- Feb 2021
aeon.co aeon.co
While we stare down at our mapping apps or outsource our navigation to the nearest Uber to speed down city streets, architects, city officials, urban planners and design firms, among others, are paying increasing attention to the ways in which urban design speaks to urban inhabitants. The American urbanist William H Whyte (1917-1999), who wrote the seminal texts The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces (1980) and City: Rediscovering the Center (1988), set the stage for much of the data collecting and spatial observation now being conducted in cities. His groundbreaking work continues to have a huge influence on those, such as the aforementioned Gehl and the American urban planner Allan Jacobs, who are devoted to improving our experience of space and place. The question facing people invested in the life of cities is one of motivation – how, other than through explicit signage, penalties and prohibitions, can they influence the way we move through the city’s public spaces? More specifically, they study how the built environment can be designed so that people are ‘nudged’ to act in ways that are safe, sustainable and socially desirable. Small-scale interventions – chairs that can be moved, water features that add soothing sounds and visuals, the inclusion of ledges and edges on which to perch – have all been found to make spaces more inviting. Good lighting, the exclusion of bushes that might create hidden areas for illegal activity and safe bike paths for those without cars all make an area safer.
当我们为了尽快去到自己想去的地方,而专心盯着手机里的地图应用程序,或是干脆把找路的任务交给离我们最近的优步司机的同时,建筑师、城市官员、城市规划者和建筑设计公司,正在对城市设计与城市居民之间的对话投注以越来越多的关注。美国城市学家威廉·H·怀特(William H Whyte,1917-1999)著有《小城市空间的社会生活》和《城市:重新发现中心》(City:Rediscovering the Center)两部影响深远的著作,为目前在城市进行的大量数据收集和空间观测工作奠定了基础。他的富有开拓性的研究和著作对那些致力于改善人们对空间和场所的体验的人产生了巨大影响,这些人包括前文提到的格尔和美国城市规划师艾伦·雅各布斯。
Our inattention to our lived environment is not universal, of course. Hunter-gatherer societies still exist in places where survival is dependent on an ability to read nature. But the majority of cultures have seen their disconnection from the environment (natural or built) grow over millennia. In his book The Spell of the Sensuous (1996), the American philosopher David Abram points to the alphabet as the earliest technology to estrange humans from the natural environment. Where once hunter-gatherers were dependent on a sensuous connection with nature – intimately familiar with the scents of the animals they hunted, sensitive to the sounds of predators, able to navigate by sight – writing ensured that the human gaze was deflected from the real world to its representations.
当然,并非地球上所有地方的人都对自己身处的周遭环境心不在焉、毫不留意。在那些必须具有读懂大自然的能力才能生存下去的地方,仍然存在着采集和狩猎的部族社会。但是几千年以来,人类社会的大多数文化都经历过人与环境(包括自然或建筑)脱离的过程。美国哲学家大卫·亚伯兰(David Abram)在他1996年出版的《感官的魅力》(The Spell of the Sensuous)一书中指出,语言和文字是最早出现的一种致使人类疏远并脱离大自然环境的人为技术手段。狩猎采集部族曾经非常依赖于他们与自然界之间的感官联系,例如他们非常熟悉将要捕猎的动物的气味,他们对一些猛兽的动静非常敏感,而且能够根据自然界的景观来辨别方向。但是语言和文字的出现,使人类的目光从关注现实世界,转向了关注这个世界的表象。
City on mute
In Daily Rituals: How Artists Work (2013), Mason Currey describes the routines of famous writers and artists, many of whom are early risers, and several segmented sleepers. Currey found that many hit on the pattern of segmented sleep by accident. The architect Frank Lloyd Wright, for instance, would wake around 4am, unable to fall back to sleep – so he would work for three or four hours, then take a nap. The Nobel Prize-winning novelist Knut Hamsun would often wake after sleeping for a couple of hours. So he kept a pencil and paper by his bed, and would, he said: ‘start writing immediately in the dark if I feel something is streaming through me.’ The psychologist B F Skinner kept a clipboard, paper and pencil by his bed to work during periods of night wakefulness, and the author Marilynne Robinson regularly woke to read or write during what she called her ‘benevolent insomnia’.
