magic Intelligence's total orders for safe and risky orders. You can also view the reasons for flagging orders.

      Magic Checkout's RTO Analytics Dashboard provides you with an in-depth view of the RTO-related activities on your account. The Dashboard offers insight into how Magic Intelligence protects the business from risky orders by showing the number of unsafe orders and why they are marked risky.

    4. your account.

      View in-depth information about the various RTO activities on Magic Checkout on the Razorpay Dashboard.

    1. Navigate

      The payment status appears on the Payment Page tab too - https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payment-pages/create#payments-and-settlements

    2. t payment details.

      Enter the relevant details and complete the payment.

    3. The customers will: Click Pay. The magic checkout pop-up appears.

      When a customer clicks the Pay button, they should complete these steps on the Magic Checkout pop-up page:

    4. Once you publish the page and share it with your customers, they will perform the following steps to complete the payment successfully.

      After you publish the page and share it with your customers, they can perform the following steps to complete the payment successfully.

    5. Address City State Pincode

      according to screenshot it is only email and phone. also please give feedback on the ui text. couple of grammatical/punctuation issues

    6. This will remove your customer's shipping details and add them to the checkout flow.

      this line is confusing. what we want to say is that after the merchant enables this option, the customer input fields such as email, phone will be removed from the payment page

    7. After you save the changes, the following address fields are removed, and the customer's shipping address will be collected at the checkout.

      this is not really a step. can remove the numbering

    8. shipping charge

      UI element. Shipping Charge

    9. Add an amount of your choice for the customer to pay the shipping charges. For example, if the order value is ₹500 and the shipping charge is ₹50, then the customer should pay ₹550 in total.

      Add the amount the customer should pay for shipping charges. For example, if the order value is ₹500 and the shipping charge is ₹50, then the customer should pay ₹550 in total.

    10. website

      Payment Page

    11. website/app

      Razorpay Payment Page

  5. Jul 2022
    1. eters:

      remove colon

    2. ode:

      The colon should be removed

    3. Order API

      Add a link to the Orders API page.

    4. If you want to display a specific offer at the Checkout, you can choose to associate the offer with an order. This must be done by passing the offers array as a request attribute in the Create Orders API. This is useful if you have multiple product lines running on the same account and have certain business logic on your side for displaying offers. Also, beneficial in cases where the discount has already been applied, and you would like to restrict the payment method that should be used to avail of the offer.

      To display a specific offer at the Checkout, you should associate the offer with an order. You can pass the offers array as a request attribute in the Create Orders API.

      Some use cases: - If you have multiple product lines running on the same account and have certain business logic on your side for displaying offers. - The discount has already been applied, and you would like to restrict the payment method to avail of the offer.

    5. Suppose you use Razorpay Magento, Shopify, or WooCommerce plugins to integrate with Razorpay Payment Gateway or payment apps like Payment Links, Payment Buttons, Payment Pages and Invoices. In that case, you need not integrate offers with Orders API. This is because orders are automatically created when customers initiate payment at the Checkout. However, if you are using our JS, SDK files or other ecommerce plugins, you must integrate offers with the Orders API.

      If you use any of the following Razorpay products or plugins to accept payments, you need not integrate offers with Orders API: - Plugins: Razorpay Magento, Shopify, or WooCommerce - Products: Payment Links, Payment Buttons, Payment Pages and Invoices. This is because Razorpay automatically creates orders for these products or plugins when customers initiate payment at the Checkout.

      However, if you use our JS, SDK files or other ecommerce plugins, you should integrate offers with the Orders API.

  6. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. View All Invoices In this example, details of all the invoices can be retrieved. View Invoices Raised for a Customer In this example, details of the invoices linked to a customer can be retrieved using the customer_id as the query parameter.

