3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. payment page'

      Payment Page's URL

    2. pop-up t

      pop-up page

    3. This will open the payment page in edit mode. Click Page Settings.

      This opens the page in edit mode. Click Page Settings.

    4. payment page you


    5. Payment Pages


    6. payment page:

      Payment Page:

    7. nd.

      Can you please add an example here so that it is clear at the outset what this feature does?

      Also, can we add a screenshot for this?

    1. Once you review the widget, integrate the widget on live theme. In the Current Theme section, click Edit Code under Actions and follow the same steps as given above.

      After you review the widget, integrate the widget with the live theme. In the Current Theme section, click Edit Code under Actions and follow the same steps.

    2. Click on the arrow and it will redirect you to a liquid file.

      Click the arrow to open the liquid file.

    3. product.liquid


    4. Add the widget html given below after the html element containing the class name. Widget HTMLCopy

      Add the widget HTML given below after the element containing the class name.

    5. u fetched in 1.6.

      this link should not open in a new tab

    6. html


    7. For older Shopify theme,

      For older Shopify themes,..

    8. Once the developer console opens, check the class name for the product price element.

      In the developer console, check the class name for the product price element.

    9. Fetch the class name of the product price element on the your website so that we can insert the widget html below and display the widget.

      You should fetch the class name of the product price element on your website. This is required to insert the widget HTML below and display the widget.

    10. merchant key gen

      Replace the dummy key with the API key id generated on the Razorpay Dashboard.

    11. Copy the JS File to theme.liquid and add it to the end of the theme.liquid file just above </body> and click Save.

      Copy the following code and add it to the end of the theme.liquid file, just above </body>. Click Save.

    12. The duplicate file will appear in Theme Library, click Actions and select Edit Code.

      The duplicate file appears in the Theme Library. Click Actions and select Edit code.

      Highlight Edit code in the screenshot

    13. Integrate the widget in the duplicate file so that in case of any unexpected error(s) the live store is not impacted. This is a mandatory step.

      Integrate the widget in the duplicate file to ensure that the live store is not affected in case of any unexpected error. This is a mandatory step.

    14. theme

      add a highlight box around Duplicate.

    15. On the Store admin dashboard page, select Online Store on the left side menu and click Themes.

      Select Online Store on the left menu and click Themes.

    16. Once you click Login, Shopify will redirect you to the Store admin dashboard page.

      After you click Login, Shopify redirects you to the Store Admin Dashboard page.

    17. 1.1 Log into Shopify Account. 1.2 Log into the Store. 1.3 Selec

      Merge these into one point. (Log into Shopify Store) The Handy Tips should appear at the end of this step.

    18. offers.

      We should add a screenshot of the widget appearing on the shopify store so that user can visualise the outcome of this integration.

    19. y store

      Integrate Affordability Widget with Shopify Store

    20. affordability-widget@razorpay.com

      Can you make this a link please?

    1. Delhivery is the largest and fastest-growing fully-integrated player in India by revenue that aims to build the operating system for commerce.

      Delhivery is an Indian supply chain and logistics company aiming to build an operating system for commerce. Integrate Magic Checkout with Delhivery to easily fetch delivery status details.

    1. and pass the payme

      There are two ways to pass the checkout parameters: using payloadhelper or the default JSONObject options. We recommend using payloadhelper as it ensures that the right data types are used for the parameter values.

    2. it to the SDK.

      Should appear under Initiate a Payment

  2. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. anation:

      can you please update the item entity please. same as the Create an Item response.

  3. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. endpoint

      Check the java sample. looks like the older version

    2. accept

      code is breaking. curl should appear with the others and note separately.

  4. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. payment


      Please replace

      String refundId = "rfnd_DfjjhJC6eDvUAi";

      with this

      String refundId = "rfnd_EqWThTE7dd7utf";

    2. a payment.

      Two java codes are appearing. please check

    1. Ruby sample code is missing from Github repo. Raised a slack thread with the developer on this.

    2. of the

      Please add for Ruby and Java

    3. count

      Please replace Example Response with Response

    4. for the

      please replace Example Response with Response

    5. when a
    6. using

      Please change Example Response to Response

    7. iptions.

      Please change Example Response to Response

    1. The

      Intro line before the list

    2. The

      Intro line before the list

    3. The

      Intro line before the list

    4. card payment flow🔗

      Card Payment Flow

    5. e To


    6. rst-time card payment flow🔗

      First-time Card Payment Flow

    7. r(TR).

      we don't need to mention (TR) everywhere. It should be done at the first occurence.

