- Aug 2022
reflect.equityunbound.org reflect.equityunbound.org
free WordPress
Does AUC participate in Reclaim Hosting?
Do they get more credit if they do their own blog?
It depends if the objective of the course is to contribute thoughtful contributions or if it is edTech.
- Mar 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
students’ families may be con-tacted or the system may route the student directly to the police or other law enforcement
Does nobody think these may be cries for help, to be met with conversation rather than penalties?
small ways that they can reclaim some agency over their personal information
I am starting to wonder if even small amounts of agency are an illusion. does our choice now lie between being painfully aware of the risks and deciding to ignore them as long as they don't bite us?
what I would have done in college if I had been given a clear opportunity to digitize my reading notes
I lost a network drive with my only copy of much of my work. Online storage was at a premium when we had very low data caps. And digitizing simply wasn't a feasible option in the early 90s when I threw away a heavy cardboard file with all my notes from the early 70s. (OWM here)
Many digital files have become obsolete with unreadable file extensions
So much creative flash from the early 2000s is now lost. "Digitizing the Ancestors" (Strathman, 2019) details significant works that have been lost.
opt out if they have concerns
Thinking of ePortfolios and marginalized learners' reluctance to post in public. It seems tools need reliable and adjustable privacy controls
- Feb 2022
wordpress.kpu.ca wordpress.kpu.ca
the fact of being strict or severe.
I"m struck with this being the operational outcome of all the talk around rigour. Institutionally, rigour is touted as necessary for credentials to have credibility or for articulation agreements. But in the classroom it simply equates to making learning difficult in the mistaken belief that creating difficulty is effective gatekeeping.
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
there has been something missing
Because our training has been reductivist, fragmenting and examining minute parts to understand the whole.
what can even exist or what is capable of being known
Indigenous-specific land pedagogies are embedded directly within the respective lands stewarded by Indigenous Peoples.
This is one reason attempts at concocting pan-Indigenous generalizations will fail. From this paper, it seems hower, that global Indigenous consensus on some points is very possible. This is far different from "outsiders' making generalizing pronnouncements
Traditional knowledges are not meant to be an assortment of information that can be simply merged with western scientific knowledge systems
This cannot be emphasized enough. We from a Western worldview want to colonize everything, including the knowledge we deign to acknowledge in other cultures.
ndigenous-focused content and knowledge has mostly been overlooked in climate discourse
And ignored or tokenized in most other "science" discussions
Indigenous-specific methods of knowledge gathering from around the globe
So interesting, but should not be surprising, that there is a global Indigenous consensus
ca.movember.com ca.movember.com
the reality is that who you are and where you live dictates the quality of care you receive
This is a reality even in G7 countries, how much more in the majority world. The uneven availability of treatments is a great injustice.
People living in rural areas frequently have their cancer diagnosed at a later stage
I owe my diagnosis - even though late - to a nurse who disregarded the practice of not testing PSA. That the nurse was later convicted of trafficking in child pornography does not change the fact that he prolonged my life. Without his initiative, I would not have been diagnosed until I became ill
indigenous people face worse health and poorer outcomes
And they receive less assistance even when they try to advocate for themselves
- Jan 2022
eductive.ca eductive.ca
Some of the cheapest textbooks are made so because they are funded by non-governmental bodies that want to promote a story of American exceptionalism.
bookmarking this article for future reference. This comment on textbooks funded by promoters of particularly narrow agendas is telling.
www.teachingprofessor.com www.teachingprofessor.com
when we assume we will be able to access a particular fact online, we’re less likely to commit it to memory
I think that largely depends on how important that fact was to us. Also repeated accessing of the same online fact fixes it in my memory
when students have formed a more solid base of knowledge—such as through retrieval practice—they are more able to engage in processes like inference and extension, not less
that's what I would have guessed, but i'm also thinking how they have been led to form the solid base of knowledge has a lot of influence on how much they are willing to engage processes beyond retention and retrieval
memory theory is also an incredibly practical body of work, one that we can put to use in countless arenas,
"nothing so practical as a good theory" PDF
on-the-land courses within the territory, and the rest of the program involves school-based practicums and online courses.
so that's how they can accelerate two years into 18 months
Aurora College, said
said basically nothing
third-year entry into the Bachelor of Education program
So only two years until they produce graduated B Ed teachers
this new program is "filling a gap" while the college works to transform into a polytechnic university.
very tactfully worded
already have a degree, a diploma or two years of a degree program. Also, journeyman certification,
fairly generous entry criteria if it includes journeypersons who want to work in teaching K-12
Courses will be co-instructed by VIU professors and northern educators.
What about co-constructing courses with northern students?
- Dec 2021
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
the technical and specialized language used in STEM hasn't made its way into signed languages such as ASL.
The same problem exists with Indigenous languages
- Sep 2021
wordpress.kpu.ca wordpress.kpu.ca
advocate for small steps.
That is all some of us are able to do, small steps. So much better than not trying because we can’t implement major changes. While I wait for hypotheses.is LMS implementation, I promote the open version with a few willing colleagues.
small acts of courage and kindness.
Maha Bali has provided a lot of momentum to this courageous practice kindness https://blog.mahabali.me/faculty-development/faces-covered-voices-muffled-curated-tips-for-physically-distanced-masked-classes/
transition and turmoil
It was the prompt our college needed to create a CTL from those already doing that support work informally
lawriephipps.co.uk lawriephipps.co.uk
When people told us they wanted help, they meant a person to sit with them and talk them through what needed to happen.