      There seems to be only one example. so we can remove these sections

    2. In the first request, the invoice is in the 'draft' state, so the 'line_items' can be updated. In the second request, the invoice is in the 'issued' state, wherein, only a few parameter values can be updated.

      this sentence is no longer relevant

    3. The following t

      Add this table under Request Parameters heading

    4. Path Parameter🔗 Curl Java Python Go Ruby PHP Node.JS ResponseCopy

      Path Parameter heading to appear after the code sample block

    5. invoice


    6. invoice.

      Please check the comments in the entity table and edit the descriptions accordingly.

    7. partial_payment


    8. Request Parameters🔗

      Code Sample to appear above Request Parameters heading. Refer - https://betasite.razorpay.com/docs/razorpay/invoices-api-revamp/api/orders#create-an-order

    9. ou can use Items APIs to create items which you can later use as a template to create line items in an invoice.

      Maybe make the Items API line to appear in point 2? Or as a separate point?

    10. Also, only after the invoice is issued, it can be sent to customers and the corresponding payment can be made against it. Yo

      Send this URL to the customer to accept payments.

    11. Only after the invoice is issued, you will get a short URL.

      You will get a short URL in the response after you issue the invoice to the customer.

    12. Note:

      Handy Tips

    13. string Here, it is invoice.

      duplicate. already present in the table

    14. his is the link that can be shared with the customer to receive payments.

      Share this link with customers to accept payments.

    15. of the invoice.

      Any min/max?

    16. e list of supported international currencies.


    17. he delivery status of the SMS notification for the invoice sent to the customer. Possi

      the parameter name is missing

    18. ble values:
    19. e list of supported international currencies.


    20. ls of the customer.
    21. g Unique number you added for internal reference.

      Can you please add the min, max length for this? Check with PM or tech.

    22. must


    23. Here, it is invoice.

      Indicates the type of entity. Here, it is invoice.

    24. Send notifications to your customers.

      Please check this link once. It does not go to the relevant section

    25. supported international currencies usi

      link is throwing 404

    26. Support:

      Remove the colon

    27. oices:

      Remove the colon

    1. U


    2. Please note that we are not required to question or contest the validity of any search warrant, subpoena, or other similar governmental requests we receive.

      duplicate sentence.

    3. Razorpay collects personal information, such as date of birth, gender identity, veteran status, and so on.

      Disha to change this

    4. Precise of coarse location

      Precise or Coarse location?

    5. Razorpay SDK allows a user to delete data on request provided the request meets regulatory guidelines.

      Razorpay SDK allows users to delete data on request, provided the request meets regulatory guidelines.

    6. play’s


    7. Suppose another company acquires our company or our assets. In that case, that company will possess your Personal Information and assume the rights and obligations concerning that information as described in this Privacy Policy.

      If another company acquires our company or our assets, that company will possess your Personal Information, and will assume the rights and obligations with respect to that information as described in the Privacy Policy.

    8. that we may have now or in the future case will require them to honor this Privacy Policy.

      that we may have now or in the future, in which case we will require them to honour our Privacy Policy.

    9. synchronization


    10. customize


    11. egarding how data we use and handle the dat

      how we use and handle the data

    12. data safety

      Data Safety

    13. Data safety for

      Data Safety

    14. Data safety

      Data Safety

    1. Response Parameters🔗

      add link to va entity section

    2. Response Parameters🔗

      add link to va entity section

    3. The combination of merchant prefix and descriptor must be 20 characters. The length of the merchant prefix can vary between 4-10 characters, and the length of descriptor from 10-16 characters.

      The descriptor length should be 10 characters only.

    4. ds a virtual accoun

      Add a response parameter section with link to the refund entity page

    5. Note:

      Handy Tips

    6. - active- closed


    7. 50100093961111

      can you change it to 50100000000001

    8. Response Parameters🔗


    9. Response Parameters

      link to payment entity

    10. -card-netbanking-wallet- emi-upi


    11. -created-authorized-captured-refunded-failed


    12. gaurav.khanna@okhdfcbank",

      please replace this with gaurav.kumar@exampleupi and saurav.kumar@example.com

    13. Note:

      Handy Tips

    14. string Indicates the status of the virtual account. Possible values are: - active- c


    15. string The mode of bank transfer used. Possible values are: - NEFT - RTGS - IMPS - UPI

      should have bullets instead of hyphen

    16. d in Fetch a Payment API.

      make this link go to the payments entity.