    8. tokenized

      Tokenised payment processing on Optimizer occurs in two scenarios:

    9. Payment processing on Optimizer

      Payment Processing on Optimizer

    1. r of the payment associated with the P

      Please add codes in other languages

    2. owing endpoint:

      think I made a mistake earlier. We need to have only one section. However, we will need two responses- one for Standard and one for UPI. This is because there is no difference in the request code for both PL variants.

    3. Payment Link:

      think I made a mistake earlier. We need to have only one section. However, we will need two responses- one for Standard and one for UPI. This is because there is no difference in the request code for both PL variants.

    4. lar Payment Link.

      I think I made a mistake earlier. We need to have only one section. However, we will need two responses- one for Standard and one for UPI. This is because there is no difference in the request code for both PL variants.

    5. lidate th

      can you please add for node as well?

    1. customer

      couple more sample codes pending

    2. he UPI coll

      Please add the missing language codes

    3. PI request an

      Go sample code is missing.

    4. integer

      change to string data type

    5. Step 1: Create a Cust

      Go sample code is missing. Please check and add

    6. ment on your website.

      Add a Related Information section with links to the main Test Integration and Go Live pages for s2s integration

    7. following attribute

      Use this sample code but swap out the card parameters for the token parameter in all languges. https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payment-gateway/s2s-integration/redirect/build-integration/#sample-code-1

    8. tokenized

      tokenised. everywhere in the doc.

    9. r can be retrieved.

      I will get the sample codes next week for this from tech and pass it over to you

    10. hile

      Use this sample code but swap out the card parameters for vpa parameters in all languges. https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payment-gateway/s2s-integration/redirect/build-integration/#sample-code-1

    11. Step 2: Creat

      Please use order-creation partial here so that all language codes appear

    12. tact optional


    1. gth of IIN is invalid

      the error code should appear in the right dark pane

    2. invalid

      the error code should appear in the right dark pane

    3. 9 digit

      9 digits

    4. 6 digi

      6 digits

    5. "411111"

      comma missing

    6. "987654321


    7. l -u

      The sample code Request heading can be just 6-Digit IINs and 9-Digit IINs

    8. The first 6 to 9 digits of the customer's card number depending on the network.

      Add these points as well

      The IIN length will be 6 digit for: - Non-tokenised card IINs for all networks - Tokenised IINs for Amex

      The IIN length will be 9 digit for tokenised IINs for Visa and Mastercard.

    9. e, 411111.

      “411111” or “411111111”

    10. iin


    11. MasterCard


    12. According to the RBI Guidelines on Tokenisation, Payment Aggregators (PA)/ Payment Gateway (PG) and businesses cannot save their customers' card numbers and other card data on their servers. Only card networks can tokenise cards, which means you can save the card to tokenise the card. You can save the tokens and process subsequent payments via tokens.

      As per RBI guidelines, businesses or Payment Aggregators cannot save actual card numbers on their servers. They can only tokenise the card and use these tokens for subsequent payments.

    13. Tokenisation🔗

      Card Tokenisation

  5. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Check the response parameters descriptions in the Refunds Entity parameters table.

      Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Refund Entity parameters table.

  6. May 2022
    1. when the server-to-server request is made from the front-end instead.

      The server-to-server request is made from the front-end.

    2. he API keys passed during checkout match the API keys used while creating the order_id/customer_id.

      The API keys passed during checkout should match the API keys used while creating the order_id/customer_id.

    3. Here's a lis

      Given below is a list of ....

  7. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. ake sure that all the mandatory fields are filled.

      Ensure all mandatory fields and values are present.

    2. a mandatory field is left empty

      A mandatory field is missing.

    3. When

      The amount specified is less than the minimum amount.

    4. i.e. 1

      that is

    5. dashboard


    6. api


    7. Here's a

      Given below is a list of possible errors...

  8. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Once the list is added, you cannot edit the items in the list. You can only delete each item in the list.

      Once added, you cannot edit the items in the list. You can only delete each item in the list.

    2. appears

      pop-up page

    3. up

      pop-up page

    4. In the case of high-risk customers, you can create a blocklist. The customers mentioned in the blocklist based on the order phone number, email ID, device IP and shipping zip code will not be eligible for COD. You can create an allowlist in case of trusted customers. The customers mentioned in the allowlist based on the order phone number and email ID will be eligible for COD.

      bullet these.

      Maybe give an example of what is a high-risk customer? You can also try to add a use case section.

    5. You can enter up to 20 values by separating each of them with a comma based on the type.

      You can enter up to 20 values by separating them with a comma based on the type.

    6. 1M ro

      1 m means 1 million?

    7. ate to M

      Add an intro line.

