280 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2017
  2. www.youthvoices.live www.youthvoices.live
    1. I love my family and no one is more important

      john and i have this in common , i have a really good relationship with my family members and my family means the world to me

    2. In school I’m good at listening , paying attention and getting my work done.

      we have this in common as well, i like doing well academically

    3. I’m a very funny and goofy gir

      so am i , me and diana have a lot in common , and she is a very goofy girl and i love her energy

    4. I love to sing, dance, and party.

      i love to do all these things as well, they are my favorite things to do so we can relate

    5. Sometimes I like to sing and many people said I’m really good and should invest time into a career. I’ve been singing since I was 4 and don’t plan on stopping.

      i can also relate to this because i use to sing when i was younger too, i use to sing at church and at school but once dance came into the picture i had a hard time balancing the 2, i hope samson gets to continue

    6. But anyways my favorite subject has to be English because I love to write, and express myself through writing. When you write you have a special technique that allows you to explain yourself.

      i can relate to this because i also like writing, im a really good writer and i feel like we can connect on that level

    7. boy who loves music and expressing myself through my outfits.

      this catches my attention because i also love music and as a dancer music is very important to me, i also like the way samson dresses he has a great sense of style

  3. Nov 2017
  4. www.youthvoices.live www.youthvoices.live
    1. “ The Sound of Music’’, “ the Wizard of Oz’’ , “Annie” and “Mary Poppins”

      This is great that Stephanie did plays and got well adjusted to theatre and enjoyed what she was doing while she was doing it.

    2. I’ve been playing basketball since I was in 5th grade

      This goes to show that Stephanie actually likes playing sports and enjoys basketball

    3. My son is the main reason to why I came to this school and decided to get my diploma.

      It is good to find out that stephanie is putting in extra effort for her and her son and being a great role model to him.

    4. I was born in Orange County , California and raised in the Bronx

      It good to see that Stephanie adapted well given the fact that she was born in California but raised in the Bronx

    5. my 8th grade teacher made me realize how easy and simple math was once you put your mind to it.

      This goes to show that matthew was taught in a well established environment which allowed him to be really great in math.

    6. I feel I do my best in mathematics, art, and physical education mostly because i’m very active.

      it seems as if matthew is very interested in math, art and gym and that those are his favorite subjects.

    7. When I’m in school I really like to just see that I’m doing well and it motivates me to even try harder and try to do better than I already am

      By reading this sentence i can tell that Matthew really enjoys pushing himself when it comes to his school work.

    8. I love riding my bike around NYC

      This goes to show that Matthew is a very active person and likes to go out alot.

    9. Also I like drawing and learning how to play instruments.

      It seems as if John really likes to multi-task and be really active

    10. He told me that I was capable of bringing greatness to the world and that I would be good in any career I pick

      By reading this i can tell that Johns coach seen real potential in him

    11. soccer is my favorite sport

      this goes to show that john is actually very athletic and loves soccer

    12. I am 19 years old

      This goes to show that he started off well and told the readers his age.

    13. I love my family

      With this you can tell that the writter actually does love his family and that he cares about them.

    1. Il existe donc un faisceau d’hypothèses convergentes mais «il faut continuer les études, car on ne sait pas encore la véritable répercussion sur l’homme», insiste la chercheuse, d’autant que la plupart des consommateurs bio possèdent un profil particulier.

      Réponse à la question du titre: pour autant que l'on sache à l'heure actuelle: OUI.

  5. Sep 2017
  6. www.youthvoices.live www.youthvoices.live
    1. I have been training for so many years

      Keep up the dedication Tadan with the martial arts!

    2. MY favorite subject is Sports Medicine.

      Sports medicine is my favorite class too!!!

    3. I’m pretty good at it

      Explain more of what you are good at.

    4. I’m an all sports type of person.

      Do you play any other sports in high school season?

    5. lied

      Did you mean lived.

    6. playing center back and no gets by me. I hope my passion and commitment for soccer can get me thru life.

      Playing center back is very difficult for any player, so you got some talent Arath, the dedication is great!

    7. Most of my family lives in Mexico

      Very interesting, what part of Mexico is your family from?

    8. also love painting and drawing. I’ve been drawing since my days in Kindergarten.

      I also love drawing and have been drawing since I was 4. Since you're interested in a lot of subjects and are able to do them, what's your best talent?

    9. I mean it’s a 50 50 throw up ummm like my family likes me and i cost a lot.Umm i only speak english so that’s pretty good it’s a common language.

      Okay but why are you so funny?

