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  1. Aug 2022
    1. The same logic applies today. It’s not a stretch to imagine Tim Cook walking out on stage and saying, “We can envision some amazing products we want to build for you, and we don’t know how to build them with Intel’s chips.”同样的逻辑适用于今天。想象蒂姆库克走上舞台并说:“我们可以设想一些我们想为你打造的令人惊叹的产品,但我们不知道如何用英特尔的芯片来制造它们,这并不是一件容易的事。”


    2. Going from chip concept to manufactured product can be broken down into two separate and distinct steps. The first is chip design — figuring out what features the processor will have and how it will work. The second is manufacturing — turning a file that exists on a screen into a physical product you can hold in your hand.从芯片概念到制成品可以分为两个独立且不同的步骤。首先是芯片设计——弄清楚处理器将具有哪些功能以及它将如何工作。第二个是制造——将屏幕上存在的文件变成你可以拿在手中的物理产品。


    3. Apple has already released a line of A-series chips tailored specifically for iOS devices, and the company is most definitely working on a line of B-series chips tailored specifically for Macs.

      Apple 已经发布了一系列专为 iOS 设备量身定制的 A 系列芯片,而且该公司肯定正在开发专为 Mac 量身定制的 B 系列芯片。

    4. If Apple’s chip design team can create a phone processor that performs on par with Intel’s fastest tablet chip, the company’s “highest priority”, then there’s no reason to believe that the same team at Apple can’t design chips powerful enough for any Mac in the company’s lineup.

      如果 Apple 的芯片设计团队能够制造出性能与英特尔最快的平板电脑芯片(该公司的“最高优先级”)不相上下的手机处理器,那么没有理由相信 Apple 的同一团队无法设计出足够强大的芯片来支持任何 Mac公司的阵容。

    5. We’ve had teams doing the “just in case” scenario. And our rules have been that our designs for OS X must be processor independent, and that every project must be built for both the PowerPC and Intel processors. And so today, for the first time, I can confirm the rumors that every release of Mac OS X has been compiled for both PowerPC and Intel. This has been going on for the last five years.我们有团队在做“以防万一”的场景。我们的规则是我们的 OS X 设计必须独立于处理器,并且每个项目都必须为 PowerPC 和 Intel 处理器构建。所以今天,我第一次可以证实有关 Mac OS X 的每个版本都针对 PowerPC 和 Intel 进行编译的传言。这已经持续了五年。


    1. In the new study, rather than try to itemize and quantify all such factors — probably an impossible task — the researchers made a simplifying assumption: Complex products are rare products exported by countries with diverse export portfolios. For instance, both chromium ore and nonoptical microscopes are rare exports, but the Czech Republic, which is the second-leading exporter of nonoptical microscopes, has a more diverse export portfolio than South Africa, the leading exporter of chromium ore.在这项新研究中,研究人员并没有尝试逐项列出和量化所有这些因素——这可能是一项不可能完成的任务——而是做了一个简化的假设:复杂产品是由具有不同出口组合的国家出口的稀有产品。例如,铬矿和非光学显微镜都是罕见的出口产品,但非光学显微镜的第二大出口国捷克共和国的出口组合比铬矿的主要出口国南非更为多样化。


    2. “When people talk about the role of policy in inequality, there is an implicit assumption that you can always reduce inequality using only redistributive policies,” says Hidalgo, the Asahi Broadcasting Corporation Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab. “What these new results are  telling us is that the effectiveness of policy is limited because inequality lives within a range of values that are determined by your underlying industrial structure.“当人们谈论政策在不平等中的作用时,有一个隐含的假设,即你总是可以只使用再分配政策来减少不平等,”麻省理工学院媒体实验室朝日广播公司媒体艺术与科学副教授伊达尔戈说。 “这些新结果告诉我们的是,政策的有效性是有限的,因为不平等存在于由你的潜在产业结构决定的一系列价值观之内。


    1. That’s where Hidalgo’s mathematical tools come in. Rather than try to exhaustively categorize inputs — probably an impossible task — Hidalgo simply assumes that products that require a lot of inputs are scarcer than those that don’t: More countries export lumber than export digital-signal-processing chips. By analyzing both the diversity of a country’s products and the number of other countries capable of producing the same products, Hidalgo is able to quantitatively assess the diversity of the country’s inputs.这就是伊达尔戈的数学工具的用武之地。伊达尔戈没有试图对输入进行详尽的分类——这可能是一项不可能完成的任务——伊达尔戈只是假设需要大量输入的产品比不需要的产品更稀缺:出口木材的国家多于出口数字信号的国家-处理芯片。通过分析一个国家产品的多样性和能够生产相同产品的其他国家的数量,伊达尔戈能够定量评估该国投入的多样性。


    2. Hidalgo argues that by lumping together a huge variety of resources under the general heading “capital,” the standard theoretical framework for development economics can obscure distinctions that are crucial to an accurate understanding of countries’ economies. In a series of papers cowritten with Ricardo Hausmann, director of the Center for International Development at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Hidalgo has argued that, indeed, the best predictor of a country’s future economic health is not the magnitude but the diversity of its production capacity.伊达尔戈认为,通过将大量资源集中在“资本”这一总标题下,发展经济学的标准理论框架可能会掩盖对准确理解国家经济至关重要的区别。在与哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院国际发展中心主任里卡多·豪斯曼合着的一系列论文中,伊达尔戈认为,事实上,一个国家未来经济健康状况的最佳预测指标不是其规模,而是其生产的多样性容量。
