- Jan 2022
coming up with many ideas before selecting the best ones.
Ideate! And then select.
- Dec 2021
isha.sadhguru.org isha.sadhguru.org
It is time to shed some old nonsense and come up fresh and alive
Time for a new year
- Jul 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Making notes preserve ideas against the entropy of memory.
- Working with ideas through making notes is a continuous creative process
perell.com perell.com
he captures just enough to return to his emotional state when he wrote those notes. Like a journey through old photos, those snippets trigger a memory cascade and a torrent of buried emotions.
How "big/ detailed" should notes be? A note is like a photograph -- a snapshot of the mental state.
It’s about having conversations with your past and future self so you can develop ideas over time.
My notes are a conversation between the past-me and future-me
Memories unlock memories. Photos don’t just remind you of what you captured. They elicit memories of the other places you visited, the people you were with, and the emotions you felt while traveling.
Notes are just like memories, in the sense of how they connect with each other and what we remember.
perell.com perell.com
Write about why each idea resonated with you and how it relates to what you’re working on.
The content of any note I make. This is for the first level of notes -- capturing ideas.
if you take notes, you don’t have to do the same thinking twice so you can build upon ideas you’ve already had.
The purpose of notes is to build on ideas. That means connecting ideas, expanding them, refining them and doing all sorts of things with them.
perell.com perell.com
In the era of computers, tools for thought are restricted to the eyes and hands. It doesn't have to be so! For so many bright minds, thinking is a whole body experience.
perell.com perell.com
As we move through life, we should swing between the discipline of work and the fullness of leisure. But in both cases, we should remember the scarcity of time and never kill it.
Time is scarce. Don't kill it! Both leisure and work are purposeful and meaningful.
Don’t Kill Time
Leisure is not killing time.
the value of free time depends not on the activity you pursue, but on how much satisfaction it gives you.
That's why different people have different leisure activities.
- Aug 2020
fa20anthropocene.commons.gc.cuny.edu fa20anthropocene.commons.gc.cuny.edu
“reading won’t help you much unless you learn to read like a writer. You must look at a book the way a carpenter looks at a house someone else built, examining the details in order to see how it was made”
When it comes to reading academic literature, reading like a writer will greatly influence and direct the research process. That's because, in most cases, the deliverable of a research project is writing a report or a publication, and writing in itself is a tool for doing research. So, reading like a writer is necessary to write and do research.