    10. I’m really busy with school, managing the cross country team, and College Track so, I’m not able to spend as much time with my family as I’d like to.

      It's good that she spends her time doing things so her future will be easier.

    11. A time I have experienced an injustice was when my sister was given money even though she acts bad and doesn’t have really good grades. She got money even though she is rude to us and our parents. That was unfair because I try to do good in school and be responsible and my parents wont give me money in reward.

      I am your sister in these paragraphs I swear ! I don't really do good in school or like outside of school but if I ask my mom if I can get some money for food or the weekend she never says no! My sister on the other hand gets no money and shes like a saint.

    12. When I was in Mrs. Smith’s class she gave us many assignments and I had to learn how to manage my time and prioritize to complete my assignments and get them turned in early.

      I also relate to this. Moving from and Honors class to a regular class is so different but you still learn a lot.

    13. I was born in Denver, Colorado. I have lived in Aurora, Colorado most of my life.

      Girl same tell me why I been here for the longest too. You ever plan on moving?

    14. It was difficult for me because I saw other people  grow up with a father figure. It affected me when there were events that included fathers and I didn’t participate because I didn’t have one. I missed out on opportunities and experiences because my father wasn’t around.

      This stood out to me because not only does it let me in on who she is but I can also relate.

    15. One way my family’s structure changed was by our traditions and what we were used to doing. These changes were negative in some ways.

      This stood out to me because when I used to live with my dad before I stayed with my grandparents a lot of things that could have benefited me in the future did not come with me. For example, he spoke Spanish to me but when I moved out I forgot how to speak Spanish.

    16. the biggest i’ve seen it is when a cop abuse their power

      This is a very big issue in our society at the moment, so I like that he brought it up.

    17. i got decent by playing with my brother.I don’t know i haven’t thought that far.

      It would be nice if he'd restate the question, and expand his thoughts more. The mention of his brother makes me think that's an important person in his life.

    18. Being a minority, I have been given dirty looks and underestimated but I can’t really say I’ve experienced injustice hand to hand

      I agree and relate to this. I have seen how people treat my parents with disrespect and talk to them with a different tone but I've never been through that myself.

    19. mom and dad’s house I made the permanent decision to stay with my dad.

      I didn't know your parents were divorced. My parents have joint custody so I've never been in that position.

    20. video games,

      I can relate to this because I also play video games. What kind of video games do you play?

    21. Hiking Club

      This sentence caught my attention because I also do hiking club. I really enjoy hiking club because of the people in the club.

    22. like to play basketball

      I didn't know you played basketball, are you trying out?

    23. I have lived in Greece, florida, texas and now colorado.

      Arthadius this reminds me of myself as I have lived in multiple states as well, California, Colorado, Connecticut and Wyoming, however Florida, Texas and Colorado should be capitalized.

    24. July of 2000.

      This caught my attention because this is the same year I was born.

    25. I’ve lived in Denver and Aurora.

      Have you ever lived anywhere else, or have you stated in Colorado your whole life?

    26. work on getting my license

      This sentence caught my attention because I am also working on getting my driver's licence, I will be getting mine this summer.

    27. Reading these books have impacted my life and opened my eyes to many realizations about the magnificence of God.

      It's interesting how seriously you take your religion. My friends act almost ashamed when it comes to going to church and reading the bible.

    28. . I am a very religious person and I believe in God.

      You don't fit my view of religious people. I always think of Amish people when someone says they're very religious. Maybe that's the single story I listen to.

    29. first decided to join soccer at age 14 in the 8th grade.

      I know a lot of people associate you with soccer so what made you so interested in soccer and what made you take it so seriously?

    30. Texas, New York, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

      New York is very beautiful.

    31. being around my family

      Don't forget about your family. Your family always come first, not many people realize that. It takes a good heart to notice that.

    32. I practice it so much it is easy for me.

      That's great Jodaund! Working hard will pay off soon in the future, don't lose your focus because your dedication is very important.

    33.  I’d  say  I’m  at  the  turning  point  in  life  at  the  moment.  I’m  currently  seeing  people’s  true  colors  and  really  seeing  who are  my  real  “friends.”

      These two sentences stand out to me the most because I am currently going through that myself, which isn't always a bad thing either. Losing some people could be a gain for you.

    34. I enjoy playing basketball outside of school and at my high school.

      I enjoy playing a sport outside of school or high school season!

    35. At first basketball was a dedication now it’s a lifestyle .

      This stood out to me because it shows that no matter what, Basketball will always be a part of you. Having that type of love for a sport shows that you put your all into it.

    36. The one thing that I enjoy the most when I am outside of school is being around my family. In life all you have is your family because they will always be there to support you through anything.