This has to accompany the production of tutorial resources.
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
Implementing UDL principles with social annotation
I've been promoting Hypothes.is, but had not considered it before in conjunction with UDL. More reasons to help persuade faculty it isn't just a novelty.
provides an unobtrusive way for faculty to focus on student reading and interpretation in any course
provides additional ways of engaging the text by responding both to the text and to others interpretations of the text.
social annotation helps students frame reading as a dialog, not a one-sided hunt for knowledge.
conversations and even narratives can exist in annotations
short reading in class together at the beginning of the semester
A faculty developer explained how he had faculty annotate a list of places they would like to visit. It was a fun and non-threatening way to introduce annotation. https://youtu.be/yShF-bCcbEo?t=1338
enhance the learning experience of neurodiverse learners, who may feel left behind by traditional reading discussions
Another example of how time to reflect brings in voices that are excluded from a "lively discussion" in class.
They may link to an image or map online that they think will help their fellow students better understand the reading
Or they may make such images a private annotation to assist themselves if they are reluctant to share it publicly - especially at the beginning before they have seen other examples of public sharing. Note: instructors can take a lead in providing such examples.
- Aug 2021
docs.google.com docs.google.com
and had spent a full half hour in vain efforts to climb on his own back.
I tried reading this aloud to my wife and could not control my giggling when I came to the last sentence. Vainly I tried several times but just burst out in uncontrollable, breath-robbing laughter. I was about to copy it and text her when I finally managed to choke out the last five words one at a time. Tears are still rolling down my cheeks.
digital-pedagogy-lab.yellowdig.app digital-pedagogy-lab.yellowdig.app
expertise is a defensive posture
I love the rare experts who are not defensive I'm expected to be an expert in my edTech role in our CTL, but I often have to say, "I don't know but I can help you find out."
transform schools toward human-centered policies that promote well-being and learning
one of the strategic pillars of our college's transition to a polytechnic university is "learning centred." I have had a few conversations around the question of how that relates to learner centred.
digitalpedagogylab.com digitalpedagogylab.com
I had to rely less on my content knowledge and skills as a teacher
reminds me of @slamteacher's talk the previous day about only bringing a bag of tricks = cheating both ourselves and our teachers
I took the time to get curious
And it takes not only an investment of time to get curious about what lays below the surface of someone else, but requires a willingness to invest emotionally, because what's below the surface of someone's difficulty does not leave us untouched
being certain
big one in my spiritual evolution.<br> in some circles, I describe myself as a recovering certainty addict
embrace the ambiguity of learning and growing
the ambiguity exists whether we embrace it or not. Might as well figure out a way to stop fighting it - in ourselves as well as learners
oudigitools.blogspot.com oudigitools.blogspot.com
these weaknesses
How colonially typical of Eurocentric mentality to dismiss ambiguity as "weakness" Thanks, @onlinecrslady for exposing our own mental deficiency..
- Jul 2021
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
deep learning is facilitated as long as long of the three forms of interaction
- This needs editing - as long as one of the three forms of interaction is present or strongly present
tinytalesguide.pressbooks.com tinytalesguide.pressbooks.com
Write your own version of “the lion’s share” with humans instead of animals as the characters
Columbus and the islanders made a mutual discovery of each other. They sat down to divide the island and the living bodies. Columbus said, I'll take the highlands because I represent the highest civilization. I will take the coast lands because I made the longest ocean voyage to these shores. I will take the lowlands simply because I can. And all your bodies belong to me because you now live on my land. You can have what's left, he added magnanimously.
- Jun 2021
connect.oeglobal.org connect.oeglobal.org
My interest was sparked during Open Education Week when I almost randomly picked a lightning talk session from the University of Alberta, and happened to hear about a project there aimed at bringing educational content to remote parts of the Northwest Territories. They shared a platform called Nimble 1 originally developed for use in South Africa (does anyone know more about this?). I heard that the current project from University of Alberta was able to run Pressbooks/H5P from this platform.
I am part of this and would love to discuss it with any of you. It reminds me somewhat of @cogdog biking across the west with a wifi box some years ago..
- Apr 2021
support.microsoft.com support.microsoft.com
On the Home tab, click Format, and then click Format Cells.
Or just right-click (Windows) on the highlighted cells and select "Format Cells"
- Mar 2021
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
older—and white— and somewhat more free.
how often do I recognize the factors that privilege me?
Sometimes perhaps you don’t want to be a part of me. Nor do I often want to be a part of you.
Can I allow this freedom to myself (as the white prof) and to participants who are, at least in part, not like me?
- Nov 2020
support.zoom.us support.zoom.us
Participant in breakout rooms
pre-assigned to breakout rooms OK in web client
Self-select breakout room
not available for web client
web client column applies to Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Safari
Safari has more limitations than the others
Only use the web client if can't access the other options
not desirable, but perhaps workable
- Oct 2020
wikiedu.org wikiedu.org
Communicating medical information to patients in a meaningful way, she said, was a difficult, but important task
This seems to me to be where the real power of Wikipedia lies, giving reliable infomation it's primary clients (general public) can understand and use.