3 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2024
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To identify the essential code elements needed to com-plete the given infilling method m in a repository, a naivesolution might scan the entire codebase for all accessibleelements, which would introduce excessive noise. Anotherapproach could focus on methods with similar signatures orcontexts; however, these often provide irrelevant elementsthat do not serve m’s functional purpose, leading to redun-dancy and missing critical elements.
problematic methods
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pruning the specific implementations of func-tions in all dependent files does not signifi-cantly reduce the accuracy of completions
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Greedy Selection. Retrieval is performed if<cc> is the most likely token following <eof>.• Threshold Selection. If the probability of <cc>
greedy: 只要<cc>的概率最大即可,不管这个概率是多少。
threshold: <cc> 的概率要达到一定的门槛