9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. What is the cultural norm in your family unit regarding who you live with and when, or even if, you are expected to establish your own home?

      its imporant for me to communicate and establish my own responabiltes and expectaions withn my family.

    1. What movies or tv shows impacted you as a child? How did they influence your social norms and values?

      some examples of hidden curricula would have to be the movie miltida Expatriations implicitly taught in school, such as social norms values, and behavior this may also include emphasizing the importance of punctuality, respect for authority and teamwork the hidden calcium is often learned through observation ams interaction with peers and teachers it is interesting to think about these hires teachings shape our understanding of the world,

    2. What are some examples of “hidden curriculum” that you experienced? How did it impact you then and now? Share any books that you read (either assigned or personal choice) that might have influenced any thoughts or ideas that you had as a child or teenager. How did they impact you now and then?

      how important teamwork is I learned what teamwork was \when I was introduced to sports. teamwork has made a big impact on my life now I understand the vales of teamwork. now I can take this with me throughout my life.

    3. What are your thoughts…. Should parents get the credit when their children turn out to be “good” kids and even go on to accomplish great things in life? Should they get the blame if their children turn out to be “bad”?

      yes, I believe that parents should get the blame if their children turn out to be bad in my opinion believe that as a parent you should be responsible for teaching your kid how to be a good person. peer pressure didnt impact my life since i know how to say no and not let someone force me to do someting.

    4. Check-in Time! How did peers play an important role in your life? How did “peer pressure” impact decisions that you made as a teenager?

      peers have played a big part in my life. We've shared many memories together having friends who understand and relate to me has made a big impact on my life.

    1. Of the four theorists reviewed above (Freud, Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky) which theorist’s ideas about development most closely match your own beliefs about how people develop and why?

      Piaget's theory of development closely aligns with my beliefs about how people develop their beliefs and emphasizes the importance of active engagement and interaction with the environment in shaping our understanding of the world similarly I believe that our beliefs are not simply inherited but upon us rather constructed through our experiences. traction and cognitive ptocess4s.

    2. How does the division of chores impact or not impact your household

      the division of chores can impact my house dynamics as a 19nyearold living with my parents it's important to find a fair and balanced division of chores that works for everyone sharing the responsibility of daily chores can help create a sense of teamwork and lightening the load for everyone it can promote a sense of independent and responsibly for yiu you transition into the real world.

    3. Check-in Time! What is the main role you have in your family system? What boundaries do you have or wish you had?

      contribution is a crucial role in my family. for instance, I help out with household chores and cooking for my family. as an adult living with my parents, I understand that there are bounders I need to respect if I don't follow the rules it could mean having to find my place, it's all about the balance between independence and respecting the rules that keep the family functioning smoothy.

    4. What chronosystem events have impacted your life so far?

      my chronosytem experience that had a big impact on my life would have to be the access to quality education and the support of dedicated teachers that have been major factors in shaping my life. teachers have played such a crucial role in guiding and inspiring me throughout my education their dedication and passion have truly made a difference I'm grateful for the impact that they made on my life