31 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2022
    1. Simple present

      The Simple Present Tense

      Should we be starting with the verb "To be" before the Simple Present?

    2. Let us now explore how simple present tense is used to:

      We need these functions to line up with the ones shown at the beginning of the chapter.

      We also need to add in "Schedules/Routines" as the 1st function.

    3. the

      The needs to be capitalized.

    4. Simple present tense in place of present continuous tense with verbs of perception (see), appearance, emotions, thinking and possession(have/has): i see her. not I am seeing her.   

      Omit. This should be used as function #1 with stative verbs.

    5. Indicate a future event that is a plan: We both plan to go to my grandmother’s place during the summer holidays. 

      Omit. We will show this later in the "Future" chapters.

    6. In exclamatory sentences: And here she comes!!


    7. w

      Capital "W"

    8. w

      Capital "W"

    9. My best friend is Shreya.,  I teach her to play cricket.

      These example do not show the function, so omit them. The examples should be:

      My leg hurts right now. I feel tired at this moment.

    10. her

      here, not her

    11. Additional Self-check Exercises

      In this exercise, you need to have a period (.) after "water" in question 7, not a comma.

      The last question should have "does", not "do".

    12. Does Sumayya paint pictures?

      The exercise needs to be edited:

      Number the questions. Take out question3. Take out "especially" in question #7. Small "o" in question #8. Spelling mistake "pary" in question #9. Should be "park".

    13. Does/did + Subject + verb + object (optional)+ question tag

      This is incorrect! Should be:

      *Do/Does + subject + base verb? *

      Do you like pizza? Does Sam like pizza?

    14. Negative sentences: Subject + does not + verb (s/es) + object

      The form is incorrect. Should be:

      Subject + do/does + not + base verb.

      I do not like pizza. She does not like pizza. They do not like pizza.

      Do we put in an exercise for negatives?

    15. Sumayya paints pictures

      Give examples of all subjects:

      I paint pictures. He paints pictures. She paints pictures. You paint pictures. They paint pictures. We paint pictures.

      The exercise can interchange "dances" and "performs". Also, we need to take out "see" because that is an infinitive.

    16. Let’s make sure we’ve understood this.

      This quiz should be given after the form is introduced. Also, the word "Fill" in the instructions is misspelled.

    17. And, as I tell you all about her, I see her entering the gate of my house. And here she comes!!

      Change to "I see her entering the gate of my house right now. Here she comes!"

    18. wish

      change to "hope"

    19. at it.  So, I t

      the sentences need to be connected "....not good at it, so I teach..."

    20. everyday

      this should be 2 words "every day"

    21. because,

      omit the comma

    22. Exercises: Previous knowledge

      Exercise is unnecessary. It is asking about other tenses. Should we omit and just put an edited version later?

    23. taking place for a finite period of time (show completion)

      What does this mean? Omit.

    24. Simple present tense is used to depict actions

      If we are going to use these functions, we need to give examples. Also, some functions are missing - Ex. future - I have a test tomorrow. Also #1 and #3 are the same - should give explanation of stative verbs

    25. Signal words indicating present tense are: everyday, often, sometimes, always, usually, seldom, never, first…then, …


    26. commentaries on live events like sports commentaries.


    27. truths and facts of real life

      Ex. Susan lives near the lake in Toronto. Karen speaks 3 languages fluently.

    28. showing how often it happens

      Used with frequency adverbs (usually, never, always, etc.) Ex. He is always late. Peter usually drives his father's car.

    29. taking place repeatedly – again and again

      Ex. We play basketball every Thursday. I visit the dentist twice a year.

    30. aking place at the time of speaking

      Stative verbs only. Ex. I have a headache right now. He feels tired at the moment. The children want an ice cream.

    31. taking place a t the moment, now

      Same as # 1 , so omit.