12 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2022
peercommunityin.org peercommunityin.org
PCI also wants to refocus scientific quality on articles rather than on journals
- Jan 2022
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
Such opportunities and challenges, best illustrated during the pandemic, lie ahead as medicine moves towards the goal of providing evidence-based care to patients no matter where they live. This trajectory also opens up real opportunities for speed, transparency and rich evaluation across peer review in medicine.
But even as the pandemic has demonstrated the potential for rapid, author-driven publication to democratize access and accelerate research, it has exposed the challenges of this model of scholarly communication
作者驱动的快速出版 面向大众开放 促进研究
展示 更快的 更广泛的 更开放的
- Dec 2021
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Another value of publishing earlier is that it allows a graduate student or a postdoc to explore more options for using the remaining training period. Rather than myopically focusing on getting their one paper accepted, trainees can decide whether they want to expand their first study, move on to another research question, or spend some time pursuing additional career training (e.g., teaching).
不是把所有的时间和精力都短视地投入到使得一篇文章从写作完成到最终接受、发表这一过程上,而是进行更多元的探索 是否可以扩展第一个研究 或者转移到另一个研究问题 花一些时间追求其它的职业训练
Postdocs seeking a job or grant support face a similar predicament
As two of the referees point out, it should be possible to determine experimentally whether the two strands can separate and serve as templates
Thus, in addition to the time invested in acquiring data, the time spent in finding a home for a paper through sequential journal submissions also significantly delays the transmission of results to the scientific community.
两个因素:收集数据所投入的时间 通过连续的期刊投稿直到为论文找到一个发表之所<br> 这二者严重推迟了将研究成果传播到科学界的时间
Thus, I would argue that truly informative experimental data are not vastly easier to obtain now than in the past. Practices in data inclusion, however, may have changed; for example, experiments previously described as “data not shown” would now likely be included in a supplemental figure. Figures also are easier to prepare now with computer programs compared with more cumbersome manual methods in the past
sspai.com sspai.com
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