    17. ayments

      The response sample code is not updated. Please use the one I am sharing below.

      { "entity": "collection", "count": 1, "items": [ { "id": "pay_JsSu2WouXWEBGu", "entity": "payment", "amount": 100, "currency": "INR", "status": "captured", "order_id": null, "invoice_id": null, "international": false, "method": "bank_transfer", "amount_refunded": 0, "refund_status": null, "captured": true, "description": "", "card_id": null, "bank": null, "wallet": null, "vpa": null, "email": "gaurav.kumar@example.com", "contact": "+919999999999", "customer_id": "cust_F4W8ju0t4WE0m0", "notes": [], "fee": 1, "tax": 0, "error_code": null, "error_description": null, "error_source": null, "error_step": null, "error_reason": null, "acquirer_data": {}, "created_at": 1657631198 } ] }

    18. +919972139994",

      Can you please remove my phone number from here ? :')

    19. Response Paramet

      Instead of the table, can you please add a link to the entity?

      Like we have done here for Orders API - https://razorpay.com/docs/api/orders#response-parameters

    20. Response Paramet

      Instead of the table, can you please add a link to the entity?

      Like we have done here for Orders API - https://razorpay.com/docs/api/orders#response-parameters

    21. Response Parameters

      Instead of the table, can you please add a link to the entity?

      Like we have done here for Orders API - https://razorpay.com/docs/api/orders#response-parameters

    22. wed is 8 digits.

      please check with PM once if it is 8 digits or 10 digits. You can check on the Dashboard also.

    23. gaurikumar

      I think we should add a line here that the descriptor can be 10 characters only.

    24. - ban

      bullet instead of hyphen

    25. - vir

      bullet instead of hyphen

    1. s and companies registered outside India.

      to businesses registered outside India.

    2. b at Razorpay?🔗

      move it under common section

    3. languages


    4. y language?🔗

      my server language

    5. ay? how do we integrate it on our end?🔗

      How do we integrate

    6. your webpage. Can I still integrate?🔗

      this question can be moved under Integrations

    7. ts using Payment wallet?🔗

      Paytm wallet?

    1. side the selected one.

      Might be a minor thing, but though Sofort check box was selected while requesting for enablement, there is still a Request button in this screen. Any specific reason?

    2. ck Submit form. Th

      Unable to see a submit form cta on the screenshot.

    3. Instant Bank Transfers Activation

      UI element. Can you please make it bold?

    1. We have removed qr as the receiver type from our Smart Collect APIs. From now on, vpa and bank_account will be the only receiver types that will be supported. (Jun 2022)

      We have deprecated the qr receiver type from our APIs. From now on, only vpa and bank_account will be supported. (Jun 2022)

  7. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Activation of an account is subject to approval from our banking partners (Working days do not include Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays) Our team will update you on the status of your account, once we get a revert from our bank.

      Activation of an account is subject to approval from our banking partners (working days do not include Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays). We will update your account status after receiving the bank's response.

    2. Yes, we do support fr

      this answer seems to be unrelated to the confusion. can you please check once

    3. You can log in to your Razorpay account, Complete Account Activation, and KYC Verification and complete the activation form in your dashboard.

      Follow these steps to complete the activation process: 1. Log in to your Razorpay Dashboard. 1. Complete Account Activation and KYC Verification steps. 1. Submit the activation form.

    4. er:

      remove colon

      link to open in new tab

    5. don’t

      avoid contractions

    6. Please check if you have received a mail from us around the time you submitted the activation form and revert to the mail thread

      this looks like a long sentence. can you please try to shorten it?

    7. here and s

      make the link open in a new tab

    8. We do not disclose our clientele. However, you can view some of our clients on our website.

      remove first line.

      You can view some of our customer success stories on our website.