梅森·柯里(Mason Currey)在《创作者的一天世界》一书里勾勒了一些知名作家和艺术家的作息习惯,其中不乏早起者,也有一些人偏爱分段式睡眠。柯里发现,许多人都是在无意间形成分段式睡眠的习惯的。例如,建筑师弗兰克·劳合·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)清晨4点就醒了,而且没法再睡着——他会工作三至四个小时,接着小憩一下。诺奖得主、小说家克努特·汉姆生(Knut Hamsun)一般睡上几个小时之后就会醒来。鉴于此,他的床边放着笔和纸,此外他曾表示:“灵感来了的话我就会在黑暗中当即开始写作。”心理学家B.F.斯金纳(B F Skinner)的床边也备有写字板、纸和笔,以方便起夜期间的工作,而作家玛丽琳·罗宾逊(Marilynne Robinson)在她自称的“仁慈的失眠”期间也经常会起来读书或者写作。
Modern, electrical illumination revolutionised the night and, in turn, sleep. Prior to Edison, says the Virginia Tech historian A Roger Ekirch, author of At Day’s Close: Night in Times Past (2005), sleep had been divided into two distinct segments, separated by a period of night-waking that lasted between one and several hours. The pattern was called segmented sleep.
现代的电气化照明彻底地改变了夜晚,继而也改变了睡眠。来自弗吉尼亚州科技大学、著有《一日之尾:过去时代的夜晚》(At Day’s Close: Night in Times Past)一书的历史学家A.罗杰·埃克尔奇(A Roger Ekirch)指出,在爱迪生发明电灯之前,睡眠分为两个不同的阶段,中间会有一小时至数小时的起夜时间。这种模式叫做分段式睡眠(segmented sleep)。
Broken sleep
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The Testaments by Margaret Atwood review – a dazzling follow-up to The Handmaid’s Tale
www.yidff.jp www.yidff.jp
“纪录片盒子”(Documentary Box)杂志影评人亚伦·杰罗(Aaron Gerow)与田中纯子(Tanaka Junko)对是枝裕和所做的长篇访谈。访谈完成于是枝裕和1999年《下一站,天国》(After Life,1999)全国放映前夕。通过这篇访谈,我们可以了解枝裕和早年的电视台工作心路、他的纪录片拍摄方式、他对纪录片与剧情片之间区别的看法、纪录片对他创作生涯的影响与启发等问题。从这篇访谈之中,我们得以窥见是枝裕和缘何能成为今日的是枝裕和。
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
hbr.org hbr.org
8 Tech Trends to Watch in 2016
translationjournal.net translationjournal.net
A letter from Warren Weaver to the computer specialist Norbert Wiener in March 1947 is considered to mark the beginning of this process. Two years later, in July 1949, Weaver publicized his ideas on the applications of the computer to translation and shortly afterwards a number of universities in the United States initiated research into the field of machine translation.
1947 年,数学家 Warren Weaver 给计算机专家 Norbert Wiener 写了封信,提出了使用计算机进行翻译的想法。两年后,Warren Weaver 把他的想法正式发表了出来,随后美国多所大学启动了机器翻译项目。
waitbutwhy.com waitbutwhy.com
So if we want to think like a scientist more often in life, those are the three key objectives—to be humbler about what we know, more confident about what’s possible, and less afraid of things that don’t matter.
When you grow up, you tend to get told the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact. And that is: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.
Society as a whole is its own loose tribe, often spanning your whole nation or even your whole part of the world, and what we call “conventional wisdom” is its guiding dogma cookbook—online and available to the public. Typically, the larger the tribe, the more general and more outdated the dogma—and the conventional wisdom database runs like a DMV website last updated in 1992. But when the cook has nowhere else to turn, it’s like a trusty old friend.
