7 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. “dependent on the dissolution of the translator’s ego: an absolute humility toward the text”

      That's the best approach. But it's also true that you have to be extremely respectful to the text while never forgetting the differences between source and target language; sometimes being too "close" to the original can turn into the worst unfaithfulness.

    2. most faithful translation

      As many of those qualities as possible. Easier said than done, of course. Translation is always a compromise.

  2. Nov 2015
    1. Turing machines cannot handle the passage of time or interactive events that occur during the process of computation.

      I don't know how to articulate it, but this is a key concept that is blowing my mind.

    2. William S. Burroughs,

      Let's not forget that most of Burroughs techniques were developed with Brion Gysin, who experimented with a version of the cut-up method of the Surrealists using tape recorders and printed material.

    3. Combinatory tec4niques

      This relates to the GeoGoo site we saw in the introduction. The power of combinatory strategies is practically exponential.

  3. Oct 2015
    1. is a name, a concept, even a brand with which a remarkably diverse range of digital writing practices could identify: electronic literature.”

      Rettberg is trying to show that a term is necessary for the development of the field. 'Electronic literature' is the umbrella term she prefers.

      Without a name, the field would probably continue to exist in a vacuum.

    1. The context here is more academic. The goal seems to be to attain some recognition.