      I can relate to J.D because when nobody has your back family does. Right, wrong or indifferent those are the only people who truly support every decision to make.

    37. English is always something I can go to when I feel like writing.

      I agree with you when you said this Ivana because when you write it's just a different way to express your feelings. Some people feel like writing more than talking to people. Im that kind of person. I'd rather write for myself to understand my own thoughts rather than others.

    38. I  love  sleeping  and  I  love  eating  pizza  and  wings.

      This sentence explains me , and I really relate to it. I love to watch football on sundays with my family and eat pizza and wings. I also love sleeping!

    39. I would say that I am good at English because I feel most of it’s attributes come naturally to me.

      Do you think that excelling in English is a talent? Do you believe that all common core classes correlate to talent?

    40. A big turning point in my life is when I entered high school, I came from a very small middle school and transferred to a big high school.

      In your opinion, do you think that bigger schools are better? How does it compare to a less densely populated school like your middle school?

    41. Something important that happened to me was when I started learning how to be around people and it had become a journey where I learned people.

      I can personally relate to this because I think that social development is crucial is human's lives and I used to be an introvert and because of that I saw life on the negative side.

    42. Go to college for it  and everything, but I then learned how to draw and started teaching myself and get better to the point where I could sell my work.

      I'm a big art nerd as well and I think I can sell my artwork but probably not much since my pieces are mediocre.

  7. www.youthvoices.live www.youthvoices.live
    1. I do Drawing, Gaming, Woodworking, Jewelry Making, and Storytelling

      how cool! you are very productive.

    2. Greetings! My name is Epic J. Julian (Yes, Epic is actually my first name), I am a Junior (Even though students and staff keep thinking I’m a senior) at Rangeview High School in the beautiful but weather-unpredictable area of Aurora, Colorado

      Love the introduction!

    1. .Another fun fact I had a youtube in 6th grade but i thought that people could kidnap you so i deleted all my cool edited videos

      So funny

    2. .I like to play volleyball,but i didn’t try out for the school team.I also like homecoming week and this year i get to go to prom so i’m very excited.

      I can relate! It is going to be so much fun.

    3. Something big that happened to me was leaving my mom in Texas to come back to this boring box state

      Why didnt you stay with her?

    1. Something important to know about me is I truly love adventures.

      What kind of adventures do you like to go on?

    2. I do like meeting new people & getting that experience of having multiple friends.It’s hard for me to trust because growing up everyone I got close to always left me. I am still young & learning new things about myself everyday.

      I can completely relate to you.

    3. At my old school, I was a cheerleader

      become a cheerleader at RHS! you would do great.

  8. Jul 2017
    1. I am 14 years old.

      Your birthday must be coming up!

    2. Republic of Haiti.

      How old were you when you left Haiti to move to New York?

    1. Yeury, it sounds really difficult to be separated from your dad and grandmother. Do you speak to them via WhatsApp, Skype, or FaceTime?

      You say that you "have what I did not have in my native country". What is that? I'm interested to know specifically what you have in the United States that you did not have in the Dominican Republic.

  9. May 2016
    1. d cultures, a tragic loss for us all." While this fictional diary was based upon an actual journal, Litowinsky has stated her understanding of Columbus, and students must discover how realistic her position is

      I like this exercise for students to determine how realistic someones position especially on a controversial topic like Columbus

    2. Students may be able to recall facts, but how much do they really know about the people who helped shape history

      This is the deficit of rote learning where students memorize facts about history instead of an overarching purposeful way of learning and connecting the facts.

  10. Jan 2016
  11. Aug 2013
    1. 魏毅博士是哈佛大学的研究员和资深科学家. 他曾任哈佛大学的哈佛-MIT数据中心主任和哈佛大学定量社会科学研究所的首席技术总监. 拥有丰富的多学科领域的背景和经验. 他是特拉华大学海洋研究博士, 并在麻省理工学院作为博士后研究员. 后来,他曾任波士顿大学公共卫生学院的高级研究分析师. 然后 15 年在哈佛大学主持科研服务中心,与教授, 学生, 包括社会科学部门和研究中心的工作人员, 和国际问题研究中心的人员一起工作。他对社会科学, 全球文化, 和国际事务有浓厚的兴趣. 他建立并主持哈佛大学教职员工社团的“东西方论坛”, 并担任过波士顿地区最大的中国学校之一的董事会成员. 他还帮助和参与建立了一个非盈利性组织,旨在促进可持续的全球经济繁荣的创新, 教育, 和文化的交流。

      weiyi's bio