In 1681, English theologian Thomas Burnet published Sacred Theory of the Earth, in which he explained how geology worked. What happened was, around 6,000 years ago, the Earth was formed as a perfect sphere with a surface of idyllic land and a watery interior. But then, when the surface dried up a little later, cracks formed in its surface, releasing much of the water from within. The result was the Biblical Deluge and Noah having to deal with a ton of shit all week. Once things settled down, the Earth was no longer a perfect sphere—all the commotion had distorted the surface, bringing about mountains and valleys and caves down below, and the whole thing was littered with the fossils of the flood’s victims.
1681年,英国神学家Thomas Burnet出版了《地球神圣理论(SacredTheory of the Earth)》,解释了地质学是怎么回事:6000年前,地球是一个完美的圆球,地面上是伊甸园般的土地,核心是液体。但是,随着表面土地干燥,土地裂开,水从核心流出来。结果引发了圣经里的大洪水,也出现了诺亚方舟。当一切恢复平静时,地球不再是一个完美的圆球——这些动荡撕裂了表面,带来了高山低谷以及地下洞穴,四处散落着大洪水中死去的动植物化石。
ssir.org ssir.org
Seven years ago, CWU began to build a new framework that enables people to buttress their strategic thinking skills and to follow through on their goals in the face of daily life challenges that would normally throw them off-course. Called the Bridge to Self Sufficiency, or the Bridge for short, this framework is an EF-informed “scaffold” structure that helps participants concurrently attain progress in the five areas that our research has shown to be pivotal to fostering economic mobility: family stability, well-being, education, financial management, and career management.
Recent discoveries in brain science demonstrate that stress compromises memory, making it harder for people to remember several things at one time. Stress also makes it harder to maintain mental flexibility, to shift back and forth between potential approaches to solving problems, and to weigh the future implications of current decisions. As a result, many who have been raised in conditions of significant stress—or who are currently undergoing acute stress—struggle to keep track of the multiple problems in their lives, to analyze those problems, to explore options for dealing with them, and to set priorities for how best to move ahead.
一个脑科学新兴理论认为,贫穷压力会对人的思考力和自控力产生负面影响,使其无法摆脱贫困循环。这种通常被称为执行功能(executive function, EF)的技能对人解决问题、执行多任务、控制冲动、分辨轻重的能力、以及忍耐力和毅力都起到基础性作用。哈佛大学儿童发展研究中心研究人员发现,生活贫困至少会从两个方面影响人脑的EF能力:一是形成巨大生活压力,让人一叶障目,决策质量大打折扣;二是会影响身处贫困的儿童脑部发育。
fortune.com fortune.com
101 Great Things About America (2020 Edition)
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
The Art of Scholarly Mentoring
www.ycombinator.com www.ycombinator.com
Imagination ends up being the necessary trait that allows founders to see how something small can become large. It is also what investors need in order to believe in a founder who figures out how to build something that doesn’t exist.
Genius is not an absolute but a human construct that’s dependent on time, place and culture. Similarly, genius is relative. Some people simply change the world more than others. Accordingly, genius presupposes an inequality of output (the exceptional thoughts of an Einstein, or the music of a Bach) and generates an inequality of reward (eternal fame for Bach, fabulous riches for Amazon’s Jeff Bezos). That’s just the way the world works. Acts of genius are usually attended by acts of destruction; that’s generally called progress.
A genius is a person of extraordinary mental powers whose original works or insights change society in some significant way for good or for ill across cultures and across time.
Genius (G) equals Significance (S) of the degree of impact or change effected (Alexander Fleming’s life-saving penicillin vs Kanye West’s latest style of Yeezy sneakers) times the Number (N) of people impacted (about 200 million lives saved vs 280,000 pairs of shoes sold) times Duration (D) of impact (antibiotics have been around for 80 years; the life of a shoe is use-dependent). Although the ‘genius equation’ was not a foolproof formula, at least here was a useful way to frame a discussion over the course of an academic term.