      The link should open in a new tab

    9. Unlike a wallet, we are a payment gateway. We do not have a login before the payment page. We do not even redirect to any page, we take payments on the merchant’s page. This drastically reduces the drop ratio, resulting in high profits for the merchants.

      Razorpay is not a wallet provider. We enable businesses to accept payments and make payouts using various payment methods. We do not have a login before the payment page. We do not even redirect to any page; we take payments on the business' page. This drastically reduces the customer drop-off ratio, resulting in high profits for the business.

    10. Razorpay

      this answer talks only about payment gateway and hence needs to be changed

      Razorpay is an Indian payments solution provider that allows businesses to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite. We give you access to all payment modes including credit card, debit card, netbanking, UPI and popular wallets including JioMoney, Mobikwik, Airtel Money, FreeCharge, Ola Money and PayZapp.

      We provide a secure link between your website, various issuing institutions, acquiring banks, and other payment gateway providers.

      List of Razorpay products. (add link: https://razorpay.com/docs/get-started#2-choose-your-product)

    11. We are a developer-oriented payment gateway. We provide you with 24x7 support, our codes are super easy to integrate and do not take more than 30 minutes, and our checkout experience is highly customer friendly. Since we do not redirect your customers away from your page, this makes life easy for them. Your customers do not have to re-enter their card details or build the shopping cart again, for instance. Further, this helps you retain your customers better.

      Razorpay is a developer-oriented payment gateway. * We provide you with timely support. * Our codes are super easy to integrate.

      Also, our checkout experience is highly customer-friendly. For example: * We display preferred payment methods to customers based on past interactions. * Our saved cards feature ensures that customers do not have to re-enter card details. * We support an extensive list of payment methods and instruments.

      Know more about Razorpay. (add this link https://razorpay.com/docs/get-started#why-razorpay)

    12. about Razorpay.🔗

      Change this into a question

    13. About Razorpay

      Change section heading to Common

  8. Jun 2022
  9. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. ing Contact Details Optional🔗

      Move this para below the Email Read Only para

    2. You can allow your customers to view the email and phone number fields based on your preferences. You can either hide these parameters or permit your customers to skip entering these details.

      You can allow your customers to skip the email and phone number fields based on your preferences.

    1. payment

      Payment Page

    2. You will be asked for a co

      Replace both sentences with this.

      Click Yes, remove domain to confirm the removal.

    3. payment page.

      Payment Page

    4. now

      Payment Page

    5. Use

      Use Razorpay's domain: Select this to...

    6. Use

      Use my domain: Select this to...

    7. Domain Linking for Payment Pages

      Add Domain Link

    8. steps

      Add a line before this point.

      You can choose to remove the domain link from your payment page. Follow these steps to remove domain:

      points start

    9. up

      pop-up page

    10. Remove your Domain Link

      Remove Your Domain Link

    11. payment

      This should not be appear in the numbered list as this is not a step. Please remove the numbering.

    12. customized

      Click Save and Update after customising domain link.

    13. Customise the slug as per your wish and click Save.

      Click Save.

    14. ay's domain by selec

      I think you can club points 2,3 and 4.

      In the pop-up that appears, select one of these: - Use my domain: <Explain here> - Use Razorpay's domain: <Explain here>

    15. Click Save to save your domain link name.

      Click Save.

    16. preference

      For example, assam-flood-relief-funds

    17. checkbox


      Since this is a radio button let us not use the term checkbox

    18. pop-up

      pop-up page

    19. Customise your Domain Link🔗

      Customise Your Domain Link (Optional)

    20. After

      Query: Is customisation an optional step? If so, lets add (Optional) in brackets after Customise Your Domain Link heading

    21. Connect your Domain Link🔗

      Connect Your Domain Link

    22. Once your domain is connected, you can customise your URL by clicking Okay, customise URL or clicking Page Settings.

      After your domain is connected, customise the URL by clicking Okay, customize URL or clicking Page Settings.

    23. DNS values aft

      is there a screenshot we can add for this?