23 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. Now the lions were done feeding. They moved to the water hole to drink. A shadow moved over

      Lions ended up feasting on their parents' remains

    2. Mr. Hadley looked at his wife and they turned and looked back at the beasts edging slowly forward, knees bent, tails in the air. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley screamed. And suddenly they realized why those other screams had sounded familiar.

      Disturbing imagery as foreshadowed in the beginning of the story.

    3. Mr. and Mrs. George Hadley beat at the door. “Now, don’t be silly, children. It’s time to go. Mr.

      Worry and despair

    4. The house was full of dead bodies, it seemed. It felt like a mechanical cemetery. So silent.

      Deathly and ghastly themes

    5. “The lions look real, don’t they?” said George Hadley. I don’t suppose there’s any way…”

      Are the lions are illusions?

    6. the room has become a means of creating destructive thoughts, instead of helping to make them go away.”

      The mind can be one of the most innovative but dangerous weapons of the world

    7. There was a terrible screaming from the nursery.

      There seems to be apparent of screaming throughout this story maybe to show terror?

    8. “Can’t say I did; the usual violences, a tendency toward a slight paranoia here or there. But this is usual in children because they feel their parents are always doing things to make them suffer in one way or another. But, oh, really nothing.”

      Paranoia and or delusions?

    9. It was wet from being in the lion’s mouth, there were tooth marks on it, and there was dried blood on both sides

      Looks to be very gruesome

    10. There was a green, lovely forest, a lovely river, a purple mountain, high voices singing. And there was Rima the bird girl, lovely and mysterious. She was hiding in the trees with colorful butterflies, like flowers coming to life, flying about her long hair. The African veldt was gone.

      Very descriptive imagery, to paint a picture of this scenery in our minds, much like how the nursery creates things out of other people's minds.

    11. He unlocked the door and opened it. Just before he stepped inside, he heard a faraway scream. And then another roar from the lions, which died down quickly.

      Creates a very scary tone and feeling in this part

  2. Jan 2021
    1. The children thought lions, and there were lions. The children thought zebras, and there were zebras. Sun – sun. Giraffes – giraffes. Death and death.

      They are able to create whatever comes across a person's mind.

    2. “Sorry,” said a small voice within the table, and tomato sauce appeared.

      The story probably takes place in the future since the table is cooking them dinner.

    3. “Those lions can’t get out of there, can they?”

      Supposedly the lions are caged

    4. “That’s just it. I feel like I don’t belong here. The house is wife and mother now, and nurse for the children.

      Do they feel like they're not doing enough as they should be doing?

    5. Outside in the hall, after they had closed the door quickly and noisily behind them, he was laughing and she was crying

      I found this to be pretty ironic considering their situation

    6. The yellow of the lions and the summer grass was in your eyes like a picture in an expensive French wall hanging.

      Would this be considered a metaphor?

    7. Well, here it was!

      A change in tone with the exclamation point

    8. They’ve just been eating,” said Lydia. “I don’t know what.”

      Could be a mystery that would end up being slightly disturbing

    9. The hot straw smell of lion grass, the cool green smell of the hidden water hole, the strong dried blood smell of the animals, the smell of dust like red pepper

      I found this very interesting in that it appeals to the reader's sense of smell

    10. The room was silent and empty. The walls were white and two dimensional

      Sounds much like an abandoned scenery

    11. Their approach was sensed by a hidden switch and the nursery light

      Found this to be almost foreboding and or something coming as stated by the "hidden" word.

    12. What would a psychologist want with a nursery?

      I found this to be omniscience/mysterious in that it will draw the reader towards thinking of this question down the line