218 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. Taylor Swift won the big prize. Kendrick Lamar was dramatic.

      This title in it self is really important because it show the best of both world Taylor Swift a multi grammy winner and a rap genius Kendrick Lamar the wudiance woud really be captured by this tittle as I was.

    1. Yeah, I dunno why they wouldn’t check it but there’s no pay phone there man

      Laura explains that there was no phone by or in the best buy. this detail that seems to be so small and insignificant means so much as Koenig employs. Because Laura is speaking off her personal knowledge this creates some credibility but understanding that she was there to steal from the store helps and hurts the credibility. Knowing that she was a thief may lead to other questions about whether she is trust worth and if she could be lying. Yet because she was stealing and was aware of the features of the store this supports her claim and therefor her credibility.

    2. After all, no one actually testifies to the 2:36 timing at trial. This comes from the prosecutor’s narrative alone. The problem is, if it is the 3:15 call, that really messes with Jay’s testimony about where they were and what they were doing that afternoon.

      There is a really big logical appeal here. the break down and combining of old and new evidence is really playing a huge part in the claim that the 2:36 call really was the call that was made to pick up Adnan from the murder. This 3:15 call messes with Jays story yet doesn't all the factual evidence that has been found mess with Jays story. If there is no clear evidence the credibility on jays part once again is shaken. Koenig is doing a great job with the structure of her argument that there is no room for error.

    1. And yet, that's exactly what's happening in today's presidential race when it comes to Hillary Clinton's support from younger women. Some 64% of women Democratic voters younger than 45 backed Bernie Sanders, while just 35% supported Clinton, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC/Marist College poll in New Hampshire last week. When it comes to women 45 and older, Clinton leads Sanders by 9 percentage points, the poll found.

      I think that the appeal that Hillary has for the 35% of younger women is one of pathos and logos. As every one knows if elected she would be the first female president and knowing that the world is past due for change, the women of the 21st century have come to realize the importance of femininity empowerment. she comes of as a logical pick that because she is the only woman in the race, and she appeals to the emotion of many americans not just women. Overall i think that it is a powerful movement and that the 64% for Sanders in stinging wound for Clinton.

    1. And the endorsement raised a potential issue. Active NFL players are not supposed to recommend alcohol companies on air. Manning “was not paid to mention Budweiser. We were surprised and delighted that he did

      First and for most what drew me to this story was the simple fact that the Broncos won the supper bowl and that Manning is a great icon in the NFL world and it was interesting to see him targeted for something of such little importance. To find out that he was not payed for this particular line seems to be a bit untrue but i have no need in questioning in. I find that the credibility of this mostly honest man and the company itself is over good enough to believe in #ethos

    1. The answer from the Japanese government is that whaling is an ancient part of Japanese culture, that fishermen have caught whales for centuries

      Over this subject there is a really big concern world wide with the hunting of wales it hits many environmentalist in the heart to know that they might be another species to add to the endangered list and then holistically to the extinct. There for there is that appeal of emotion/pathos. There is also a very big ethical appeal to this situation if all the whales die off then there are many things that can happen to the world that could be detrimental our way of life

    1. “why-- it does seem like you maybe made this phone call in the middle of the afternoon at a time when you’re saying you were at track,

      When on this topic of useful information from Adnan he really cant give any solid evidence for the reason that some things just don't add up for his defiance. Koenig is asking all the right questions and Adnan doesn't have any of the right answers. This is a little shaky in itself. For the appeal factor this seems to run deep because you have feeling that are raging and Koenig does a great job of keeping the reader entertained and on the tip of their toes by knowing what to ask that get the emotions raging and knowing who to ask, this all helps with her credibility. Koenig talks to the reader as though she is having a conversation with them and this appeals to the readers emotions as though we are some how in the story.

    2. Yeah. After I started reading all this-- all what you had, I started thinking, so everybody here is in high school, right? And why is Don-- doesn’t appear to be of interest to anyone.

      Thinking about this talker Enright she seems to be very credible in the since that she help in a case that was similar to Adnan's and she currently does similar work trying to get people that were wrongfully convicted to be released for their sentence. because she is a person that has this authority she there for speaks with authority. Understanding that she has lots of questions about the case is great because you get that connection that we is pulled into the story just as we are.