作者用盘尼西林和 Yeezy 球鞋来对比举例。前者的强度大(拯救生命)、人数多(大概 2 亿人)、时间长(约 80 年),远超后者。因此 Alexander Fleming(盘尼西林的发明者)比 Kayne West(Yezzy 球鞋的创始人)更加天才。
Here was a formula that students and the populace at large could immediately grasp: G = S x N x D
天才 Genius = 影响力强度 Significance x 影响人数 Number x 影响的时间持久度 Duration。
If IQ is overrated, curiosity and persistence are not. Nor is a having a childlike imagination through adult life, the capacity to relax so as to allow disparate ideas to coalesce into new, original ones, and the ability to construct a habit for work so as to get the product out the door. Finally, if you want to live a long life, get a passion. Geniuses are passionate optimists who on average outlive the general populace by more than a decade.
Using Artificial Intelligence to Augment Human Intelligence
cognitivemedium.com cognitivemedium.com
Thought as a Technology
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Sarah Jaffe’s book Work Won’t Love You Back is an extremely timely analysis of how we arrived at these brutal inequalities and of some of the ways in which a deliberately atomised workforce is beginning to organise to challenge them. Through a series of detailed case studies of modern “labourers of love” – the unpaid intern, the overburdened teacher, the 24/7 domestic help, the NGO employee, the fixed-term academic, the discarded Toys R Us worker, the working single mother – Jaffe, a New York-based journalist, examines two of the most damaging philosophies of our times. The first is the idea that we need to get used to a “disrupted” world in which job security and regular hours and living wages are necessarily a thing of the past, quaint, pre-internet relics such as affordable housing and three TV channels; the second, perversely, that work is supposed, more than ever, to bring us pleasure, meaning, fulfilment, that we should be grateful for it and happy in it and if we are not, we are simply not trying hard enough or being “smart” enough. (Or, as she writes: “How dare we ask questions about the way our work is making other people rich while we struggle to pay our rent and see our friends.”)
纽约记者莎拉·贾菲的著作《工作不会像你爱它那样爱你》(Work Won't Love You Back)非常及时地分析了这些残酷的不平等是如何造成的,以及将分散的劳动力组织起来挑战现状的一些方式。通过对现代“用爱发电的劳动者”——无偿实习生、负担过重的教师、全天候家政服务提供者、非政府组织雇员、合同制学术研究人员、被遗弃的玩具反斗城员工、工作的单身母亲等的一系列详细案例研究,贾菲审视了我们这个时代最具破坏性的两种哲学。第一种观点是,我们需要习惯于一个“被破坏”的世界,在这个世界里,工作保障、正常工作时间、维生工资和经济适用房、模拟电视等互联网时代之前的古董一样,铁定已经成为过去;第二种观点是,工作比以往任何时候都更应该给我们带来快乐、意义和成就感,我们应该对工作心存感激,并在其中感到幸福;如果做不到,我们就是不够努力或不够“聪明”。或者,正如她所写的那样:“在我们努力支付房租和朋友聚会开销的同时,我们竟敢质疑我们的工作是如何让别人致富的?”
All work and low pay: are we too devoted to our jobs?
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
The Hidden History of American Anti-Car Protests
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
If a book has been in print for forty years, I can expect it to be in print for another forty years. But, and that is the main difference, if it survives another decade, then it will be expected to be in print another fifty years. This, simply, as a rule, tells you why things that have been around for a long time are not "aging" like persons, but "aging" in reverse. Every year that passes without extinction doubles the additional life expectancy. This is an indicator of some robustness. The robustness of an item is proportional to its life!
- Jul 2019
www.infoq.cn www.infoq.cn
- Apr 2015
benanne.github.io benanne.github.io