    8. blacklist or whitelist

      With Magic Checkout, you can determine which cash on delivery orders you would like to allow or block based on a set of parameters.

  9. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. gaurav.kumar@okhdfcbank

      same as before

    2. gaurav.kumar@okhdfcbank

      lets replace this with gaurav.kumar@exampleupi, to avoid any future security issue

    3. utilizes

      UK spelling

    4. In an online transaction using UPI collect flow, customers enter their virtual payment address (VPA) at the Checkout, open the respective UPI apps and complete the payment after successful two-factor authentication. Customers are redirected to your website or app after successful payment. In this flow, if the customers enter invalid VPAs or forget their VPAs, it may lead to higher drop-off rates. With Razorpay, you can save the VPAs of a customer at the Checkout itself. The VPAs entered by the customer are stored and secured as tokens in Razorpay. The customers do not need to enter the VPAs and use the saved VPAs every time they make a transaction.

      In an online transaction using UPI collect flow, customers perform these steps: 1. Enter their virtual payment address (VPA) at the Checkout. 2. Open the respective UPI apps. 3. Complete the payment after successful two-factor authentication.

      Customers are redirected to your website or app after successful payment. In this flow, if the customers enter invalid VPAs or forget their VPAs, it may lead to higher drop-off rates.

      With Razorpay, you can save the customer's VPAs at the Checkout and secure them as tokens in Razorpay. The customer does not need to enter the VPAs and can use the saved VPAs every time they make a transaction.

    1. ur Wordpress account.


    2. ur Wordpress accou


    3. , n

      and navigate

    4. e Wordpress


    5. Wordpress


    6. led in Step 3.3 to acc

      this link is not working.

    7. Once the debug mode is activated, all the API logs and errors are collected and stored in your WooCommerce Dashboard. We recommend you to activate this feature.

      After the debug mode is activated, all the API logs and errors are collected and stored in your WooCommerce Dashboard. We recommend you to activate this feature.

    8. Mandatory L

      Activate Mandatory Login

    9. Product


    10. Payments


    11. to Cash on Delivery

      casing seems different on UI

    12. Payments

      Payments tab. Can we make the above screenshot to appear after point 4.

    13. Magic Checkout does not support multiple shipping methods for a region. For example, if free shipping and flat rate shipping methods are enabled for a particular region then Magic Checkout will only consider free shipping as the shipping method.

      Magic Checkout does not support multiple shipping methods for a region. For example, if you have enabled free shipping and flat rate shipping methods for a particular region, then Magic Checkout will only consider free shipping as the shipping method.

    14. To make network requests, make sure you have the php-curl extension installed.

      Ensure you have the PHP-curl extension installed to make network requests.

    15. Turn on COD Intelligence i

      Enable COD Intelligence if required. Magic Checkout decides whether to show a particular customer the cash on delivery option based on their buying history.

    16. navigate

      and navigate to

    17. ay account.

      We were asked to remove this too?

    18. with

      Can we make this title appear in the left nav too please?


      Integrate Magic Checkout With WooCommerce Website

  10. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Generate Signature

      this seems like an older version. should have all7 languages

    2. opt_generate - Use this URL to allow customer to generate OTP and complete the payment on your webpage.

      remove this

    3. }'

      Change the response as given here -

      { "razorpay_payment_id": "pay_FVptEVkDdNzFx8", "next": [ { "action": "redirect", "url": "https://api.razorpay.com/v1/payments/FVptEs3cSWX1fs/authorize" } ] }

    4. }

      we can remove this bracket

    1. d below.

      Can we move out of a table into a section approach? Each user role can be a section with Action Allowed, Action Not Allowed as sub sections?

      Just thinking out loud. Also, we can do this in a different PR

    1. d API Key via social channels.

      I am kinda not keen on this. we recommend and advise people to not share their API keys with anybody as this is sensitive information.

    2. Click


    3. Secret

      Key Secret

    4. ID

      Key ID

    5. Click


    6. click


    7. Click


    8. click P


    9. A payment gateway is an e-commerce service that accepts and processes digital payments for businesses.

      A payment gateway creates a secure pathway between a customer and the business to facilitate payments securely. It involves the authentication of both parties from the banks involved.

    1. Integrate with Razorpay Payment Gateway.

      Should we instead say generate API key?

    2. Ad

      The screenshot seems a bit blurry to me. will we be replacing them later? Also, it contains qa.testing@razorpay.com. we should mask it so that security folks don't come point it out again

    3. Accept payments from customers on your website and mobile app using the Razorpay Payment Gateway.

      Should we say enables you to generate API keys instead? because this app helps you do that much only