    1. "Formation" video, a dreamy ode to Beyonce's roots in Louisiana and African American life. Amid frenetic dance numbers and Southern cotillion-style costumes, the video takes on themes such as police-involved violence, Hurricane Katrina and Creole culture.

      This video had much controversy and there was simple reason behind the video and it was to appeal. I think that the video was not meant for that average Beyoncé fan it was a specified target audience that much was clear. In the video there is a slowly sinking COP car that symbolizes many things but manly the police brutality among the African American population. This is a credible topic not only because of past events that main stream but because Beyoncé is an African American and with the pro black movement that many AA artists have accommodated into their music. This video also has lots of pathos appeal, and you can see that through the hurricane Katrina clips that are shown with in video it self. Knowing how bad of a time it was for the people of Louisiana during that time there is huge emotional pull. There is also much power and credibility with showing this because it acknowledges that the fight is not over.

    1. Because I am technologically speaking, a moron,

      In my opinion this joke makes such an impact on the reader and it is an appeal of pathos you in a way get the felling that she is just a normal person as well and you become emotionally involved because of this understanding. When a person jokes about something in a situation as serious as this you find humor as a way to relief the boredom and stress of the story.

    2. Knowing that Jay doesn't want to really be involved in the murder, he says many things that incriminates him and because he continues to change his story there is no way that he is credible.When it comes to the understanding of jays story there is really no ethical appeal. It is really hard to get the felling of trust with his story because of the lack of consistency and in this case being consistent equals a bit of credibility. Koenig continues to be credible in her telling the story in my opinion because she non-bias and knows that there are things that don't support Adnans story and she acknowledges that somethings don't add up and to me being non-bias in this situation adds credibility

    3. Manual strangulation usually takes a few minutes

      In my belief this sentence is a logos appeal because it shows the significants and the logical break down of the events. Koenig gains my trust not only because of this sentence but because of her understanding of story and how logical it seems.

    1. The snow is important

      I think that this is important to the whole story because with the problem of memory you must have mental anchor to keep track of the events of this day and Asia herself said that if it weren't for the snow she would not had remembered that day. Just in the mind of the reader one would think that the events seem to be probable. I think that the author is credible in the sense that she is giving this information willingly she also notices very curtail parts of the story line that helps with understanding of the story.

    2. Because if he was, library equals innocent. It's so maddeningly simple. And maybe I can crack it if I could just talk to Asia.

      This shows lots of significants with the approach of the author. She uses the word "innocent" which in a read like this has much power so the appeal is very intense in this couple of sentences. you have the understanding that if she gets this evidence then as she said he is really innocent and that in it self is very appealing to the reader.

    3.   I don't know what happened to her and why she would do this.

      I think that it was very interesting that Asia would withdraw from the previous information that she had given and say that the letters that she wrote were because of the pressure that the family put on her. Though it surprised Rabia this is not very uncommon in long standing debatable cases many witnesses that have moved on with their lives choose to stop with any information that may help or hurt the case in wish to continue with a normal life. I believe that that was the reason behind the withdrawal of Asia McClain

  2. Oct 2015
    1. it is vital that teachers become active agents for change, not just in implementing technological innovations, but in designing them too.

      One of the ultimate levels of technological appropriation may be in designing and implementing new tools related to a given technology.

  3. Jul 2015
    1. Dundalk market day, Co. Louth

      The Dundalk Market Square web site offers the following history of the Dundalk market:

      In the 17th century, Lord Limerick (later James Hamilton, 1st Earl of Clanbrassil) created the modern town we know today. He was responsible for the construction of streets leading to the town centre; his ideas came from many visits to Europe. In addition to the demolition of the old walls and castles, he had new roads laid out eastwards of the principal streets. The most important of these new roads connected a newly laid down Market Square, which still survives, with a linen and cambric factory at its eastern end, adjacent to what was once an army cavalry and artillery barracks (now Aiken Military Barracks).

      In the 19th century, the town grew in importance and many industries were set up in the local area. This development was helped considerably by the opening of railways, the expansion of the docks area or 'Quay' and the setting up of a board of commissioners to run the town.

      The present photograph was captured by the Coimisiún Béaloideasa Éireann (CBÉ) / Irish Folklore Commission (1935).

      Dundalk market day, 1935